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Disease Does Mot Stamp Still. Every one ia either growing better or worse. How is it with yon ? You are suftering frotn KIDNEY, LJVER or URiNARY TROUBLES. Havo triod doctors and mediuiuc with. out avail, and have beeome disgusted. DON'T GIVE UP! dsateiure WILL CURE YOU. Thousands now woU, butonce like you, sny so. ;ivo an lioncst medicino un bonest chance. Larfre bottle or uw style smallrr one at your druguist's. Writt: for fren creatmentblanlt to-day. Waruer's Safe f-'re Co., Roohester, N. Y. Estáte of Thomas O'Brien. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. At asession ot the Probate Court i'or the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the Bth dny of Pebruary n the year one thousand eight hundred and ninetyseven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judpo of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas O'Brien, deceaBed. On readiüe: and fllini? the petition, duly vertfifd ot' Catherine O'Bi'ien, prayin tbat the administration of said estáte niny bc granted lo herself or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is oidcred, that JNfonday, the Sth dayof Martli next. at ten o'clock in the forennon, bc asBigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and tbat the hoirs at law of snid deceased and all other persone interest ed in said estáte, are required to appear at a aessiou of said Court, then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, and show caupc, if anjr there be, why theprayt'rof the petitioner ahould notbe granted : Amt il is fnrther ordered, that said petitionergive notioe to the persons interest ed in aaid estaie ot the pendencyof saidpeütiou, and the hearing thereof, bvcausing a eopy of thie order to be published in the Ann Arbor Akqus, a newspaper pnnted and circulated in said county, three suceessiT weeks previous to said day of hearing. H. WIKT NEWKIRK, LAtruecopv] Judge ofFrobatt. P. J. Lehman. Probate Ri-eister. Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNT}7 0Í Washtenaw. 'Fhu undersigned Imviuu been appointed by the Prohatc Court for said (Jouuty, coimni83ioners to receive, examine anL adjut all claims and demands of all persons ;i!r hum the eBtate of Flcmiag liuseubuvk, Inte of said conniy, cleceiiHed, hereby give notice thut bIx months from date are allowed( by order of said Probate Court, lor creditoröto present theirclaima againstthe estáte of aaid deceased, aud tbat thcy will meet at the late retiideiict; of said deceased, in tbc Township oI'Adu Arbor, in smd couuty, on Friday, the lötli duy of April, 1S97, and on Fridiiy the I6th aay oí July, A. I. 1Sj7, next, at ten o'clock u. m. o! eaco of Balddaytto receive, examine and adjiiHt Raid claims. Dated Ann Arbor. Januury 16tb, 1897. JOHN O'HARA, FKANClti PAKKER, Ooinmissionere. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtcmiw, m. Notice ia hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 25th dayof Jiimmry, A. D. 1397, six months from. that date wureallowed tor creditorato present their claims against theesUiteof Klizabeth Stevens Clark, late of said county, deceased, and tlmt all creditors of said deceased a re ioquireüto present ibeirclaimsto said Probute Court, at the Probate Ottice in the city of Anu Arbor, for examinaiion and allowance, on or before the 2tith duy of July next, and :hat auch claims will be beurd before aaid Gourt on the -fith day of April, and on the 26th ihiy of July next, at ten o'ölock in the forenoou oi'each of said days, Dated Aon Arbor, Januury 2 A. D. 1807. H, WlUr NEWKIRK, .ludiré of l'robaLe. Chancery Sale. IN l'UKSUANCE AND HY VIKTUEOFA deoree ol il"' CttrouH Oourt for the County 3f Waahtenaw, State of Michigan, in Ohan?ery, madr and enirivd on tlie 90th day of January, lfc'.)7. In a oertain causo thereln pending whereln Ellzabetb Gunther, Josephno Koliler and Margaret Feuerbaoher are í'omplaínants and John W. Schneider, Geortfe Bohneider, Frederick E. Schneider, Emma Schneider, Olga Schneider, Oatberlne S. Evii s, Mary S. Dell, Emma S. Seery, Lydia S. Alber, rred Sohill, Johu Schill, Emanuel Scliill. Frederick Guntber, William Guuther, EdwardGunther, John Gunther, Anna Guuther, and Mary Guuther Seitz aredefendant.s. Notice is hereby K'ven that. I will sell at public auction at the east front door of the Court House in ïhe City of Ann Arbor, in said Gounty, (that beitlg the buildinfr in which the Circuit Court for the County ol' Washtenaw la held), on Wednesday, the 24th day of Mareh. 1SÜ7. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described real estáte, eituated In the township of Freedom, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, and knowu and desenbed as follows, viz: Being apart of sectlon nutnber twenty-four (24), and commencingon the sou th line Of said section nine chaina and forty-six links east from the south-west corner thereof and running thence iiurth and parallel with tbe west line of said section thiny chiiins and forty-seven links; thence east and parallel with the soutli line of said section ten chaina and lifty-four links: thence south and parallel with the west line of saicl seotlon seventeen chaina and clgbty-six links toastake; thence eaat thrse ohalns and sixty-six links; thence south twelve chalnsana sixty-one links tothe south line of said section; thence weetalong the simi ti line of said section t'uurteen chains and flfty links to the place of beginning, contalnintf thlrty-seven and one-elghth acres of and, inore or Ies9. O. EL .vl ER BDTTBBFIELD, Circuit Court Commissioner. E. I? NORKIS, Srolicitor ïor the Complainants.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News