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When the nortb. winds blow. And the ground is all snow, Wliat will the bicycle do then, poor thlng? ft will be warm and snug In Ikenstein's juf? Kor Ike has it under his wing, poor tlilugr! New York Punday Journal. Orville W. Sage, of this city, has been granted an inorease of pension. The Washtenaw County Teaobers' Assooiation will meet in Saline tomorrow. Triuity Lutheran chnrch society realized $13 from the social held last Friday evening. The Chequaruegons will furnisb mosie for a Maocabee party at Chelsea, Priday, Feb. 19. The next social and dance of the I. O. O. F. will be held Thursday evening, Feb. 18. Xine Masons of this city went to Ypsilanti Tnesday night and saw Phoenix Lodge, F. & A. M., work the third degree. Lew Kenwick, assisted by soloists from this city will give an organ recital at the M. E. church, Ypsilanti, "Wednesday evening, Feb. 17. Golden Rule and Fiaternity Lodges, F. & A. M., will jointly confet the Master Mason's degree on a class of candidates nexc Thursday evening. The republioan state oonvention to nominate a sapreme court justice and two regenta for the university will meet in Detroit, Tnesday, Feb. 23. The Oincinnati, Jackson & Mackinaw railroad is now ising the terrninalï of the Ann Arbor railroad at Toledo instead of those of the Wheeling & Lake Erie. The republican county convention to nominate a candidate for county school commissioner and elect delegates to the state convention will be held in the conrt house Tuesday, Feb. 16. The Michigan Press Association will hold its midwinter meeting at Hotel Cadillac, Detroit. Feb. 22 and 23. The proprietors of the Cadillac have tendereri the Association a banquet on the evening of the 23d. The order of the L. Ö. T. M. reciived 1,313 new members in this state duriug December last, and 33 new hives were organized since the biennial convention last June, making a total of 683 bives in Michigan with a membersbip of more than 32,000. A jolly party of young folks made up a bob-sled load Friday eveniog and callecl on Charles Braun, in Nortbfield. It was amoug the wee srua' hours when Mr. and Airs. Martin Schaller, the ohaperones, succeeded in getting the party startea nomewara. - limes. Ann Arbor people are learning to rnake artificial ice. (Jood idea. It rnay oome in handy to the people of the nuiversity town if they get their just reward in the "Sweet bye and bye." A bottle of Ypsilanti mineral water should also be kept on hand. - PJyinoutb Mail. Thirty-five oouples of young people frorn this city perpetrated a suprise on Louis Mead, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mead, in Ann Arbor town, Friday evening, it beiug his birthday. Vocal and orchestral music, snpplemented with a fine sup per, served to pass away the evening very pleasantly. The officials of the Michigan Central are figuring on a change of time February 7 tnat will shorten the running time between St. Loois and Buiïalo by jnst an hour and ten ruimites. The train to be chauged in time is known as No. 86. ünder the new schednle it would leave Detroit at 10 a. m., and reach Bntïalo the same honr as at present. The spicy odor that you notice in tbe cigar box comes from the wood of which it is made. It it not beoause it is imjireguated with tobáceo. Ou the contrary, tobáceo takes the flavor of the wood. That is the reason that a particular wood is used for the boxes of all the best oigars. It is Spanish cedar. It is an expensive wood, porous and spicy, acd the only kind whicb has been found to improve tbe flavor of the cigars. There was a young man (-rom Leoni, Whose ambition ït was to be tony, tío lie got for his hair A pomatum moet rare, And sccnted all over Leooi. At Sfc. Andrew's chnrch n6xt Sunday vening there will be a musical service vithout sermón. Invitations are out for the fourth hop of Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., o take place Tbursday eveniug, Feb. 1, at the Maccabee hall, over the post offioe. Blair Hinkley, of Scio, leffc his team of horses standing on the street for sevral hoars Satnrday night in the cold, while he enjoyed himself in a saloon, and Officer Armbrnster locked them np. "Some fnrtber oonsiderations touohng the cboice of the ebristian ministry as a life work" will be the eubjeot of he sermón by Kev. Henry Tatlock at St. Andrew's churoh, next Sunday norning. Officer Petersou has notified the proprietors of the billiard halls of the city ;hat all boys under lü years of age must e refnsed admittance to their halls. The law in this matter will be strictly enforoed. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold it? regular monthly iusiness meeting Monday, Feb. 8, at S o'clock p. m., in the rooms of the asociation. All ladies interested are invited to be present. Tbére will be an Epwortb League section sooial this evening at the residenoe of Mrs. A. L. Noble. The high sohool department of the League will also have a sooial at tbe home of Mrs. Calkins on S. Ingalls st. The married folks' dancing clans at Qranger's aoademy will meet next Thnrsday evening again aud if enough are on hand to take an interest in the class a series of six nsore meetings will je held. All old members and theii 'rienda are invited. Henry Euiilebardt, the hackman, inowu to i eibody as "Dutch Henry" ía receiveii a windfall in the shape of a $700 check from his cld home in Germany. "Dutoh" says he will now buy a farm and settle down to the peaceful life of a rural agricultnrist. Lateral sewer district No. G bas nearly six miles of sewer to be constructed and City Engineer Key's estímate of its cost is $28,000. The street crossings will amount to 3.300 f eet and will oost $2,200, thus leaving $25,800 to be assessed aaainst the property owneis, in :he district. Henry Luce, who had an operation 'or appendicitis performed at the hosjital reoently, has so far reoovered as o be removed out into the ward room. During his illness he has been arefnlly cared for by the Oddfellows ind B. P. O. Elks, of both of which itders he is a niember. Dr. S. M. Hartley was severely burn'A abont her faoe aud hauds Satnrday ifternoou. A cup which was snpposed ;o oontaiu water, but which had kerosene in it, was emptied onto the furnïce fire and the flames buist out on Mrs. Bartley buruing her quite badly. She is, however, reonvering f rom thb acciJent aud will experienoe no bad effects Erom it, The Oakland Excelsior warns newspapers men to beware of "a would-be solicitor for town write-ups. A rather portly, middle aged man, with a short mustache, fnll face, light colored oversoat, aud a 4x4 smile and giving his name as Geo. Phillips." Said Phillips nrged bis assistance onto the Excelsior man recently, wrote up some of the business houses, collected the money and skipped. Dr. Mary-Wood-Allen, of this city, superintendent of the purity department of the National W. C. T. U., delivered an address at the Lansing high 1 sohool, Saturday afternoon, 011 the ! ject "How to be beautiful." At the Central M. E. ohurch Sunday morning sbe spoke on "The beqnests we make our children." In the evening she spoke at the Pirst Baptist church on "The beautiful visión." Mr. aud Mrs. Greenlief C. Jones, of Jenison, Kent county, who were residents of Washtenaw in early days, will celébrate tlieir golden wedding at their home Feb. 9. Mr. Jones ia a brotber of Mrs. Charles Woodruff of this city, and yirs. Jones, a sister of Jex Bardwell, of Detroit, Michigan's veteran photograjher. Both were well known in Ann Arbor, where tbeir early mairied life was spent. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Arthur Sohofield, of Superior, has iled a bilí for divoroe frorn his wife, lennie Schofield, on tbe ground of adultery. Tbe offense on whicb the 3Í11 is based is alleged to have been comruitted in the city of Jackson, on or about Nov. 1, 1896. The coruplainant asks to be given tbe custody of their seven years old danghter. Tbe couple were niarned in Chelsea, Nov. 23, 1888. Wallaoe & Webb are attorneys for tbe plaintiff. W. W. Wedemeyei', of Ann Arbor, selected by Gov. Pingree to be deputy railroad comminsioner, is a spleudid yonng man, with tbe omission of bis politics - which, it were better, were a millstoue bung about its neck and it cast into the Huron river. "Weedy" is of the "taü sycamore" variety - in fact so tall that his legs barely reach tbe grouud, and he has to get down cm his knees to get into his pookets. He cannot be otherwise thau a good seleotiou since he represents heaveu and eartb. - Adrián Press. Little Florence Olp, thfi daughter of Minnie Olp Stevens, formerly of tbis phtce, a child actress with tne "Myles Aroou" company, gave au admirable exhibition of pluck at Thnrsday uigbt's performance at Adrián. She carne on thé stage hurdly able to walk and cryiog with paiu from a spraiued ankle, the resnlt of a fall daring tbe day, bnt notwithstaudiug her sufferiug, bravely played her important part in"the drama nntil the curtain feil on tbe last act. Andrew Mack carried the child in his arms most of the tinib. The nDiversity hospital is so erowded that patieuts are beiug refused adtnissiou. Mr. and Mrs. Gottob Teufel are the pareuts of a uew baby boy, who weighed 10 pcuuds when he arrived. Tbe Soldiers' Relief comruission of tht county will meut at City Treasurer Manly's ofïioe, in this oity, Mouday next, at 11 o'clock, oity time. The meeting for uien at the Y. M. C A. rooms Snnday next at 2:45 p. m., will be addressed by Prof. Mensel. Subject, "The christian race." Being the lowest bidder, J. F. Sohuh was given the contract for fitting np the new jury room in the conrt house, so that it will be heated by steaui. Captain Gardner, of the 19th Infautry, U. S. Army, bas been appoiufed by the war department inatrnctor of the National Guard of Michigan, and will visit Co. A iu the uear future. W. H. Owen has moved into bis new barber shop at the Cook house and S. W. Bnrchfietld now occupies Owen's former place of business with bis tailoring establishment. At the meeting of the state camp of Modern Woodmen of America, held iu Bay Cioy, Tuesday, Enoob Sears, of this city, was appointed one of the oornmittee on order of business. At the monthly business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday night Kiohard FlyDn was appointed acting general secretary vice J. A Benz, resigned. The ohoice of a permanent seoretary has not yet been made. Among the corporations who filed j ;icles of incorporation with the seore:ary of state last week were the Ann Arbor Electrio Co, Ana Arbor, capital $60,000, and tbe Ypsilauti Mineral Bath Co., Ypsilanti, capital f5,000. Gen. O. M. Poe Relief Corps, No. 8, was organized in Detioit, Thureday of last week, by Department President Manda .7. Halstead, of Concord, and Department Cbaplain Florence S. Babbitt, of Ypsilanti. Samson Parker, of Lodi, well known throughout tbe oity and couuty, is lyiug at his home in Lima, suffering forra a serious illness with which he was seized last Saturday. At present writing he is soinewhafc better. Tomorrow evening at 7 :30 o'clock a phonograph entertainment will take place at high school hall, under the auspices of tbe Clenadis Jiterary oiety, at which solos and selections from the U. S. Marine Baod, Iesler's . Orchestra, Gilmore's Band, etc, will be renderen". The admission will be 10 cents. There will be a recital by pupils of the vocal departraent Monday j noon, Peb. 8, at 4:30 o'olock, and a recital by popils of the vocal departruont on Weduesday, Feb. 10, at 4:30 p. ru. in Frieze Memorial hall. The public is iuvited. The last facnlty concert iu the first semester series occnrs j Thnrsday, Feb. 11, at S o'clock p. ui. Admission 25 cents. j The newly elected officers of the O. i O of H., connected with the A. O. CJ. I. W.' in this city, are: M. P. grand seignor, H. Allmendinger; noble vissier, J. Armbruster; venerable friar, J. Kuebler; reverend monitor R. . Stollsteimer ; almoner, G. Sohneider; scrivener, W. Sorg ; C. berald, .7. Baumgardner; armorer, (i. Luick; senesohal, H. Zulz. Lizzie Marshall and Ellen Becks, two colored girls, were taken before Jnstice Pond yesterday morning on a charge of slauder preferred by another colored ppison. The charge was admitted. On the conrt beiug inforined that the girls were brcoming habitual street walkers he let thein go with the 1 tion tbat if they did not mend their ways be would send them to Adrián. A number of married ladies from this city, under the leadership of JVIrs. John Schmid and Mrs. Jacob Laubengayer, went out for a sleighride Weduesday afternoou to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Laubengayer ard family in Scio. There was not a man in the party so the Argus is nnable to more than surmise the good time that was had by the ladies, for, of conrse, there is not 00e of them wbo wonld teil of their experiences. The High School Athletic Association invites all persons to attend a benefit entertainment at the bigh school hall this evening, Music will be fnrnished by the High Sohool Mandoliu Club. J. E. Beal will teil about his trip to Mexico. Those who are interested in travels will find this a profitable place to spend ■ the eveuiug. His travels will be illustrated by views taken on the wav and Prof. Chute will opérate the eleotric lantern. The entertainment will begin at 8 o'clock. Admissiou 10 cents. Tbe February nnmber of the NorthAruerican Review contains an artiole from the pen of George S, Morison, Past President of the Ainerioau Society of Civil EDgi'ieers, entitled "The New Epocb and tbe Cnrrency. " It is a welldrawn oomparison between the couditious under whicb we at preseut re side, and those under which tbe repoblic was bom. Much stress is laid upou tbe eporinons achievements resultant unon the snbstitution of manufaetaied power for human labor and the gain accrning therefrom to all civilr.ed nations. The aunual ccugregatioual meeting of the Trinity Lutberan cburoh was held Wednesday evening and showed that althongb the youngest congregation in the city it is still gradually increasing in strength and usefulness. The pastor's repoit showed the present resident commuuicant membership as 111; enrollment of Sunday school, 104; memt-ersof Y. P. S. C. E., 2fi; total amount of the missionary benevulout contribntions, 368.09. The treasnrer's report showed that the receipts for the year were $4,874.72; disburseïneuts, 4,819.49; balance on hand, $55.23. The democratie ward caucuses for the city of Ann Arbor will be held nest Wednesday evening, Feb. 10, at 7:80 p. m. H. Wirt Newkirk, jndge of probate, yesterday issned au order oornmittiDg Elizabeth H. Peyton, an indigent insane person, residing in Ypsilanti, to the Pontiao ineane asylum. William Gerstner has bonght out the billiard room in the Savings Bank block, lately acqnired by M. J. 1 man, on a chattel rnortgage, and will now atteud to the rolling of the balie instead of the rolling of the bread. President Angelí reoeived a message yesterday morning stating tnat the proposed visit of tbe legislative committee to the nniversity had been postponed for one week. The committee was to have been entertained by Representativo Sawyer and ethers dnring their stay in the city. City Attorney Kearney, for the City of Ann Arbor, has filed a bilí of interpleader in chancery in order to have deterinined to whom shall be paid the balance of the money due on the Henry Collins' sewer contract. He has also entered snit in chancery against Robert Hutiter, for the pnrpose of abating tbe noisauce of the mili pond at the oorner of W. Washington and Third sts. , owned by Mr. Hunter. The board of health has already declared it a nnisance.