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When first the builder builds him a house 'Tis nauht but i wooden box, A thing of lumber, boards and planks. Of shingles, beams and blocks: And when 'tis built, 'tis stlll a box, A box to the very minute, Some honest fellow takes the house And puts a woraan in it. Then, though it has no gabled front, no turret, tower or dome, Then is the builder justifled, the box becomes a home. - Sam Walter Foss, in N, Y. Sun Sunday is St. Valentine's Day. The next meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, will be held in Ann Arbor, during tbe first week in April. Today, Feb. 12, is the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday. It will beflttingly observed in soine of the city schools. Mrs. Joseph Buechler, of W. Third st.. had a baJ fall Tuesday night, whioh íesulted in her snstaining some painful injuries. J. B. Colvan, of the Hay & Todd Co., was chosen one of the vice presidents of the kuit goods combine at tbe meeting held in New York last; week. Arthur C. Bird, of Highland, has been named by Governor Pingree, to succeed Wm. E. Boyden, of Webster, as a member of the state board of agricnlture. Miss Grace McNoah, who was prevented by failing health from graduating with the literary class of '96, died Deo. 14, in Sierra Madre, Cal., of tuberculosis. The time table of the Michigan Central was ohanged last Sunday and it will be found properly correoted in the advertising columns. Five trains, four east and one west, were anéetelo by the chauge. The Commercial and the Ann Arbor Register are ïcaking complaints about the mail service between this city and Ann Arbor. It will be better when Moran gets the Ann Arbor postmastership. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. E. D. Wheeler, of Manistee, eminent grand commander of the Knights Templar of Michigan, has notified Eminent Commander W. W. Watts, that he will visit Ann Arbor . Commandery, No. 13, K. T., in tne near fature. John R., the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kendall, of Geddes ave., died Wednesday, aged 2 mouths and 10 days. The funeral services were held at the house yesterday afteraoon. Interment in Forest Hill cemetery. City Clerk Glen V. Mills always was an odd fellow, bnt he will be more of an Oddfellow than ever now having taken the initiatory degree in Öddfellowship. at the meeting of Otseningo Lodge, No. 295, last Tuesday evening. The many friends of Frank E. Case will be sorry to learn that he had to have his left eye removed at the university hospital on Monday. The operation was rendered necessary in order that the rieht eve. which was not affected, migbt be saved. A meeting of the teachers in the city schools is to be held Monday ev3ning, at which a plan for providing pensions for retired teachers will be discussed. One plan proposed is to have each teacher pay in 10 per cent of her salary the first yeat, nine the next year and so on, still the llth year. whenTiothing need be paid. After 20 years pensions wonld be received. Alter íive years' service as surgeon 01 the First Regiment, M. N. G., Major M. L. Belser bas tendered his resignation. The resignatioD has not vet been aoted upon and the boys of the First Regiment will feel sorry to hear of this action on the part of the Major. Particularly will this be feit by the Apn Arbor Light Infantry, with whom the doctor is deservedly a favorite. It is reported that an attempt will be made to revive the oauteen system at ,the annnal encanipment of the state troops. It is said that the uew state military board is in favor of it and Gov. Pingree also. The systeru was tried during the administration of Gov. Winans and was warmly recommended both by him and by all the brigade offloers bnt is was abandoned by the next ad iniaistration beoause of W. C. T. U pressare. The revival services at the Church of Christ wiil close Sunday night. Emest Eberbach has had his home on Forest ave. wired for electric lights. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Bethebein Evangelical ohnrch give a social in the parlors of the chnrch this evening. Justice Gibson sentenced Arthur Poland to a fiue of $27 and GO days in jail on Monday for the larceny of a harness frotn A. Sweet. Etta Brooks for stealing a dress frorn Miss Miller, of Ypsilanti, while in the eraploy of Mrs. Miller, is serving a 30 days' sentence in the county jail. Tomorrov? eveniDg will be Valentine evening at Granger's academy. A larger program thañ usnal will be danced and Valentines exchanged. Martin Wackenhut, of Chelsea, has been appointed turnkey in place of Jay M. Wood, who has resigned and removed w'th his family to Chelsea. Pettysville station, just north of Hamburg Junction on the Ann Arbor railroad, is now a thing of the past, no trains having stoDped there since .Tan. 81. A whist contest between Toledo and Ypsilanti will be held iu this city, Satnrday evening, Feb. 27, though it is as yet undeoided just how the opposing teams will be arrayed against each other. The Abbott voting machines are to be nsed at the coming election in eaoh of ttie wards of Adrián. It woold be a pleasant thing to contémplate that they were going to be used in "each of the wards of Ann Arbor." A book social will be given soon by the Y. M. C. A. and every member and friend of tbe association is urged to help make it a suocees. The assooiation needs a e-ood librarv and this 1L1UU uccua a uuu líVLaxj uuu unía ajial oaght to bring to it 200 books. Tbe Whitmore Lake correspondent of be Oaklan i Cuunty Exoelsior wrote bat "Coni'nnuion" service would be jeld in tbe horen last Snnday. The ntelligent compositor, however, got n his work and made it read "camnican" service. Tbere are 52 penitentiaries and over [7,000 jails in the United States. They :ost 1500,000,000 to build thera. Over 500,000 persons were incarcerated in ;he year 1892. The criminal expense ;o tbe country is uot less than $100,)00,000 annnally. An Irishman and a Prenchman were iisputing over the nationality of a Tiend. "I say. " said the Frenchman, 'If he was bom in Frauce, he is a Prenchruan. " "Begorra," said Pat, 'if a cat shonld have kittens in the oven, won ld yez cali thim biscuits?' When we hear a man say he is going to economizo and can't aft'ord to take a local paper, we uan't help thinking he lias commenced at tbe wrong end to eoouotnize. A wbole year's subscrip tion can often be saved in one week by taking advantage of tbe bargains offerec by our advertissrs. W. W. Wedemeyer will give an ad iress on "Lincoln"s life, an inspiration ;o young republicana, " at the Lincoln League banquet iu Jackson tonigbt. Dther speakers at the banqnet will be Bon. Heory C. Smith, of Adrián, AtEorney General Maynard, Otto Kiroh ■ aer and Ex-Gov. Eich. jylrs. Mabala Smith, widow of the late Audrew Smiib, of Northfield, died Monday moruiDg at the residenoe of E. P. Cook, 24 N. Ashley st. , of pneumonía, ajelOSyears, 10 months and 20 days. Brief services W8ro held at the house, Wednesday rnorning, after wbich the funeral proceeded to Leiand cemetery, where the services were concluded and the remains interred. Next Sunday evening Rev. J. T. Sunderland will give a lectnre, illnstrated with stereoptioon views, on "Delhi and Agra, the splendid capitals of tne Gieat Mogul Empire of India." In and uear these cities are to be found perhaps the most remarkable tuins in the world. Mr. Sunderland will preaoh Sunday morning on "The Light which the evolutiou has to throw upon the Bible." Edwaid H. Clark, only son of the late Gen. Edward Clark of this city, died Sunday at bis home, 44 W. Hi ron st,, of heart disease, aged 49 years. The funeral services were belc at St. Andrew's church Monday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. Henry Tatlock. His remains were interred iu the fauiily burial lot in Forest Hill cemetery. J. D. Ryan has sold his interest in the stock oompany of Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, to the other ïnembers of the flrm and retired from the bnsiness. The offioers of the company dovv are Audrew Reule, presideut, Albert Fiegel, viee president, aud W. VV. Wadhams, secretary and treasurer. The business will still be cunducted under the old firm name and Mr. JRyan will still have his headquarters iu the store. Invitation oards, whioh read as folows, have been received by eoiae partes in this city: "Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Miller reqnest your presenee at the narriage of their danghtfir, M. Elizajeth, to John E. Benz, Weduesday evening, Feb. 17th, eighteen hnndred and ninety-seven, at 7:30 o'clook, Winona, Minn." Mr. Benz' mauy friends iu the city will tender him their hearty congratuladnos on this auspicious event in his life. A Buffalo, N. Y., inagistrate has just made a common sonse ruling in regard to the status of newspaper representativos. Four newspaper reporters were caught by the pólice at a prize flght aud arrested with the othsrs. Judge King dismissed the reporters, saying it was a prinoiple of law, as well as of common sense, tbat three kinds of men were permitted to go any where without blaine - doctors, clergy men and reporters. The outcome o the business was that badges were is sued to the Bnffalo reporters to protec thero against arrest in the future. Tbs next of the series of social dances at I. O. O. F. hall, will take place next Thursday nigbt. Minuis" orchestra will furnish the musio. The large motor oar is agaiu rnaking egular trips betweeu Add Arbor and Ypsilanti, mnch to the joy of the travHnK publio who use the A. A. &. Y. lectric line. Miss Bruma E. Bower is down on he program of the Michigan Press Asociation meeting iu Detroit next Monay for a paper on "Advertisements; heii siguificance. " Ann Lodge No. 55, Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W., will celébrate its second anniversary witb a social and dance in he ball on Priday evening, Feb. 26, rom 8 p. m. to 1 a. ra. The deraooratic state convention will be held at Grand Rapids, on Wednesday next, Feb. 17, to nomínate party aodidates for supreme conrt judges and two regents of the nniversity. Randall, the photographev, was awarded the Becond prize at tbe State Convention of Photographers, held iu )etroit, last week, for fine photographo work. A meeting of the board of managers of the Washtenaw oounty fair associa' tion will be held in the supervisorsroom at the conrt house, tomorrow afternoon at 1 :30. Meetings of the varous oomuiittees will be held in the morning. The Michigan Central bas loaded 3.500 cars of ice at Ypsilanti and has shipped tbe same, and has also nlled the icehonses at that point. If the pond freezes over again it is the intention of the company to sbip about 8,500 more cars of the erop. Messrs. Potter and Miller, the Cbicaao evanaelisls. will begin a series of revival meetings next Sunday in tbe First M. E. chnrob. Mr. Potter is spoken of as a very Huccessful evangelist preacher, while Mr. Miller is one of the sweetest gospel singers. Mrs. Christiana Stadel died at her home, 70 S. Seventb st., Saturday of heart disease, aged 62 years Her hnsband, Joseph Stadel, four sons and three danghters survive her. The funeral servioes were held at the Bethlehem ohurch Monday afternoon Rev. John Neumann officiatiDg. The followiug are tbe high sohool students who have been selected to take partin tbe "Junior Ex.": Pleda Adderson, Ethel M. Banoroft, H. J. Brown, Markham Cheevsr, Willis Gelston, Richard Holliser, Blancbe Jacob?, Burus R. Otis, Lncile Stone, Lydia Stollsteimer, Philip Schenk. Tbe phonograph enteitainiuent nnder tbe anspices of tbe Clenadis literary society of tbe high sohool, given last Saturday night in the high school hall, was well attended and netted tbe club a uice sum. The 19 iiDmbers on the program were hugely enjoyed, particnlarly tne orchestial pieces, and mauy of them were encored. The St. Thomas' Dramatic Club is rehearsing tbe play "Tbe Colleen i 3awn" and will produoe it at tbe 1 irand opera bouse, Tuesday eveniug, i Vlarcn 16. Tbe members of the cast are i ihe Misses Kona and Sarah O'Brien, i Anna B. Riley and M. Ellen Clarken, and Messrs. J. E. Harkins. Frank MoIntyre, Dell, Walsh and Frazier. Sobairer & Millen have for some days past been bolding a great soap sale at ;heir store, and as au advertisemeut thereof had i most nuique and ingenióos exbibit io tbeir show window. It ws a represen tati on of the World's Fair adtninistratiou bnilding and was made entirely of soap, containing 14,000 oakes of soap in all, aggregatiug in weight 1,800 pounds. Prof. F. S. Goodrich, of Albion College, will address tbe ï. M. C. A. meeting Bunday afternoon at 2:45 o'olook. The subject wbiob he will talk npou is "Lost and Fonnd." Tbose who heard him wben he was here before will teil yon that yon will receive a great benefit by listening to bis talk. Special music will be given. Do not fail to come. At the Grand opera house tonight Mlle. Rhea will present; 'Josepbine, the Empress of the French." Tumorrow evening Tim Murphy will appear with his company in "Old Innooence" and "Sir Henry Hypnotized." Wednesday evening next "The Slavea of Gold" company will appear in the play of tbat name. On the 19th the honae will be occnpied, and on the 32d "The Defaulter" will be put on. At the regular meeting of the Young People's Society of Zion Lutberan church, held Thursday evening of last eek, the som of $100 was donated to be cnngregation and two dozen Enlish bymnals were ordered purchased ' or use at the English services. An exellent mnsical program was rendered Inring the evening and 12 young perous were taken in as members. The aext meeting will be bold Thursday evening, Maroh 4. At the close of the recent series of ectures wbicb Dr. Mary Wood-Allen las been giving, nnder the anspices of ;ha Bible Chairs, many ladies expressed ;he desire to hear her again. This was so prevalent tbat the White Shield Society resolved to gratify it, and they lave secured Dr. Wood-Allen to give a lecture to women, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at Newberry hall. Tf any have qnestions wbich they wonld like to ask Dr. Wnod-Allen, bring thern and hand them to the ushers. The Danghters of the American Revolution were entertained at their regular meeting, Thnrsday, Feb. 4, by Mrs. Jas. L. Babconk. The rooms were decorated with flags and the national oolors and red and white pinks. Mrs. W. G. Doty and Miss Elizabeth Dean read papers on "Qoorge Washington, " and a beautifnl solo from De Koven was sung by Mrs. Babcock. Mrs. John Watting and daoghter and Miss Ennice Lambic, of Ypsilant, wero I among tbose who were present. John H. Sanford, of Ypsilanti, has been granted an increase of pension. The January business of the Aun Arbor post office amonnted to nearly $3,200. City Clerk Mills is busy getting out the annual report of the board of publio works. The C. M B. A. will give a Jnst Before Lent party at Light Infantry arrnory, Monday evening, Maroh 1. The Valentines this year seem to be rather bulky. Put special delivery starups en tbem and have them carried to tbe house. About 100 Ann Arbor people attended the performance of "The Mandarín" at the Ypsilanti opera house, Wednesday evening. Samuel Sweet et al, of York, have enered soit against the Ann Arbor Raiload compauy for $500 damages. The ilaintiffs allege that the railroad coiniany has filled iu a "oattte pass" under he railroad and dainageing them in he above som. The personal property belonging to ha estáte of the late Augustus Savage, vill be sold at auotion on the premises f the deceased, two miles froui Snton's Corners, in Ann Arbor towo, ou Honday, Feb. 22. The sale wil) begin it 1 p. m. with Emery E. Leiand as mctioneer. We have received from'the Ann ArDor Musió Co., a new piano piece, a 'Serenade" by Frank C. Smith, of ïpsilanti, that is selling at 25 oents wbich is one oí the danfciest bit of [üusic that bas come to our notice iu sonie time. The Argns congratulates Mr. Smith ou his efForts. A oommunoatiou was received at the oounty clerk's office one day last week sigued "Citizen,' but with no uame attaohed and it was promptly aousigned tu thè waste basket. Mr. Bohuh says commnuicatious must bear the narues of the parties seuding them to receive any atteution form bim. The Light Infautry aruiory has been uewly wired for electric light by Ralph L. Miller, and the new arrangement of the lights is a great improvement ver tbe oíd. The ong girders wbioh uupoit the roof have been painted phite and the hall is nmoh iruproved n looks by the new arrangements. The corumittee of the state legislaure is in the city investigatiug the leeds of the nuiversity. Tbe gentleuen will reinain here until tomorrow ligbt. It is to be hoped that they will )e duly impressed with the magnitude if the work being doue at that institu;ion and reoommend that its ueeds be lulyrecoguized by the state law makïrs. E. h. Schneider is arrangiug foi the Formation in Auu Arbor of a división af the uniformed rauk K. O T. M. Sir. Knights frorn Arbor and Jobuson Tents, this oity, and from Ypsilanti, Dexter, and all other neighbonug tents will ba eligible to membership. Furtner infortnatinn relativo to this branch of tbe K. O. T. M. can be had at the meeting to be held in Maooabee hall over the post office, this eveuing. The Modern Woodmeu of Americn had one of the pleasautest dauces of the winter at the Light Infantry arrnory, Thursday evening cf last week, whicb was attended by 130 couples. The Royal Neighbors also servsd a bountifnl supper whioh was well patronized. As a result of the party the Woodmen added $30 to their treasury and the Neighbors $20 to theirs. Miss Caroline R. Wilkinson, of 6 Mili st, died of apoplexy Thursday in Ori iu, JVlich. Her remains were brought ro this city Saturday by her brother, Dr. W. C. Wilkioson, of Chicago, and weie taken to her home. The fnneral services held at the house Mouday afteruoon, were attended by a large nnuiber of the frieuds and relatives of the deceased lady. Rev. .7. T. Sunderland delivered the flrst of bis series of Sunday evening lectnres on "From Aun Arbor to ludia" at the Unitarian chuich last Sunday night. The lecture was illustrated by stereopticou views and included views of Niágara, the Hudsou, New York, London, Berlin, Vieuna, Venioe,, the Mediterraneau, Suez canal and the Red Sea. The other two nombers will be given next Sanday eveuiug and a week from Sunday eveniug. Mr. Peter E. Metcalf and Miss Marie A. Duvall were quietly married at the bome of the bride's rnother, Mrs. Eliza Hartfield, in tne presence of the imtriediate relatives and frieuds of the contracting parties, on Tuesilay evening. Rev! J. M. Gelston officiating. The guests present froiLi out of the city wre Mr. and Mrs. Jöhn Dean, of Litchfield, Mrs. .leuuin Totten and two childreu, of Jerome, aud Graut S. Hadlv, of Hillsdale.