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i BACK BLOW. The yVeapon Small - but Nonf! Moro Certain or Effective. In tliese times wiien backs are lame, when ilmost every other one we meet has now and then, or all the time, a back that relies or pains - "a weak back," ' a bad liack," a back that makes their life a misiry to - and still they go on day by 'lay in pain and suffeïing. Now 'tis the ïasiest thing in the world to give tliis played out back " a blow " that will settle !t, and put in its place a new one equal to any. It's just like this: hit at the cause; most backaches come from kidney disorders. Reach the kidneys, start their rlogged-up fibres in operation ; when this is dono you can say good-bye to backache. Here is a case from Battle Creek : Mr. Josiah M. Shoup lives at 51 Broad Street, lie was a member of the Battle Creek polico force for many years. As a member of the force he served the city well, but the rough weatherhe was often subjected to laid the foundation of kidney disorder, which bas troubled him vcry much. Here is what he says about it: "About three years a go, while on the pólice force, I contracted from exposure a )idney trouble, which has since given me no end of trouble. The pain was right (hrough my kidneys and across the small of my back ; if sitting down and I wanted to stand up, I had to arise very slowly and s:ently to avoid increasing the pain ; I had such tired-out feelings all the time, and I ■was steadily getting worse. About two jnonths ago, hearing of Doan's Kidney Pilis, I got a box. Their action and effect ivas most complete, they removed the oldaching pains for good. I can now get around as quickly as anybody. Doan's Kidney Pilis arecertainly as represented. " Por sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. X. Y. , sole itgents for the U. S. Remember xhe name, Doan's, and take no other. Mortgage bale. DEPAULT HAVINGBEEN MADE IN THE conditionsof a certain mortgage made by Nettie O.Wtseto the Ann Arbor Savings Assoeiation, dated .luly 22, A. D. 1895, and reoorded in the office of the Register of Deeds. for the Oounty of Washtenaw and State of MMi.gun, -on the lOth day of August, A. D. 1 895, in Liber 78 of Mortgages on pag-e J02, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the data of this notice the sum of fourteen hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifteen cents, and au attorney's fee ot twority flve dollars proyided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings ai law having been instituted to recover the moneys secured by said mortgage ■or any part thereof. Now, thurefore, by virtue of the power of ■sale oontained in said niortgare and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given thaton Saturday, the 24th day of April, A. D. 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I shall nell at public auction, to ! the highest bidder, at che east door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, (that the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw Couniy is holden,) the premises described in said mortgage or eo much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage with seven per cent. iuterest, and all legal eosts, together with an attorney'a fee of twentyflve dollars convenanted for therem, the premises being described in said mortgage as all that certain lot, piece and parcel of land sitúate in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Cuunty f i Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and known and dpscribed as follows; The east twenty-eightCÍS) feet of lot number three (3) and tbe west twenty-two ('ti feet of lot number four (4), in block number twenty-four (24) in Ormsby & Page addition to said city, according to the recorriod plat. therjof ANN AKBOR SAVINÜP ASSOCIATrON. :. Il KbiNE, Mortgagee Attorney for mortgajree. Estáte of James D. McMaster. ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY " of Wrtshtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbcr, on Monday, the 25th ritiy oí Junuíirv, in the year One tbousand eight huudred and ninoty-seven. Present, H. Wirt Jsewkirk, .Pudge ot Probate. In the nmtter of the estáte oí James D. Mcilas■ter, decc:is(l On reuding and filing tlicpetition duly veritied of Theodore J. DeForest, Admlnistrator, prayiir-r that he may he licensed to npll tlie real eslate hereof eaid deceaseii died i-iezed. 'Xhereupüii it is ordered, that Tiiüsday, the 23rd ' day of February uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assiyrped for he hearing of said petilion, And that the devisees, legateea, and heirs at law ot said deceased, ana all other pèrsous iniereoted in sald estáte are required to appear .at a session of sai1 tonrl, then to bo holden .at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be. wby the prayer of the petitioner should not be -granted. And it is further orderea, that said .petitioner give notice to the persons inter-uBted in said estáte of the pendency of said petition and the hearing therenf, by causing ft oopy of thia order to be published in the Ann Abuoii Akgus, j news)aper printed and :ireulating in said county, three successivc weeks previous to said day of Aiearing. H. WIRT NEWKIRK, [Atruecopy.] J udge of i'robate. P.J. UhhsK, Probate Register. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY iO of Washteaaw, ss. Notice is hereby giveu, that by an order of the Probate Uourt for the County of Waahtenaw, made on the 25th day oi January, A. D. 1897, six montha from thut d&U■were allowed tor creMitora to present their clftinift agiuust theest:iteof Klizabeth Stevens Olark.late f said county. deceaseü, aud that all eredïtors ei' aiddeoeasedare lequireöto preeent iheirclaiïnsto said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the ity of Ann Arbor, (orexHininaiion and allowance, u or bcfore the ifith day of July next, nd that such claims will bc heurd before said Court n the 6th day of April, and on the 26th day Of July uext, at teo o'clock in the forenoou ■f each ot said days. Dated ahd Arbor, January 25, A. D. IS97. H. Wlltr NEWKIRK, .ïudeeof Probfti.1?.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News