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The Evangelioal Sunday school at Whittaker was reorganized last Snnday. Francis Hill, of JVIilau, has gone to Florida, where he will remain for several weeks. Wm, E. Howling has removed from the Johu Arubrose farm onto the John Lawson place iu Augusta. Qaarterly meeting services were held at the Saline M. E. churcb last Suuday, Kev. L. P. Davis presiding. Last Friday the quarterly conference of the Milán M. E. chucrh was held. Presiding Eider Davis beiug present. A dog poisuner has been plying bis measly business in Dexter and several people regret the loss of their pet canines. Nelvin Cobb was loading a gun with a shell cartridge Wednesday of last week, when it was discharged into nis hand. Charles H. Carrick, principal of the Milan schools, is the republioan candidate for connty school commissioner of Monroe county. Ypsilanti Young Women's Christian Association has 202 members, of whom 149 are active, 29 associate, 10 sustaining and 17 bonorary. Twenty -five friends of Miss Edna Smith, of Saline, surprised her Tuesday evening of last week at her home and spent a pleasant evening with musie and games. Arrhnr Bennett. of Hamburg, was Fiaugbtering a beeve and thinking the animal was dead pricked its leg witb his knife, wben to his surprise he found the arteries of his wrist severed by the knife which was snddenly kicked by the "critter," the latter evidently not being dead. The Colurnbia Dramatic Club, of Chelsea, is preparing a grand eutertainmeut for St, Patrick's Day, Maroh 17. A very fine play will be given by excellent local talent, followed by a roaring farce. Vocal and instrumental anusic of a high order will be an interesting feature of the. program. The junior exhibitiou of the Saline high school will probably oocur Friday, April lö. Besicfes the usual literary program a laogtiable little comedy aud one or two short colloquies will be given. JVlnsiu will be furnished by the quartets under the directiou of Mrs. Lawreuce and Miss Webb, and solos by Miss Florence Potter, of Aun Arbor. Miss Anna Crawley died at the home of her brother-in-law, John flnghes, near Scio village, Mnnday, March 2. aged (!!) years. The deceased had passed the greater part of her life up to the past two years in Marshall, bot of late sbe had resided in Scio. The funeral services were held in St. Joseph's church, Dexter, Thursday of last week. St. Mary's library, of Chelsea, has uow 600 ohoice volumes. A catalogue of the books has been printed, and cards of metnbership issued, for whioh a nominal charge is exacted. The offlcers for the ensuiner year are: Chief librarian, John S. Hoefïler; assistsnt librarians, Miss Katharine Gorman, Miss Emilie Neuberger, Miss Agnes Canuiugharn. The Ypsilanti Grauge mast be something entirely out of the ordinary iun of granges to judge by the following from the "bard of Willis" which appeared in last week's Ypsilanti Commercial : "Ypsilanti Grange is entitled to thö seat it occupies in the present, where the divine in life responda to the highest and the best in all that pertains to the social, the intellectual, and the spiritual needs of the race." At the last meating of Lafayette Grange held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Burkhardt, of Lima, the question of repealing the law relating to taking farm statistios was discussed, and a resolution was passed requesting that the law be repealed. The question of starting a oreamery at Chelsea was again disonssed, but no definite deoision was reaohed. The next regular meeting will be held tomorrow at the home of Mr. an'l Mrs. Koys, of Lima. At the session of the legislature in 1873 the east half of the southwest qaarter, and the soutbwest qnarter of the 8onthwest quarter of sectiou 7 of the town of Lima was added to the village of Chelsea. A petitiou is now before the samo body to detach the land from the village. As tbe vjJlage couuoil bas made sevaral cxpeusive improvements to the propeny in the way of grading the higbway, pnttiug up eleotric lights, etc., tbe uouucil has passed a preamble and ïesolutiou protesting against suoh a conrse and has forwardEd the same to the legislature. 1 A bean market bas been established at Dexter. R. J. Beokwith, of Chelsea, ie getting ont a directory of that village. Dr. E. J. Pbelps, of Chelsea, will leave that bnrg aDd settle iu Oaledonia. C. 3. Chandler & Son shipped nearly 200,000 dozen eggs froin Chelsea last wenk. A graphopbone eutertaiument wil! be giyen at tbe Webster (Jongregational chcrch next Thursday evening. The Ypsilanti Good Saruaritans and Daugbters of Samaria celebrated their 50th anuiver8ary Tnesday evening. The Cbelsea Ice Co. bas packed a millinu and a balf pouods of ice from Cavanaagh and Cedar lakes this seasou. Herman Ortbring, has bougbt the Caspar Winter farm in Sharon, and is repairiüg tbe house preparatory to moviug in. Mr. John Farrell, of Cbelsea, and Miss NelUe Galvin, of .Taokson, were mairied at the latter place Tnesday of last week. The old Bradford farm in Soio, forni erly owued by Judge Kiuue, bas been pnrohased by Mr. Baumgarduer, o Ann Arbor. Jahn Cbioke', better known as "Brotb6r Chioken," of Ypsilanti, fel and dislocated bis shoulder Tbursday of last week. The Dexter M. E. Suuday schoo will give a "pie social" toruorrow eveniug. There will no doubt be lots of nigbt mare following it. öeorge Luokhart, of Saline, wbile outting brn8h one day last week ent quite a gash in his right arm through making a rnisstroke with his as. ■ Mr. Cameron, a prosperous farmer fronn Brandou, Manitoba, has purchased the Jessie Saston farm in Ypsilanti, and will move his farnüy there. Treasnrer Charles M. Holmes, of Ypsilanti towu, bas collected every cent of the tas in his townsbip. He found 145 dogs whose owners paid taxes on them. Several of those interested in the establishment of the creameiy at Saline tnrned out and pnt np 50 loads of ice which will bè needed when the oreamery starts up. The dedioation exeroises of the Normal School Stndents' Christian building will be held Friday, March 26. An excellent program is beiug prepared for the oocasion. Henry T. LeFurge has bought out the interest of his partner, Thomas ,T. Green, in the hardware business of LeFurge & Green, at Ypsilanti, and will ooutinoe the business. Mr. Thomsa G. Speer, of Chelsea, and Miss Clara Daubersmith, of Cresco, Iowa, were married at the home of the groom, Wednesday of last week, by Rev. ,T. S. Edmunds. Mrs. Monterville McNeil, of North Lake, is slowly rsoovering her health and the use of her limbs after an illness of six years' duration and whioh bad been pronounoed incurable. Charles J. Merriman, merchant, and his son Arthut, aged 20 years, both lay dead at tbe same time at the faimly home in Grass Lake. The son died Saturday of typhoid pneumonía and the father died next day of erysipelas. Tbe annual meeting of the Farmers Vigilauce Association of the townsbips of Augusta, Ypsilanti, Pittsfield and York, will be held in the United Workmen's hall, Union block, Ypsilanti, next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'olook. SeldOD Orr has pnrohased the Silsbary property south of Sal De and will move there this uiouth. Frauk Kelsey aod farnily expect to go witb them, whila Will Orr and family will move on his father's farm. - Saline Observer. Thomas Bogg, au aged resident of Dexter, died Wednesday morniug of last week of heart diseasp, The funeral eeivioes were held at St. Joseph's church, Saturday. His aged wife is in a oritioal conditiou fioin a stroke of paralysis. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Oongregatioual churcb, Chelsea, celebrated its löth auniversary Sunday evening, A pleasiug program was rendered, a historical sketch of the society given, and a fine address delivered by Prof. Hamilton King, of Olivet college. Miss Lila M.p only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L5. McGregor, of Ypsilauti, died Tuesday morning of cousumptiou, trom wbioh she had hsen a snfferer for some time. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon aod the remains were taken to Strathroy, Out., for ioterment. As Mrs. J. J. Robison, and Miss Bessie Robisou were returning from a flooiail at R. K. Fellows' last Friday, their horse ran away, turning them out near Anton Uphaus', running until he reached Josiah Sloat's, when Mr. Sloat sacceeded in stopping him. Mrs. Robisoo's face was somewhat bruised bnt