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ËmilllW" " l'illllllHlllW The papers are full % MM 11 = = or deaths irom - vlf-JtjjyjM - #♦♦♦♦♦ g jjasé BHuiiiiiii ■■'niinuiiiliM Of course the heart faUs to act when a man dies, but " Heart Failure," so called, nine ! times out of ten ís caused by Uric { Acid in the blood which the Kidneys X fail to remove, and which corrodes the heart until it becomes unable to oerform its functions. ' tf Health Of Heers ín many cities very properly ref use to accept " Heart Fail 2 ure," as a cause of death. It is fre} quently a stgn of ignorance in the physician, or may be given to cover ! ; up the real cause. A Medicine with 20 Years of ; J . . Success behind it . . will remove the poísonous Uric Acid J by putting the Kidneys in a healthy ! condition so that they will naturally elimínate it. J e a Estáte of Thomas O'Brien. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Washtenaw, sb. Atasession ot the Probate Courl ior ihe couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the I'robHte Office in the city of Anu Arbor, on Satuiday, the fitli day of February in the eur one thousand eight hundred and ninetyöo ven. Present, H. Wirl N'ewkirk, Judge of Probate. Io the matter ol' the estáte of Thomas O'Brien, deceased. On reading and fllinc the petition, duly veriftxi of Catberrae O'Brien, praylng that the luliiiinistration of eaid estu'e mny be granted to herself or some othcr sultable person. Thereupon it is ótdered, that Monday, the 8lh la o[ Mareta next. at ten o'clock ín the forennon, be assigned lor the hearing of said petition, and iliat tlic heira 01 lw of aid dece;ised and all otuei persone ïntereated in said estáte, are required to appear at a Heision of said Court, th'in to be holden at the Vrobale Office, in the city of Ann Arhor, and phow caupc, if any there be, why ihepruyerol the petitioner should not lie granted: And it isfurther ordered, tlmisnid jetitionergive notioe to the persous intertsted in aid estáte of the pendencyof said petition, and the hearing thereof, bvcuusin? a copy of thn order to be pubtished in the Ann Akbok AjtGus, a newspaper print ed and circulated in said county, three successiv weeks previous to said dny of hearing. H. WIRT NEWK1RK, LA true copy] Judire ot Probate. P. J. Lehman. Probate Register. Commissioner's Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, OOUNTK u of Washtenaw. The undersiRned hnvint been appointed by the Probate C'ourt for said County, coimmssioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and deraands of all persons agamst the estáte oi Flemiag ISusenlutrk, late of saia couuty, cfeceused, liereby give notice that six months from dute are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, tor creditorti to present their claims againetthe estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at Ule late reiidenoe of said deceased, ia the Township of Ann Arbor, in said couuty, on Fridav, the 16th day of Arjril, 1S97, and on Friday the 16th aay of July, A. D. ]S7, next, t teu o'cloek a. m. ol each of said daya to receive, examine aod adjust tuid claims. Dated Ann Artior. Jannary 16th, 1SB7. JOHN O'HARA, FKANCIS PAKKER, OoniMiiBHionera . Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, thatbyan order of the Probate Oourt for the County of Wtlühtenaw, made on the '25th day of Jamiary, A. D. 1897, six muiiths from that date were allowed lor creditora to present thftir claims afgunst the estáte of Ehzabeth Stevens Clark,late of said county. deceased, aud tlmt all creditors et said deceased are lequiredto present theirclainis to said Probate Couxt, at the Probate Oöice in the city of Ann Arbor, forexaminaiion and allowance, ou or before the 26th day of Jmi next, and tlint uch claims will be hcurd belore Stiid Court on the -fith day of April, and ou the 26th day ot July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofeach'of said days. i Dated Ann Arbor, Jariu.irj' 25, A. D. 1SI17. H. WIH 1 NEWKIRH Judeeol ('róbate. Chancery Sale. IN PÜBSUANOB AND MY VIRTUBOP A deoree ol' (he Circuit Oourt forthe Couuty of WasJhtenuw, State of Michigan, in chaucery, matU; and ontered on the yOth day of January, INIT. In a certain cause thereln pending wherein Ellzubuth Guntli. r, Josephinc Kohier uim! Margarot Keuerbaclter are COEQplaiDants and John W. Schneidei', Georffe Bohneider, Krttderick E. Schneidei', Etnma Schnelder, Olgn schneider, Oatherine 8. Evura, Mary s. Dell, Enuna S. Seery, Lydia S. Alber, Fred Scblil. John Schlll. Kiuanuci BohtH. Frederick Uunther, Williiim Gunther, Edward Gunther, John Gunther, Anna Gunther, and Mai-y Gunther Suitz aredefeiidanL-;. Notice is hereby jjiven that 1 will eell at public auction at the east front door of thi' Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, (that belna the building In whicli the Circuit Court for the County ol' Washtenaw is held), on Wednesday, the 84th day of March. J8U7, at ten o'elock in the forenooi: of said day, all the followinjf deserihed real estáte, situaicd in thu township of Freedom, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, and kuown and deaenbed a follows, viz: Belng apart ot section miruber twenty-four (SU), and commencinr on the siut h Line Of said section nine Chaina and forty-six links east from tbe south-west corner thereof and running theiu'c north and parallel with the west line of said secunti thirty ehains and lorty-seve.n links: thence east and parallel with t fie soutli line of sala section ten chalns and nfty-ioui linke; thence iouth and parallel with thewesi line of snicl aeotton Beven teen chaina and eifihty-six links toastake; thence east thrde ehains and sivty-six links; thence South twelve chaina anu sixty-one links lothe soutn Uñe of said sectlon; thence west along the soul li liniMil said section fourteen chalns and fifty links lo i he place of beginning, coni aiuinij- bh'.rtj -seven and one-elgbth acres of land, more or less. O. ELMER BUTTRKFIKLD, Olroult Court Commissioner. E. I! NOREI8, yolicitor for the Complalnants.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News