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Ben O'Neil is visiting friends iu Wyandotte. ][rs. C. Eberhardt is visiting frieuds in Bnchanau. Attoraey J. C. Stuith is dangerously ill at the hospital. Mr. aud Mrs. George H. Pond are visiting friends in Owosso. Prof. H. C. Adams and family will spend the surnmer in Europe. Mrs. W. J. Herdinan has gone to Washington, D. C, íor a brief visit. Moses Seabolt has been elected a director of tne Bay City Gas Light Co. Miss Josephiue Clute, of Dundee, is visiting Miss Abbie Wilson, of 9 N. State st. Miss Chritsiua Baur, of Bridgewater, has been visiting Mrs. Fiegel on S. l'ifth ave. Miss Emrna Loefller has just retnrned from a week's visit with her unole in Dexter. Win. Bii-ett, of Petoskey, visited his brother, Thomas Birkett, of Dexter tovvn, last week. D. B. Cbeever, of Chicago, 'spent Suuday and Monday with his mother, Mrs. H. S. Cheever. Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Steinkobl, of Manchester, visited W. G. Dietarle and family over Sunday. Mrs. Charles Millen entertained a nuinber of lady frieuds Monday afternoon at a 6 o'clook tea. Miss SuBie Smitb, of Jackson, who had been visiting Miss Minnie Drake, retnrued home Monday. Mrs Clarence Dixon, vcho has beeu serously ill witb uflammatiou of the boweis, is mncb iniproved. Mrs. Jennie Totten, of Jerome, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Johnson, bas returned home. Mr. aud Mrs. J. V. Sheehau entertaiued the whist club at tbeir home, on E. fínron st,, Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Belser speut Sunday and Mouday in Niles and Chicago, ieturning home Tuesday. Mrs. Luther Holland, of Saginaw, e. k., is visiting Mrs. George M. Stevens, 106 E. University ave., for a few days. Mrs. C. S. Millen gave a pleaaant reception to her lady friends at her home uu Lawrence st , Tuesday afternoou. Mrs. J. E. Travis gave a 6 o'clook dinner Monday afternoon, in honor of Bome friends of her sou, De Hall Travis. L. L. James, of Dexter, was rnade a noble of the Msytic Shirne at the meeting of Moslem temple in Detroit, Friday uight. Most of the dfclegates from tbis city to tbe state oonvention of the Y. M. C. A, at Owosso, left for that placa yesterday. W. H. Butler attended the sessiou of the High Conrt of Foresters in Port Hnrou tbis week as delégate from the local conrt. Dr. A. C. Nicbols and W. H. Butler will tske tbe ceremonies incidental to inanguration day at Washington, D. C, next Thursday. James A. LeRoy, prinoipal of tbe Pontiac high school, attended the junior hop Friday evening and called on friends in the city. Mis. T. J. Wrempelmeier, of San Francisco, Cal., ia visiting Mrs. Mary E. Lioomis for a few days and will then laave for Detroit to visit friends. Mrs J. D. Cameron and son, Roy, of Indianapolis, Ind., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Alber, of S. Ashley st. , have retarned home Mr. and Mrs. N. 3. Kyer gave a 6 o'clock dinner Thursday eveuiDg of last week, in honor of their son's wife, Mrs. Henry Kyer, of Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. George Cox, of Petrolia, Ont., are visiting tbeir daughters, Mrs. Daniel Pierco and Mrs. Fred Kliugler, and granddaughter, Mra. Honry Schnlz, of this city. We uuderstand that Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scofleld, who moved to Aun Ar bor last fall, will return to their farm sontb-east of this village iu the spring. They have been keeping a boarding honse in the nniversity oity. - Clintou Local. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Frneanff retnrned Monday ui.ybt from Bethlehern, Pa., wbere they had been attending the funeral of Mr. Fieuauff 's muther. They were tbe gaests of Mrs. Angusta Hnfczel during their brief Btiiy iu this oity, leaving for home Tutsday morning. Hon. E. B. Jewett, mayor of Euffalo, Mrs. Jewett, dangiifei ot the late Hon. George Dauforth, uf this city, Mrp. Fannie Palmer Bu kiiigbam, daughter of the late Hon. Olney Hawkins, and Mrs. K. L. B, Moloney, of Detroit, were the guests of Mrs. J. W. Maynard yeeterduy. Mayor Harlnu D. Wells of Ypsilauti, tand Alisa Violet Marie Riggs, of BelleI ville, are to be married at the resiüence ' of the bride'8 fatber Loren Riggs, in Bellevilie, Tnesday afteruoon next. ! They will take a weddiug trip to Washington, D. C, aDd witness the inaugaratiun of President-elect McKinley. Howard Caufleld, of Chelsea, who lost bis leg througb getting it orusked iu a hay press recently, was in Ann Arbor visiting friends the latter part of last week. He bas not yet got nsed to using bis crutchcs and 'says that be faopes be will not have to get used to it either. As soou as bis leg heals up wel! enongh Mr. Canfleld will have an artificial liuib fitte i to the stninp.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News