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About Telephones

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A bout 50 of the bnsiüess men of Ann Aibor attended a meeting iu the oounoil ohamber Tnesday evening, called to discnss the question of telephone rates brougbt about by the proposal of the State Telephone Co., to put iu telepbones at the rate of $24 for bnsiness places and f 18 for private honses, witb free servioe to Ypsilauti and a 10 cent rate to The meeting was presided over by G. Frank Allmeudinger, and after F. H. Belser had explained the objeot for whioh the meeting had been called, a general discussion of the matter was indnlged in, in whicb H. J. Borwn, H. G. Pcettyman, N. J. Kyer, C. H. Cady, Arthur Browu, F. H. Belser, J. J. Goodyear, VV. J. Booth, Flemming Carrow, E. E. Calkius and other.s took part. The geueral impressiou was that while tho Michigan Telepboue Co. had giveu excellent service, still the rates were too high. It would be au impossibility to support two companies and it was undesirable to load up our streets with auy more telephone poles than are at present there. It was, therefore, thought best that the two companies should be consulted in the matter aurl the one whicb wonld guarantee the best rates and servioe should receive the support of telepohne users in the city. Ou motion a oommittee of -eight was appointed to confei witb representativos ot the Michigan aud new State telepbone companies with regard to rates aud íeivioe, and to report at a later meeting. The ohair appointed H. 3. Brown, H. G. Prettyman, John Heiirniann, C. H. Cady, F. Carrow, S. C. Bandall, N. J. Kyer, W. J. Booth. On motion, G. Frank Alhnendinger was added to the committee. The meeting theu adjonrned. The committee met in the same room irnmediately after adjonrnment, H. J. Brown acting as cbairman and again there was considerable discnssion of the question. A resolution was fioally passed that the two companies be uotifleri that the committee has been organized and awaiu their pleasure. A subcommittee of H. G. Prettymau, Fred H. Belser and VV. J. Booth, was appointed to cqnsider the'advisability of organiziug a unión of tbe telephone subscriberfi of the city, it beiug appiirent that the usera of telepbones must stand together in the matter if anytbiug substautial is to be aooomplished.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News