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Mrs. Caroline Phillips, of Ypailanti, has been grauted a widow's pensión. 8?Ann Arbor Commandery, K. T., uonferred tbe Order of the Temple od Luther L. James, of Dexter, Tnesday Dl'gbt. Tbe Michigan Central Railroad has comuienoed cutting ice at Ypsilanti aDd will ship about 5,000 cars of ice to various points. W. H. Butler and family were poifioned by eating pears put up in a tin c?n Wednesday evening, and but frr tbe prompt attsndauce of a physician the cbild wonld have died. Eld. A. J. Road will give au address at 7:30 tonight at tbe Adventist ohapel, corner E Liberty and S. División sts., ou "Personal experienees as a missionary in the South Sea Is-lands. " A cordial iuvitation is extended to everybody. The fiftb social party of the Ann Arbor Dancing Clnb at Granger's academy, Wednesday nigbt, was the best of the series. The uext party. Feb. 17, will be thée last one and the program will be of greater length and attraotiveness. Somebody, who evd.ently wantei a coat pretty badly, broke into the Ann Arbor freight depot recently and stole Agsnt Gümnre's uniform coat, frotn which the buttons were very carefully ent and left behind, probably as a souvenir of the thief's visit. Nearly 100 members of tbe Zion Lutheran Sunday; suhool loaded themselves into six laige sleighs Wednesday nigbt and 1rove out to the residence of John Fiegel, in Pittsfield, and spent a rnost enjoyable evening in rnusic and games. It was an early hour in tbe morning when the party arrived home. The third social of the I. O. O. F. last evening was a repetition of tbe two former successes. Music for dancing was furnished by Minnis' orchestra and the floor was fllled all the eveniug with a naerry orowd of danoers. The floor and reception comrnittees vied with eaoh otber in making everybody feel comfortable and at home. The Ann Arbor Light Iufantry will give a smoker, supper and entertainment at the arrnory next Monday night. Mambers and offioers, the civil board, former officers and a few friends will be iuvited. Tbe looal talent of the company will present anumber of specialties, the oirous band will he present, refreshments will be served and a jolly time is insnred. For this time tbe affair will be strictly a "stag" party. "Spell ferment, and give its definítion," requested tbe school teacher. "F-e-r-m-en-t, ferment, towork," respnnded the diminutiva naaiden. "Now ï'laoe it in a sentence, so that I inay he sure that you understand its meaniut!," said the teacher. "In the summei I would rathor play out of doors than ferment in the school house," retnrned the small scholar, with Süch decided fraukness and unconscious humor that the teachor found it hard to suppress a smile.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News