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Mrs. Virgil Robinson Í3 visitiDg her parents at Kalamazoo. George Kenney is spending the winter at John Landwehr's. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crafts were in Chelsea last week calling on frisnds. James S. Cavauangh will teach the spring term of school at Sharon Hill. Mrs. Cbas. Buss is confined to the house with a severe attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. Gnorge Bahnmiller, sr., has been viaiting the past week in Chelsea. Lloyd Lookwcod has been absent sonie weeks past, visiting friends in Ohio. Miss Lydia Lindberts is staying at the home of Will Ahrens for a short time. Frank Huesman, son of William Hnesman, is sevei-ely ill with a disease resembliug dropsy. Miss Emma Schlicht, wbo has been staying in Ann Aibor for some montbs past, has retnrned home. Mr. and Mrs. William Arhens are rajoicing over tbe arrival of a son at their home last Priday night. A. A. Brooks, our progressive nurseryrnan, is taking orders from farmers for fruit and ornamental trees. The cold weather of the past week makes onr school teachers hnstle to keep warm while driving fonr miles. On Saturday George Bertke was oalled to Wisconsin by the dfiath of his father. He left on the night train. E. M. Pierce has obtained a jndgment against Ed. O. Wolff for $90 and oosts, whioh was $3.25, making a total of $93.25. William Wacker, who has been working tbe Charles Fellows' farm, will move on Connty Treasurer Rehfuss' farm east of Manchester, in the spring. The box social, at Bank Kuhl's last Friday night, for the benefit of the Germán Methodist churoh, was a great snccess, altbongh it was a very stormy night. The receipts were $9.50. Last Monday, as Henry Trolz and brotber, Albert, were ohopping wood in the Pierce woods, a tree feil and cangbt Henry T., injuring him qnite severely, bnt at present writing he is able to be about. On Wednesday night a party of young people numbering abont 50 surprised Mr. and Mrs. John Trolz at their home at Rowe Coméis. Danoing and oard playing was indnlged in until the wee small hours of the morning. Henry L. Reno entertained a company of friends one day last week. Among those present were Supervisor Watkius of Manchester ; Gottlieb Roller, Lambert Uphaus, Anton Uphaus, with their respective families.