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W. N. Lyster Got It

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The repnblican county convention, held Tnesday, to nomínate a candidate for county school oommissioner and eleot delegates to the state convention at Detroit next Tuesday, was a very baimonioas oue and business was pushed along rapidly in conseqnence. The impression left on the party last fall by the sheriff "boss" was still perceptible in the composition of the different delegations. Partioularly wasthis notioeable when it caine to the election of a delégate at large to the state convenion. After Mr. Sawyer's aud Mr. Judson's names had been nominated for the positiou W. M. Osband, of Ypsilanti, urged the claims of A. F. Preeroan for the position on the ground that snch bonors should be distribnted around soraewhat and net be allowed to concéntrate in oue or two persons. Ilis reruarks were greeted with endorsations of "Boss" Judson by the Sylvan, Lyndon and Salem delegations, and several others might jnst as well have signih'ed their preferenoes viva voce, as when the ballot was taken the sheriff had nearly foor times as many votes as Mr. Freeman. The name of Mr. Sawyer was withdrawn before the ballot was taken. As íd the demooratic convention of last week, ouly oue name was presented for the office of school commissioner, and Wrn. N. Lyster, of Saline, received the unanimous vote of the oonvention. At 11:20 County Chairman Wedemeyer rapped the couvention to order and called E. F. Johnson, of Ann ArDor, to the chair as ternporary cbaiiman. A. E. Ford, of Ypsilanti, was elected temporary seoretary, and on motion the chairman appointed the following committeeB: On Credentrals- Seth C. Raudal 1, AnDArbor; Chas. H. Greenrnan, Augusta; Wm. Bnss, Freedom ; Otto B. Lmick, Lima; Henry Sims, Webster. On Resolutions - George S. Wheeler, Salem; W. W. Wilkinson, Sylvau ; John Heinzmaun, Ann Arbor; Al. Davis, Soio; E. A. Hanser, Saline. On Permanent Organization and Order of Business - J. C. Bemis, Ypsilanti town ; Ohailes E. Blackmer, York; Fred E. Branii, Ann Arbor town; E. E. Lelaud, Northfield; M. L. Raymond, Sharon. W. W. Wedemeyer being called on Eor a speech, urged on the republicana of Washtenaw couoty, the necessity of getting out the full vote of the party at the coming election. H. Wirt Newkirk was also called on and reiterated the advice given by Mr. Wedemeyer. He critioised the speech of Capt. C. H. Manly at the democratie convention, wherein he stated that the goldung dernoorats, if they wanted to return into the party, wonld have to come in at the oat hole in the back door. He said they need not go in at the backdoor to return to that party, as the republican party wonld weloome them at the front door in their stand for an honest dollar. The convention then adjourned until 1 :30 p. m., when the reports of the committee on permanent organization and order of business, providing tbat the temporary organiation be made permanent, also the order of business to be followed, was adopted. The report of tbe committee on uredentials showed all the delegations full aud no contests. It was also adopted. Evart H. Scott and H. Wirt Newkirk were appointed tellers aad the officers were sworn in. Frank E. Jones nomiuated Williarn N. Lyster, of Saline, tor oounty school commissioner, and tbe nomiuation was made unanimously. H. Wirt Uewkirk, Wm. Campbell aod B. M. Datnon were appointed a committee to notify Mr. Lyster of his I nomination, vho made a short speech I of aoceptauce. A. J. Sawyer, Wm. Judson aud A. F. Freeman were uominated tor delegates at large, but Mr. Sawyer's name was withdarwn b6fore the ballot was takeu. The result of the ballot showed l Judson to have received 156 votes and Freemau 40. Mr. Freeman moved that Mr. Judson be declared the cboice of the couvention. Carried. The couvention divided into districts aud chose the following delegates to the ooDventiou at Detroit, next Tuesday : First distriot - A. J. Sawyer, E. H. Scott, John Heiuzmann, John F. Law rence, Wm. A Campbell, Aun Arbor; Archie W. Wilkinsou, Sylvan; Alfred D. Davis, Soio; George S. Wheeler, Salem; Thomas Birkett, Dexter; Henry Huehl, Freedom ; F. B. Braun, Ann Arbor town. Second district - H. S. Boutelld, Edgar Rexford, C. M. Warner, L. D. Combes, Ypsilanti; Benjamin D. Loomis, Ypsilanti town ; Charles Gauntlett, York; Frauk Lambie, perior; Harrison Bassett, Saline; P. F. Walters, Augusta ; A. F. Freeman, Manchester; Philip Blurn, Bridgewater. The committee oü resolutions presented its report, which was adopted. lu them tbey reuewed their pledges to support tbe principies enunciated in the national and state platform of 1896; oommended Governor Piugree for his wise reooimuendatiuns to the state legislature, which if carried out would more equally distribute the bnrden of taxation aruong the people; requested the representativos and senators to use all reasonable means at their command to enaot the governor's recotnrnendations into laws; and espeoially congratulated Governor Pingree upou tbe wise and patriotio stand whicb be bas taken towards the publio institutions of the state of Michigan and particularly to that of the University of Miohigan. After a short speech from Cbairrnan Johnson the oonvention adjourned.


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