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The Mayor's Veto

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At the meeting oí the common council Mouday evening Aid. Coou and Grossman were the bsentees. Mayor Walker's straightforward corumunicatiou relative to bis action in allowing the saloons to remaiu open antil 10 p. ra. was read. It stated that the uustom of allowing the saloons to remain open frorn 6:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. "was sanctioned by our oity officials and seemed to have the tacit approval of the oitizens in general, and in consideration of the yeais it bas beeu io praotice and the general satisfaction it has given, the present adrninistration has failed to see any just reason'why it shonld deviate from the path of its predeoessors as far as the time of opening and olosing is concerued. " The comniunication coucluded by recommündiug that an ordinanoe fixing the hours for opening aud ciosiug at 6 a. m. and 10 p. in. be passed. Oo motion of Aid. JVlaynard the message was laid od the table. Charles Kingsley 's petition for a return of tases was refeired to the finauce committee. The reoommendation of the board of public works that $25 worth of gravel to fill in Wall st. be purcbased was adopted. The annual report of the board of public works was read and ordered printed in the records. In it City Engiueer Key advises a number of minor alterations in the present rules ia use as regards sewer counections, drainage and plumbing. Following this is the report of E. VV. Groves, sewer inspector, and that of Street Commissioner Ross. Some figures from tfc8 latter show tbat the amount expended for street gradiïig during the year was $3,169.18; street oleaning, $2, 9(53. 23; treet miscellaneous work, $815.26; crosswalks, $825. Í3 ; box culverts, $249.84; miscellaneous work, bridge croswalk and culvert, $367.80; repairs on sewer district No. 8, $42.80; sidewalks coustrncted and charged against adjoining property, $208.86 ;'work done by contract under supervisión of the board of pubilo works, $3,418.25; sewer district No. 5, $8,458.98. A report of the maoadamiziug of Detroit st. is also given. Chairman Maynard then introduced "an ordiuance relative to the closing of saloons, bar rooms and all other rooms or places where iütoxicating liquors are sold, upon Sundays, holidays, election days, aud during qertain hours ou all other days of the week." The ordiuance sets the hours at 6 a. m. an;}c10 p. in. and provides that all infractiorjs of tho orriinauce shall be tried in justices' courts. The fines thus come to the cityinstead of the county as at present. The sewer committee reported that a hearing of the people iuterested in the proposi-d fourth ward sewer had beeu beid and that 88 persons protested against its construction. The committee reported "that of this number a large portion were undnly influenced by certain parties who misrepreseuted the facts in tbe case," aud tberefore advised tbe construction of a sewer in District No. 6. The proposition carried by the following vote: ïeas - Aid. Mayuard, Koch, Laubengayer, Dall, Burke, Brown, Cady, Dapfortb, President Hiseock - 10; Nays - Aid. Moore,Shadford, Rhodes - 3 The petition for an electric ligbt at the corner of Kingsley and N. First sts. was denied The board of public works was áirected to find a new location for the stone crnsher. The reports of city officers were read. The oity attorney reported in favor of dismissing the oane against the Bilis estáte. Philip Visel's claim for remission of sidewalk assessment.on the ground that a former street commiesioner had taken gravel frorn nis premises to put on the street in return for which tbe sidewalk was to be built, was referred to a committee. The claim of Christian Maok for an amount said to be due on the city's right in the John Pfisterer property, corner Third and Washington sts., was also referred to a committee. The city has a deed of the property in question but when tbe city bougbt it there was a duly recorded rnortgage on the property held by Christian Mack, which the city attorney failed to look up, henee Mr. Mack's olaim. Oa motion $6.20 was paid to H. Hardiugbaus in fnll payment of his claim against tbe city fur damages. The council then adjourned. Early Tuesday moruiug Mayor Walker vetoed the conncil's actiou of Monday night in ordering the construotinn of the fourth ward sewer, on Jhe ground that the wishes of the great majority of the people in the ward should be r9speoted.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News