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Arbor Hive, No. 113, L. O. M. T. now bas 162 ñames on its membersbip list. The January business oí the Ann Arbor postoffice amounted to nearly $3,200. Ernest Jaeger has purohased the meat roarket business of Charles Znern, on E. Washington st. James S. Baldwin, law '90, . of Deoatnr, III., was adinitted to the bar of Washtenaw county Saturday morning. O. U. Vreeland, of Masón, has been appointed hospital steward of the First Regiment, Michigan National Gnard. It is repoited that C. P. McKinstry promi8es to be here next month to stand trial in the circuit court. - Ypsilanti Commercial. , Dr. I. W. Copeland, dent '90, of Ashland, ühio, visited Ann Arbor friends Friday and attended the Masonic party in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Shetterly have been receiving the congratnlations of their friends on the birth of a son, Thnrsday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Hollands entertained a party of friends with progressive pedro on Monday evening, at their home on W. William st. The Mystic Shriners of this city are in receipt of invitations to attend a grand reoeption given by Moslem Sbiine at Detroit tonight. Several will attend. The Milan Leader has entered on its 16th volume. Congratulations. Hope yon will continue to get up as good a paper as you do now, for twice 16 years to come, Bro. Srnith. Arbor Tent, No. 29G, K. O. T. M., will visit Wolverine Tent, No. 77, at Ypsilanti, March 3, and the degree team from Arbor Tent will conduct the initiation of some candidates. The friends of Joseph Donnelly are nrging him to again enter city politics and allow his name to be ■ used iu connection with the democratie nomination for supervisor in the Fourth ward. Now that horseless carriages are an assured fact, a philosopher hopes that we may have dogless sausage, hairless botter, soundless pianos, voiceless eloontionists, aoheless backs, and jokeless jokes. ' ■ George Spathelf, jr., the uorth side bntcher, bas had on exhibition at his market the largest nog bronght to Ann Arbor this winter. It weighed 746 pounds dressed and was fattened by Henry Kleinschmid, of Northfleld. Wm. Gerstner, Ann Arbor, bas "kneaded dough" for a long time to buy a billiard hall in that city, and nas finally scared enough together to gefc it. He will probably be "rolling" in wealth in a short time. - Plymouth Mail. Mrs. Sarah A., wife of Samuel Antcliff, of No. 54 S. División st., died Monday morning, aged 43 years, 5 months and 27 days. The funeral services were held at the house Wednesday and the remains were interred in Manchester. Representativo Sawyer bas conoluded to stick to Ann Arbor, notwithstanding the solicitations of Governor-Mayo Pingree and otbers to go to an ultra tropical clime. No doubt Ann Arbo has some advantages over the otber place for a man like Mr. Sawyer. - Ypsilantian. There will be a horse racing matinee on the ice at Whitmore Lake tbis afternoon, the winners in whioh will enjoy an oyster supper at the Clifton house at the expense of the losers. Aniong other features of the matinee will be several exhibition heats by Mason Nutwood, the Dexter pacer. A half drunken tramp met a oitizen Friday night on Main st., and began : "I'm the viotim of oircumstancees - " "So am I," interupted the citizen and passed on down the straet. - Times. That mnst have been the same fellow wbo tackled the Argus man and wanted enough to buy a cup of coffee and who next morning was lugged off to jail, drunk from the proceeds of his importnnities for "coffee." Mrs. Anna C. Deckert, of Dexter, has been granted a wdow's pension. i The Sons of Veterans will have another social party Thursday evening of c next week. t The Ann Arbor Organ Go. has received order? from Minneapolis for 30 caioads of organs. c An anti-saloon league was foriaed in ' Saline Monday night. There are five ' aioons in the village. The Modern Woodmen will give au; ther dance in the Ligbt Infantry arm' ry, next Tuesday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Henne had an ddition to their family Monday mom ng. She is a girl and weighed 12 ' onnds. s The fifth of the series of Maooabee ïops will take place Easter Monday, April 19, when the Cheqnamegons will L urnish the music. ' Monday is Washington's Birthday. t is a legal holiday and according to tatute the Ann Arbor Light Infantry ' will parade at 3 :30 p. na. Aid. Coon left Monday evening for ' Talapoosa, Ga., to be absent a short I ime. He went to see about some proprty he has in that vicinity. Barnum & Bailey's circus will J jibit in this city some time between April 3 and August 3, but the date has ot yet been definitely settled. The Ladies' Aid Society of the j glish Lutheran church will give j ;ionality Social at the churoh parlors bis evening. Admission 10 cents; . upper, 10 cents. John C. Wilson was allowed $594 for ervices rendered the late Horace ] )snter, by tbe commissioners, in the ; jrobate court Friday last. M. J. ] anaugh was his attorney. j The late J Robert Phillips cai-ried !4,000 insurance on his life - $3,000 in he Maccabc s and $1,000 in the j achusetts M tpal - which will be divided betwc-t'ij ns two brothers and one ] ister. Iuvitations are out for a reception next Monday afternoon, Washington's , iirtbday, to be given at the residence , of Mrs. James B. Angell by, the . ers of Ann Arbor Chapter of the . Daughters of the American Revolution. The following ladies aie the delegates from the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. to the state convention , of the Y. M. C. A. , at O wosso next week : Mrs. E. S. Eaton, Mrs. Geo. H. Pond; altérnales, Mrs. W. W. Wetmore, Mrs. C. W. Wagner. The following oftioers have been chosen by the Young Men's Club of the Cougregatioual churh to serve until Vlay 15: President, G. F. Allmendinger; vice president, O. E. Schairer; reasnrer, E. H. Waples; secretary, Bernath Sherwood. The board of directors of the State Savings Bank has promoted John C. Walz to be assistant cashier. JRioe A. 3eal bas been promoted from the posi ion of collector and assistant bookteeper to that of bookkeeper. W. 3. 3ooth, president of the bank, remains as manager. Mrs. Margaret E. Trouten, widow of the late James Trouten, died at her home, No. 36 N. Fifth ave., on Friday, of paralysis, aged 70 years. The funeral services were held at St. Andrew's ohuroh, Snnday afternoon, Rev. Henry Tatlock officiating. Three children survive her. The ladies of the north side will give an oyster aupper in the Wall st. chapel oil Monday afternDOu and evenint; for the benefit of the building fund of the uew church. It is pretty early to eat 'supper" at noon, but that is when the ladies will begin to serve the oysters and will continúe at it until 9 p. in. Prioe only 15 cents. The meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Sunday at 2:45 p. m. will be led by the Evangelist, E. F. Miller. He will speak on tbe subject, "Experienes with hard men in Colorado." Mr. Miller will sing "I am that wanderiug boy" a new song, thrilling, pathetic and true to life. All men are invited to come and hear bim. Grapes should be trinimed now, in February, while the weather is cold. If they are trimmed in the spring they will bleed ; that is, the sap will rnn from the ends of the sboots tbat have been cut, and the vines will be weakened. If cut now these ends will be healed by the time the sap begins to 'fiow, and tbe liability of damage will be reduced. J. B. Stoddard, of Conoord, has beeu in the city duriug the week, visiting his son-in-law, M. R. Parmelee, and other friends. Mi. Stoddard was wounded in tbe same battle and at the same time Maj. Soule, tbe U. of M. treasurer.was, at Baton Rouge ad they have had some very pleasant, and some very sad conversations bringing up old war memories. - Courier. Amel Lindeman has returued home from a stay of three weeks at the homeopathie hospital at Ann Arbor, where he was operated upon for a rupture, from which he had suffered for ten years. Mr. Lindeman has returned entirely cured and is uaturally well pleaaed with tbe result. He speaks in the highest praise of the manner in wbich he was cared for while at the hospital and advises all who are suffering from a like affliction to go and be cured. - Dexter Leader. Ernest Ely, of Traver st., was arrested Thursday nigbt of last week by Marshal M. C. Peterson on suspicion of being implicated in the murder of James Richards. Ely was absent from : tbe city on the night of Jan. 30, the date o1 the murder, and was well acquainted with Richard's premises and was known to have bad more money than usual in his possession since that I time. He claimed to have been in De i troit fhat night and proved the coirectness of his statement by the evidence of parties living in Ypsilanti. He was released. Born to Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Tedrow, Monday night, a baby girl. Judge Kiune ou Tuesday granted a divorce to Nora Gatchell, of Ypsilanti, Erom Fred Gatchell, od the ground of iesertioo. The revival meetings at the Chnich 3f Christ closed Snuóay night. They lave been very suucessful aud 44 people aave professed oouversion. A large nomber of the meinbera of J. r. Jacobs Camp, S. of V., paid a visít to Henry Perkins, one of their fellow nernljers, at Lowell, last eveniug. The Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Eleotrio Railway Co. has sold the large stearu motor, No. 2, to parties in Ohio, for ibout one-eighth the original cost. Judge W. D. Harriman will lecture Defore the Onity Club Monday night, it the Uuitarian ohurgh, opou "Eariy laya in California and the journey ;here." A reproduotion of J. J. Goodyear's seantifnl pioture, entitled "Two Friends, " appears in the last number )f "Onr Dniiib Animáis," a magazine pnblishd in Boston. A nurnber of the friends of Christian [jotz, oL 37 W. Fifth st, surprised him Satnrday night and helped him celeDrate his 43d birthday in a very jolly nd enjoyable manuer. A sleigh load of young people, comprising about a dozen conples, went ont ;o the hospitable home of Charles Kempf, in Pittsfield, Monday evening, jnd had a jolly time until early morning. Theta Delta Chi fraternity, assisted by Mesdames Dpck, Mntfin, Stanley, Nancrede and Beman, received f rom 9 :30 to 6 o'clook Friday afternoon, in bonor of Mlle. Rbea aud Mr. ïïorman H. Hackett. The Argns was in error last week in stating that the electric wiring of the üight Iufantry armory was done by Ralph L. Miller. The work was doue by the employees of the Electiic Lightng Co. At the close of the revival meetings qow in progresa at the M. E. church, the Y. M. C. A. will begin a short series of meetings to be held in the association rooms and to be oondnoted by Evangelists Potter and Miller. Lawyer Frank Russell, of Detroit, has applied to the fish commission to stook Island labe, Fondas lake and the Hnron river with wall-eyed pike. Tbe fish in these waters have diminished rapidly in the last two or three years. The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. bas ofered to Benzonia college, in Benzie oouüty, $5,000 on condition that tbe college raise $20,000 to go with it to establish a summer asseinbly on the shores of Crystal Lake, where the college is situated. The 400th aoniversary of the birth of Phil. JMelaucton the ooworker of Martin Luther, was celebrated by a special festival servicu at tbe Bethlehem Evangelical ohurch, Taesday evening. Tbe subject of the sermón was "Phil. Melancton as co-worker of Luther." Joseph Barthowiak, who was shot in the Bay City Polish riots recently, bas had the ballet which lodged nuder his shoulder, removed at the University hospital by the aid of the X rays and is now in a fair way towards recovery. Frank Fuller was bouud over to the circuit court Friday morning by .Tustice Pond, on the charge of stealing some cattle in Northfield, Oct. 21, 1896.' Baü was fixed at $500, bnt as Fuller could not furnish it he was rernanded to jail. H. Wirt Newkirk, judge of probate, was yesterday morning presented with a peroussion shell picked up on the battle field of Gettysburg. Norman A. Wood, caxidermist at the University museum, was the donor of tbe specimen, which the judge values very bigblv and will add to his already large collection of curiosities. One of the best euteitainments tbat bas been giveu at tbe Graad opera house tbis season was that of "Old Inuooeuce" by Tim Murphy and cornpany on Saturday uight. It is a strong, clean play with a good moral lessou in it, and was worthy of a far better audienco tbau it received. Mr. Murphy had to respond to two cnrtain calis and also make a speech. The Aun Albor high school will uot enter the Interstate High School Oratorioal Association as before aDnounced. The president of the Oratorical Assooiation writes saying that any student will be debarred from entering tbe oontest uuless he is a resident of the county in which school he is attending. Tbe faoulty of the high school think this uojust and have decided to withdraw from the contest. The Scientific American gives the following simple recipe for tbawiug out frozen water pipes : "Place unslacked lime around the pipes, cover with straw, and theu pour on water. The heat generaled by the slacking of the lime will thaw out the pipes if the operation is properly carried out. Pipes may also be protected from freezing by fiist wrapping with straw, tben putting on a layer of unslacked lime, and finally again covering with straw. The gradual slaoking of the lime by the moisture of the atmosphere evolves sufficient heat to prevent water pipes from f reezing for a whole season." Next Monday afternoon and evening will be quite a red-letter day for Pboenix Lodge, Nu. 1, F. & A. M., Ypsilanti. It will then celébrate its 50th anniversary, and the Master Mason's degree will be conferred three times, on as many different candidates.during the afternoon and evening. At 2 p. m., Pboënix Lodge will confer the degree on W. L. Fuller; at 4 p. rn., Ypsilanti Lodge will work it on Frank Creech ; and at 8 o'clock Fraternity Lodge, No. 262, of Aun Arbor, will work the sublime degree on B. H. Comstock. A large number of the craft from tbis city have siguified their intention of being present. Justice Gibson let four colored boys go on suspended senteuce Wednesday, , who were oharged with trnancy. Charles Neithammer, of the north side, hauled the first load of stone , day for the new chuicb 011 the north side. A freieht car on the Ann Arbor railroad jnmped the track while switohing Sunday at Elsie, striking au engine which was standing on the main track. One car was completely deniolished and ■ the engine disabled. Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Davies, bishop of the diocese of Michigan, will make his annnal visitatuin to St. Andrew's parish and celébrate ihe rite of confirination ou a class of candidates on the evening of Passion Sunday, April 4. Tne subject of Rev. J. T. Sunderland's lecture on India nest Sanday eveuiug, will be "Beuares, the Sacred City of the Hindns. lts temples, shrines, palaoes, pilgrims and religious life. " The lectnre will be fiuely illastrated with stereopticon views. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger will give a social party at their hall on Mouday eveuing, Washingtun's Birthday, from 8 to 1. The Cheqnamegons with four pieces will furuish the music. All forruer pupils and their friends are invited. Tickets will be 50 cents. Arrangements aie about completad for the visit of the Masons of Ann Arbor to Ypsilanti, ou Monday evening next. Ruund trip tickets via the motor line are uow on sale at the Ann Arbor Saviugs Bank and Schnmacber & Miller's drug store, at 25 cents for the round trip. It is urged on meuabers that tbey buy their tickets early so that proper accommodatious for theni may be provided by the railway company. A large number will go by tbe 5:40 motor, fo as to take supper with the Ypsilanti boys. One of the best entertainrnents of the Y. M. C. A. lyceum course will be given at the Presbyterian choroh next Tnesday evening. It is that of the Royal Bell Ringers and Imperial Carilloneurs, from London, England, and those who heard the beautiful music reudered by them last year will be eager to hoar them again, especially as this is the last tour they will wake under their present conductor, Duncan I. Miller. They give a charming entertainment aud the church should be filled Tuesday evening. Orders have been received and were read at the meeting of the Ann Arbor Light Infantry, on Wednesday evening, appointing , Corporal Noble Monroe as regimental color eergeaut. Althongh the company loses a good member from its rolls by this appointment all Sergeant Noble's friends congratúlate him on his appointment. At the same meeting Capt. Garnger appointed A. C. Wilson a corporal in the company to succeed Corporal Karl Kern, whose term of enlistment has exI pired and who retires from the service.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News