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The Deacon's Donation

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It bad bepi) decided at a public rnreting of theoiüzens they that wonJd liavo acombiuation lihrary, readiug room aud Bocial club in Wainpton. Tho coininittee, made np of substantial metnbers oü the coniniunity autborized to act upoD Cheir own judgmeut, was in sessiou at Deacon Close's, he liaving a site that he wanted to sell tor theproposed buildine. "I regard this movernent as deserving of popular approval aud aid, " said the minister. "It aims to secure a wider intelligeuco and a better tono of morality among onr people. Every one should givö accordiug to liis means. " After the editor, the doctor and tbe banker had fcalked iu the saine vein, the lawyer propoaed that they get down to business. "Deaoon Close," he coutinned, "has a desi rabie lot for which lie asks $2,000. It strikes me as a pi-etty stift" price, but I have no doubt that he will make us a donation of $500 aud tnake a deed of the sini for 1,500." There was applause, iu whieh tho deacoii did not partioipate, but risiug reluctantly lio delivered hiiuself as follows: "I must say that I agreo witb what has bi n aaid iñ praise of tilia enterpriSe. Our towu ueeds it and there is uo place for it more desirable thau the lot I have offerrri. Of course I want to bear my full share of the expense. "tíince I ofïered you this lot," tbe deacon weut on, "there lias beeuagreat improvoineiit in times. Money is easier, prices are better aiid realty gets au enhanced valuo because of the genera] prosperity. I will let you have the loc for $2,500 and throw off 500 as a donatiou. " The minister wuttered Boincthiug he was glad tlic. rest did not hear. The doctor laughed, tbe bauker scowled aud tho lawyer moved to adjour in a voice that told the deacou hu would have to seek souie otbe.r market for the lot that had take sli :b a loog and uddeu junip íu valué,


Ann Arbor Argus
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