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Real Estate Transfers

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Esther Day to Albert Day and wife, Ypsilanti, $2,500. George H. Howard and wife to John H Barr, York, $1,500. Sophia Hutzel to Titus F. Hutzel, Auii Arbor, $1. Frederick Gaekle and wife, by sheriff, to Geimania Lodge, No. 470, D. O. H., Ann Arbor, $746.95. Martin J. Cavanaugh and wife to Bernhardt Blumenauen and wife, Lodl, $1,040. Helen Maloy to same, Lndi, $l,04g. Augustus L. Webster, trustee, et al. to Heman M. Woods, trustee, Ann Arbor, $1. Wesley E. and Ellen M. Howe to Catherine Cramer, Ann Arbor, $2,005. Densmore Cramer and wife to Wesley E. and Ellen M. Howe, Aun Arbor, $2,500. Harmon S. Holmes and wife to Milo C. Updike and wife', Chelsea, $2,000 Cordelia Klotz to Warren Babcock, York, $500. Albert F. Ball and wife to Aaron W. Sanford, Milan, $600. John J. Ferguson and wife to Catherine Cramer, Ann Arbor, $,900 Densmore Cramer and wife to Priscilla A. Ferguson, Ann Arbor, $1,900. James Riggs and wife to James E. Flemming, Sylvau, $1,000. James E. FlemmiDg to William E. Arnold, Sylvan, $1,000. Emrna E. Jenness to Leonard W. Gleaeon, Ypsilanti, $25. Jeremiah D. Corry to Emily E. Fellowa, Sharon, $325. George Perry, by executors, to George Fuller, Ypsilanti, $1. George Fuller and wife to Mary A. Simth, Ypsilanti, $900. Jonn S. Lawrence to Charles Merriametal., Salem, $100,000. Martin Seitz and wife to Frederick Cj Haist et al., Lima, 111,620. Ida A. Spoor to John W. Spoor, Dexler, 1. George Nissly, by administrator, to Mary Nissly, Salem, $500. Hudson T. Morton to Irvin J. W. Neiph, Anu Arbor, $7.50. Daniel Earley, jr., to Margaret Earley, York, $1,300. John F. Avery and wife to John C. üay, York, $10,000. Darwin L. Brown and wife to Nelson C. and Jennie Kingsbury, Van Bareu aud Ypsilanti, $5,500. Arthur Brown and wife to Caroline Surg, Ann Arbor, $2,200. John Baumann to Herman Ordbring, Sharon, $700.