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Tenth Annual Convention

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The tentb annual conventiou of the above associatiou will be held iu the First M. E. chnrcb, Aun Arbor, on Wednesday and Thnrsday of next week. Delegates from every Snnday schGol in the couuty ara expected and the sessions will also be atteuded by numbers of people who are iuterested in Sunday school work. The ofïioers of the asaociatioo are W. .1. Canfield, Ypsilauti, president; Mrs. M. J. Warner, Ypsilauti, secretary, and E. E. Calkins, Aun Arbor, trensurer. The program arranged for the meeting is given below: "U'EDNKSDAY AKTKKXOON. , 2:00- Devotional service, led by VV. J. Canfield. 2:15 - Appointment of committees. Paper program for Sauday sohool hoor, Mrs. A. B. Stevens, Ann Albor. 2:30 - School report. i :00 - Round table, condncted by A.C.Goddard, Anri Arbor. 4 :00- Sunday school Normal work, E. K. Mobr, state field superiütendeut, Grand Rápida. Miscellaneou business. EDNESDAY EVENÏNG. 7:30- Music. Reading of scripture and prayer, Rev. G. P. Coler, Ann Arbor. Music. 8:30 - Address - "Profitable raethods of bible study," E. K. Mohr. Music. Address - "What la all tbisworth?" Hon. E. P. Allen, Ypsilanti. Collection. Musio. Benedictiou. THURSDAY MORNING. 8:00 - Worker's conference, led by E. K. Mohr. 9 :00- Prayer and conference service, conducted by Dr. B. S. McEIroy, Ann Arbor. 9:80 - Reports, President W. J. Canfield, Treaanrer E. E. Calkins. 9:46 - "How oan we obtain spiritual results in Sunday sohool work?" Mrs. Helen C. Thompson, Worden. Discnssion. 10:00 - Topic "County and township work, " (a) Organization, E K. Mohr; (b) Needs of the work in the connty, Township President; (c) Financial Needs, finanoial plans, h'uanoial pledges, E. E. Calkins. 10:45 - House-to-house visitation, M. C. Wood-AIlen, Aun Arbor. Disonssion. 11 :10 - Home class depart ment, E. K. Mobr. Two minute speeches from tbe floor. 1 1 :30 - School reports. Report of nominating committee and election of offcers. TIIURSDAY AKTERNOON. á:00- Devotioual service, pastor Congregational chnrch, Dexter. 2:15 - Sohool reports. 2:45 - Temperance eaching in tbe Sunday sehool, M. J. Warner. 3:00 - Topic "Primary work;" (a) Co operation of home and sohool, Mrs. M. H. Reynolds, state primary superintendent, Owoseo; (b) Experiences in teaching, Miss Jennie Moore, Ypsilanti; (c) Kindergarten methods, Miss Rose M. Wood-Allen, Ann Arbar; (d) Value of early impressions, Miss Ella Bennett, Ann Arbor; (e) The lesson for March 21st and bow to teaoh it, Mrs. M. H. Reynolds. 4:30 - Qnestion box, E. K. Mohr. Missellaneous business. TnURSDAY EVEXINO. 7 :30 - Song service. Scripture reading and prayer, Rev. Thomas Holmes, Ohelsea. Music. Addresses by Rev. I. M. Gelston, pastor First Presbyterian church, Ann Arbor, Rev. Wm. Uardam, rector St. Luke's Episcopal 3huroh, Ypsilanti, Rev. Wm. L. Tedrow, pastor Trinity Eüglish Lntberau shurch, Ann Arbor, Rev. E. W. Ryan, pastor First M. E. cburch, Ypsilanti, Rev. T. W. Young, pastor First Baptist chnrch, Ann Arbor, Rev. R. W. Van Kirk, pastor First Baptist ohurch, Ypsilanti, wbinh will be interspersed with music. Colleotion. Music. Benadiotiop. All Sunday school workers are entitled to the privileges of the convention. Names of delegates should be sent at once to the local secretary, B. B. Johnson, 37 Detioit st., Ann Arbor. Suppers, lodging and breakfast will be provided for at private houses. Dinner will be served Thuraday at the chnrch.


Ann Arbor Argus
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