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L. C. Weinmanu is dangerously ill witb pneumonía. Mrs. S. W. Oarkson is inaking a brief visit at Lansing. Prof. and Mrs. E. D. Campbell are visiting friends in Chicago. Mrs. Flemming Carrow returned home from Bay City Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. G. E. Dibble are visiting Detroit friends for a week. Mrs. J. E. Reighard and son have gone to Indianapolis oü a visit. Capt. C. H. Manly was in Detroit on business yesterday and Wednesday. Mrs. J. W. Drake is the guest of her dangbter, Mrs. A. J. McMillen, in Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schneider, of Ypsilanti, spent Sunday with relativos in the city. Mrs. Hadley and Mi?s Sager gave a thimble party to a few friends Tnesday afternoon. Mrs. Mark W. Barrington, of Seattle, Wash., will visit friends in the city next month. Mrs. Snow and danghter, Miss R. Mae Campbell, are visiting friends in Milán aod viointiy. There was a "faculty fnnction" at Nickels' hall last evening, paitioipated in by the Fifty Club. Miss Matie Tichnor gave a delightful Valentine party Saturday evening, at her home on Packcard st. Fred C. Wetmore, of Cadillac, is the guest of nis parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Wetmore, and farnily. Miss Minnie Partridge entertained a party of yonng friends Saturday afteruoou from 3 to 7 o'clock. Miss Carrie Wntbrecht, of Howell, is visitiug ber cousin, Mr&. Chas. Binder, Jr., and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Travis entertained the Whist Club, Tuesday evening, at their pleasant home on Huron st. Mrs. Wülard Holoornb and two children, of Pontiao, have been visiting ber sister, Mrs. C. E. Godfrey. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hazard aud Mrs. Black, of Detroit, are guosts of Mrs. E. A. Keith, of S. Tbayer st. Mrs. HeDry Kyer, of Seattle, Wash., is visiting her hasband's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. N. J. Kyer, for a few weeks. M. J. Cavanaugh and Charles A, Ward, atteuded the state Democratie canvention at Grand Rapids, Wednesday. C E. Garwood has gone to Stanton, Va., to'take charge of the repairing department of the jewelry firm of Switzer fc Gerbert. Freddie Daly sung at tbe Colonial Dames reception in Detroit, Wednesday evening. He was accotnpanied by Prof. B. H. Keinpf. Mrs. Soott Firmin and Miss Flora Newell, of Finlay, O., are guests of their cousin, Miss Anna Bennett, of 52 S. División st. Mrs. Fred Showerman left Wednesday evening to join her hnsband and take a trip of 10 days' duration with bina throngh the south. Herbert C. Watts, of Syraouse, N. Y., has been visiting his father, J. O. Watts, since last Sunday. He will return home next Sunday. Mrs. M. W. Howard, wno has been the gnest of Dr. and Mrs. Vaughan and other friends for several weeks, returued to Lansing yesterday. Miss Anna A. Scbriver went to Washington, D. C, Weduesday, where sbe will read a paper before the National Congress of Motbers. W. M. Sturgeon has gone on a trip throogb central Ohio, and will afterwards lócate in Tennessee. His famiïy ■will follow bim next snnimer. The Bacbelor's Club, in conneotiou with the U. of M. faculty, will give a reception at Granger's academy, Tbnisday evening next, Feb. 25. Mrs. B. M. aud Miss Ethel Thompson gave an At Home to their frieöds yesterday afternoon from ' to 0 o'clock at their residence 25 E. University ave. F. H. Holzheimer was in the city Monday on his way home to Salt Lake City from New York, wbere he had been attending to important legal business. Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge gave a receptiou at her home on Wash tena w ave., Saturday afternoon. She was assisted in receiving by Mrs. and Miss Utterwiok, ber gaests. Rev. E. D. Kelly Will give his leoture on "The Grpatest American" at the opera house, Piucknpy, this evening, uuder the auspices of tbeLecture Associatiou of that place. Mrs. Adam Dieterle, Mrs. Enoch Dieterle and Miss Auna Dieterle attended the wedding of Mr. Samuel LiinsenmaDn aud Miss Lillian iiiaot), at Detroit, ou VVednesday eveuiug. Sister Mildred, locompauied by hor Mother Superior and her father, Mr. Cosgrove, of Ypsilanti, called on her sister, Mrs. .lames Quinian, Fiiday raorniue, while ou her way to Middletown, Ohio. Alfred J. Paul has resigned the day olerkship of the American house and will move oüto his farm property in Pitisfield ahont March 1. Ed. Liohr has taken his position at the American. Mr. Paul's inany friends will miss his smiling face from the hotel office.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News