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THE ADVANCE AGENT OF HEALTH JinMHHDiiianiiwni Miniature Fac-Siinile. Estáte of Patrick Ryan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washu tenaw, ss. At a st'ssion of Probate Court for t be County of Washtenaw, bolden ut the Probate Offloe in the rit y of Ano Arbor. o Monduy, tho lstli lny of January, In the yearone tliou-nnd elght hupüredand ninetytie ven. Present. II. WIKT MÍWK1RK, Judse of Probate. In tbe matter of tho estáte of Patvtck Hyun, deceased, Dn readlng mihI Hlinv the petitlon. duly rerlfled, ol Leonhard Gruner, praylns that admlolstration if sald estáte may be ifi'anted 10 KlUiu B. Pond or some other uitable peraon. Tbereupon it is ordered thai Monday, the l.'th day of February, next, at 10 oYlock in the forenoon, be asaigned for the hea of said petiMon, and tlini ihe helrs at law n suul deceased. and ;ill other persons Interested in sald estáte, are requlred to appear ut i Beseion of Baid Court, then to be holden ut the Probate Office, in the City Óf Ann Ai-lioi, and show cause, il imy thero he, wliy tin prayer of tho ; tioner shouJd nol be Rranted. And it is Curther ordered that said petitloner ïlve notlce to ilie persons intorested in satd efrtate, of the pendency of said petitlon, and the bearlng thereof , by cauaing copy of thls order to be published in t lic Ann Arbor A.rgus íi Qewspaperprlnfced and circidiiied m sald county, three successire weoics pruvious to suid day of hearlnsr. II. WIKT NKU'kikk, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. P. J. Lkhman, Probate Begtater. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 0OUNTY OP Wahtenaw,8s. Notice is herc-by üiven, that bv an onler of the Probate Court for 'the County of WfiMhteuaw, made on the üth ilny of Januuiy, A. I. 1SÜ7. 8ix months from that date were allowed forcreditora to present, their claims agaiuet the estale of Tobías Holme, late of said county, deeeased, andtb&t all creditors of said deceased are requircd to present their claim losaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the cityot Ann Arbor, for exaniinmion and allowance, on 01 bcfore the ninth day of July lu-xt, aud thut such claims will be heard beiore Haitl %Court on the ninth duy of Apil and on the ninth dny of July next, at ten o'cloctc in the iorenoon of eacli ot said days. Dated, -nu Arbor, Januatv 9. A. O. ly?. Ét. WIKT NEWKIRK, Judfc f Probate, Mortgage bale. DEFAULT HAVINÜ HEEN MADE IN THE eonditionsot' u n'rtain mort gage made by Nettie C VVise to the Ann Arbnt u i ims As?ioolation, dated July ii, . D. 1895, umi reoorded in tht) office of thé Register of Ueods, for the County of Washtenaw mul state of Miriiigun, on the lOth duy of August, A. 1). 1896, in Líber 78 of Mortgrages on i)igi 1U2, on wlitoh niortgagethereis olaimedto be due at t lic i ji. uf this notice the sum oí tourteen nundred ;uid nlnety-aeven dollars and afteen cents, and an attorney' fee or tjventy Bve dollars provlded fOr In said mortgasre, and no sui; or proceedlngs ai law baving beeo tnstttuted to recover t lic moneya secured bysald mortgage or imy part thereof. Now, theretore, liy virtue of the power of sale oontalned in said mortgage and the statutein such case made ann pi-ovidecl.noticu Ifchereby ;iveii that on Saturday, the ï4thday ii April, A. D. 1SSI7, at ten o'clock m the torenoon, 1 shall Bell at public auction, to the higheBt bidder, at the eust door of tne Court House, in the City of A nu Arbor, Uhat being the place wliere the Circuit Court for VVashtenaw County is holden,) the premisos descrlbed In said mortgage or so much thetcof as intiy be neceseary to pay the amouut due on said mortgage. with Beven percent. Interest, and all Icmil costs. together with an attorney's fee of twentylive dollars convenanted for therein, the premises being descrlbed in said mortgage as H that oeTtalu lot, pieee aud pareel ot land mi n ate in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and known and descrlbed as follows; The casi twenty-elght (28) feet of lot number threo (;ii and t Be west -twenty-two(ÜÜ) feetoïlotimmhor four (4), In block numbr twenty-iour i4j in Uruisby & Page addit Ion to said city, according to the recorded plat theivof AMN AKBüU SAVINÜi ASSÜCIATION. C. Il Kline, Mortgagee. Attorney for mortgagee. Dated, January 1. 189T. Commissioner's Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, CÜCNT}' of Washtenaw. The undersigned haviu been ippointed by the Probate Court for said (Jounty, commies 10 ners to reeeive, examine and mljust all claim miS deiuands of al) persons apiinst ihe estáte of Fleming Husenbaik, late of 8iu.! cdunty, deceased, hereijy give notice tnat aix montha from date ure allowedj hy order of snid Probate Court, lorcreditorsto present their claims aainstthe catate of said ieceased, aud that they wil] meet at the late re&idence of eai() deceased, in theTownhlp ui' Auu Arbor, in said coumy, on h'riday, the ICth dayof April, 1S!)7, and on Frifluy the 16th uuy of July, A. L). 18)7, next, at ten o'cloek a. m. ot each of Bald day to reeeive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated Ann Arbor. January 16th, 1897. JOHN O'HARA. FKANCIS rAUKEE, Coinniiisionere.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News