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Nelson Danoer has pnrohased the Willis Warner farm in Sylvan. Sohuler, the Toledo ioenaan, has had 110 men at work filling np his big ioehouses at Znkey Lake. Seven different families in Saline were the victims of surprise parties iu one even ing reoently. Wm. Gadd, of Bridgewater, bas beeo in the southern part of Lenawee county pnrchasing stnre sheep. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kress, of Lodi, celebrated the tenth anniversary of their ■wedding Tnesday of last week. "The Deestrick Skule" will be prodnced at the Arbeiter hall, Manchester, Wednesday evening of next week. Harry A. Hammond, of Saline township, has rented his farm to his son and will move into Saline village to live. Tbe next meeting of the Bridgewater reading circle will be held at Thomas Van Gieson's on Monday evening next. Mrs. Elisha Freer, a former well known resident of Lima and Sharon, died in Eaton Rapids jecently, aged 70 years. Edward Eooke has purcbased Neckel Bros.' bakery, at Chelsea, and bas moved into the building oooupied by that firin. A masquerade ball will be givea in Light (ïnard hall, Ypsilanti, next Tuesday evening, for the benefit of the poor of the city. George Koffbergpr gave a pleasaut party to a nnrnber uf his friends at the home of his sister Mrs. Uphaus, in Freedom, Tuesday evening. Fred Gauss died Thursday of last week, in Manchester, of consumption, aged 39 years. The funeral ooourred from his late home Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Sooiety of tbe Saline M. E. chureb will give a social at the residence of H. W. Bassett, in that village, next Friday evening. Miohael Kirk, an old farmer and resident of Manchester townsbip, died quite soddenly Tuesday night of last week, of neuralgia of the beart. Jared Warner, a former resident of Sylvan, and unole of Davis Warner, of Chelsea, died at his home in Clio, Genesee ooauty, Jan. 28, aged aboot 75 years. A party of 30 of Miss Kate Staffan 's friends snrprised her at her home iu Chelsea, Monday evening of last week, and spent a very pleasant time playing progressive pedro. Mrs. Hall, of Saline, who had been in the Pontiac insane asylum for the past five years, died at tbat place Wednesday of last week. Her remains were brought bome to Saline for interment Saturday. Two sleigh loads of Saline young people drove to the home of Martin Leouard, of York, Wednesday nigbt of last week and had a rousing good time. They did not attempt to go bome until an early hour next morning. ,The bard of Willis says: "The protrauted meetings at Willis are in full blast. Satan's kingdom is now a thing of the past." If the latter statement is correot, Willis must be a better plaoe thau any other in this neck o'woods. A "bright" Manchester pupil in physical geography on being asked by tbe teacher what a volcano was, replied: "It is where the sun's rays never strike and the temperature iooreases one degree for every 58 feet we descend." Still another series of changes in railroad affairs at Hamburg, taking effeot the lst inst. R. A. McNameo tskes the agency at Hamburg Jet., A. Hutchinson becomes G. T. agent here and night operator Frysinger takes a similar positiou at tbe junction. - Oakland Excelsior. Tbe reoent election of officers at the Irou Creek church resulted aa follows: W. E Pease and C, D. McMahon were elented trustees, J. G. Euglish,, clerk ; A. D. Englisb, treasnrer, and J. R. Holmes, Wm. Johnson, B. F. Matteson, Byrou Hnnt, G. M. Sutton soüoiting committee. The $12,000 worth of .school bonds which were issued ten years ago, for the parpose of payiog fnr the new school building, at Dexfer, ïuatured Feb. 1, when tbey wero takpu up by a new iss'je of a likeamouut Two bonds, or 1,000, will matare eachyearfur fiye years. Then for fonr years 1,500 or tbree bond will be pairt each yeir. Tho last $1,000 will b paid in li07. Tbe bonds bar o ppr ceut interest per aunum, the snma fha oid issno, and were all taken by local bnyers. Milán Masou6 are arjtipiptaing visitiriK Phoenix Lodge at Ypsilanti, Feb. 22. Ringlirifr Bros. will iu all probabil ity exhibit thpir circus iu Ypsilanti again this year. Frank Baker, Henry Dodge ai d Miss Ciara Klliott are the tbree appnoants who are out on the waipath for the postrnastersbip of Whitmore Lake. There inust be considerable sickoesB íji Chelsea. Tho first four items iu the local oolnma of the Chelsea Standard last week were uotioes of the sickness of as ruany different persous. Messrs. Aruold, Parker and Van Fiper, of Chelsea, went flshiug at North Lalie the othei day, and caught 20 pickerel tbat dressed over 100 pounds, the largest weighing lOponuds. A gasoline explosión at the home of Mrs. Cbarbonneau, in Ypsilanti, Sunday uiorning, cansed a small blaze whiob was lnckily extinguished with uo one being injured and no damage being done beyond tbe burniug of the window casiug a little. The offioers of tbe Epwortb League of the M. E. ohurob at Manchester are: Dr. (Jeo. Servis, president; the Misses H. E. Weir, Aunetta English, Allie Lazell and Lucy Poucher, vice presidents; Arton Yokom, secretary; Miss Neble, treasurer; Miss Bessie Torrey, organist. Harold, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Howard, of Saline, died Tnesday morning of last week, after a brief illness. The funeral was held Thursday at the home of bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. fioward, and the remains deposited in tbe vault in Oakwood cernetery. Some mean, low-down wretch, who does not deserve to be oalled a man, ent open the birthday box in tbe Cougregational ohnrch Sunday afternoon and extraoted a few cents. The sneak was driven away before he had time to gather in the whole snin. In his hurry to get away he left a pretty fair knife bebind him. - Ohelsea Standard. Several boys and girls were riding to sohool on a sleigh last Friday when one of the 'boys lost his balanoe and caught hold of Emma Nisle to save himself. He feil off, however, dragging her with him, and in striking the ground ber baok was painfully and serionsly injured. She has since been onder tbe dootot's care. - Manchester Enterprise. The People's Bank, of Manobesteri has bad a great deal of trouble getting Possession of the Allen farm in Cambridge and in getting a settlement with the brothers. Now, we onderstand, the wifè of one of the brothers comes in with a olaim for a ho.-uestead right. The bank's attorney thinks the claim a flimsy one, but there may be litigation over it. - Enterprise. Sidney S. Smitb, of Ypsilauti, was seuteuced by Justice Childs to pay a fine of $10 and oosts or go to the Detroit house of correction for 65 days, last Monday, for an assault and battery of his wife, from whom he was about to separate. It is thongbt he will take the 65 days, as he has already served 90 days in the same institntion for unduly beating and whipping his daughter. Mrs. D. F. Reeves, of Saline, passed tbrough a somewhat painful operation, Saturday week. A short time siucè she aocideutly forced a naedle into the upper part of her band, the doctor at Salem cared for the wound at the time, bnt took out tbe point of the needie ouly. She came home here and the thuinb became very painful, Dr. Sheeder was applied to and took out tbe remainder of the rusty article which Was over an inch long and lay close to the boue. - Saline Observar. The Modoc Indian Medicine company which receutly olosed a week's engagement at Belleville offered soma prizes for competition. Among tbem was a live pig to tbe one who guessed the neaiest to the number of beans in a bottle, the winner to oatch the pig as it rau around the floor of the ball. Miss Maggie Gunn was the fortúnate guesser, but she absolutely refused to complete the part necessary to win ber the prize. A young mau who was the next nearest gnesser was not so particular and catching the pig carried it off in triamph. A very happy family gathering asseoibled at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber, of Chelsea, Feb. 1, to oelebrate the silver jubilee of their marriage. An elegant and substantial dinner was served, to which all did ampie justioe. After dinner the Rev. Fatber Considine, in a felioitous speech, presented to the happy conple a beautiful silver service. The recipients were greatly surprised and touched by this evidenoe of .affection on the partot their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Josepb Weber were tbesscond coupleto bemarried in the present" St. Mary's church, Chelsea, and inany and fervent were the wishes expressed that they might live to celébrate their golden jubilee. The Marble Park Grove Cemetery, at Milán, has been leased of its owner, Joel L. Marble, for a term of 50 years, by Milan parties and au organization perfected and incorporated acoording to statute under the name of "Marble Park Grove Cemetery Association," in wbich all owöers of Iets are shareholders. C. H. Wilson, C. M. Blackmer, J. L. Marble, M. V. Hitchcock, Frank Trussell, W. F. Allen, A. B. Smith, Mrs. Lucy Clark and Mrs. Mary A. Wallace have been eleoted directors aud tbey in turn have cbosen the followiug as officers : President, A. B. Smith; vice president,_C. H. Wilson; clerk, .7. L. Marble; treasurer, Frank Trussell.


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