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Local Brevities

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A olass of Roval Arch Masons from this city will take the Counoil degrees at Ypsilanti next Wednesday evening. The Washtenaw County Sunday school convention will be held in the M. E. church, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Major Gil R. Osmnn, formerly secretary of state for Michigan, will be made a.paymaster in the regular army with a salary of $2,500 a year, it is said. Rev. J. T. Sunderland's lectnre on "Benares" at the Unitarian churoh, Snnday evening, was an inteiesting and instructivo effort. A large congregation listen ed to it. The piano recital by Prof. Alberto Jonas, in the Choral Union series, at University hall, Friday evening, was the best that gentleman has ever given before an Ann Arbor audienoe. By January 1, 1898, every railroad in the country must have its freight cars equipped with automatio couplers and safety appliances. Sixty-three per cent of the cars have to be fixed. Capt. Charles H. Manly is responsible for the bill noticed in the legislature by RepresentativeSawyer toamend the charter of this city. A public meeting to consider the proposed amendments is to be held this evening. Stanley Paul, the little two inontbs' oíd son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Staebler, died on Priday night. The funearl services were held Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Staebler's many friends deeply sympathize with them in their ead bereavement. Last Priday the children of the Fourth ward school took part in exeroises under the auspices of the Humane Sooiety. The sooiety oontemplates holding such exercises every Friday in one or the othér of the ward schools of the city. Dot Tremaine was tried in Jnstice Gibson's court Friday morning on the charge of being a common prostitute. She was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 and 30 days in jail or leave the oity at once. It is understood that she has gone to her foriner home in Pinckney. Herman Rayer, of Pittsfield, was severely bitten on the right leg by an enraged hog, Friday evening. He was brought to Ann Arbor and placed under Di. J. W. Morton's care. It took 13 stitches to close up the wound. Mr. Rayer is getting along nicely and will sooii be around again all right. The Argus was misiformed last week when it stated that the Ann Arbor Brewing Co. had a lease of the Hub, on E. Washington st. , and would in future conduct the business. The company has a lease of the premises for a term of years, bnt it will have nothing to do with the businness after May 1 next. The Ypsilanti Sentinel says: "The slim attenance given meritorions public functions is as indicative of hard times as the dullness of business and tbe. slowness of oolJections. The advertised lecture by Hon. James W. Steele on 'Cuba' brought four purchasers of tiokets to the opera house Thursday night, and in consequenoe was not given. Tbe attendance at the Choir Chapter sooial Monday evening was leas than 40." Friday eveing, Maroh 8. an entertainment will be given in High School hall for the benefit of Miss Brown's sewing school, which will be under tbe management of Miss MacMonagle. The program will oonsistof songs by .1. E. Harkins, music ou guitar and banjo, trio uuder direction of Mei Gillespie, guitar solo by Miss Cortland Marsh, negro songs y Miss Cora Mincks and readings by Miss Nellie Mingay and Miss MacMonagle. Manager Byers, of the Ypsilanti opera house, tells a good one whioh is worth repeating. There was a man down east once who had just erected a small opera house wbich he wanted opened with a first claas attraction. tío he wrofce Edwin Booth, the great tragedian, as follows: "I want a good show to come here and open tbe opera house. I will give ynu $G0, bnt there is no use of your coming unless ymir show carries a band with it." Booth didn't go. - Times. I Work has been corunienced on digging the foundation for the new north side ohnrch. The annnal election of Ann Arbor L'odge, No. 325, B. P. O. Elks, will be held next Thursday eveniug, March 18. Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 44, K. of P., will hereafter meet on Wednesday evenings instead of Friday evenings as at present. The Hay & Todd company has jast placed in position an antouaatio Muehling smoke consnmer, mannfaotnred in Minneapolia. The Bpworth League oí the First M. E. churoh is preparing to give a St. Patriok'8 day entertainment Slaroh 16, the eve of St. Patrick's day. The Ann Arbor Railroad annonnces its intention of selling tickets to Ann Arbor between Mt. Pleasant and Toledo at half fare rates dnring the May Festival. A dog was run over by an electric car Saturday inorning in suoh a manner that its back was broken. President J. J. Goodyear, of the humane society, put it out of its mi8ery by sbooting it. Mrs. Melissa A. Bakeman, a fortoer resident of Pittsfleld, died at the resideuce of her son in Detroit, Saturday, aged 59 yeamand 9 roonths. Tbe remains were buried in Ypsilanti, Monday. An exhibition of art photographs is being given at Newberry hall thia and nest week. The oolleotiou consists of several thousand photographs, embracing the best work of all the great attists. St. Andrew's ohnrch musical service last Sunday evening was again so largely attended that the chncrb would not hold all the people who wanted to attend. It was a beantiful service and the singing was of a high order. Mrs. Heinriob, who lives with her sn m-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G F. Stein, was siezed witb apoplexy at their home 13 S. Fifoh ave., on Tuesday morning at 8:15 o'olook, and has since lain in a seiniunoouscioDS state. In view of the fact that there is to be a public review of the work done in the gymnasium some time in May, Dr. Mosher annonnces that tbfi gym. will hereafter ouly be open to tbe public on Thursday and Friday afternoons of each week from 4 L5" 6 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs C. J. Snyder and family, of 26 Gott st , were surprised Friday eveniug by the Scio Center Sunday sohool, who dropped in on them to spend the evening. Games were played, a nice snpper served aod a general good time was enjoyed by all. Harry Pinckney, of Superior, was kicked on the point of the jaw by a Standard bred colt on Wednesdar morning. The bone was uot fractured but Mr. Pinckney experieDces considerable disoomfort in eating and talking just the same. Ann Arbor Camp of Modern Woodmen, tbe Boyal Neighbors and several members of tbe Woodmen from Ypsilanti attended a speoial religions service at Trinity Lntheran chnroh Sudday morning. Rev. W. L Tedrow preaohed a fine sermón approriate to tbe occasion. On Satnrday as County Clerk J. F. Sohuh was going home he slipped on a piece of icy sidewalk at the corner of E. Liberty st. and S. Fourth ave., and feil breakiog his right ankle. It is a very painfnl injury and will lay the genial captain off for some time from attending actively to business. Monday night a good sized washont occnrred at the foot of Detroit st , whicb was repaired Tuesday morning by a forcé of men under direotion of the sreet commissioner. The heavy rain of Taesday night caused a still worse washout at the same place ana tbe work of repair had to be done all over again. A Master Horseshoers' Union has I een organized in Ann Arbor, with Frederiok Esslinger as its president; James Donegan, vice presideDt; Wesley Seybold, secretary and treasurer. Wesley Seybold, Charles Esslinger and Fred Kirn bave been appointed a committee to draw up bylaws. Tbe unían is connected witb the national orgauization. The fall of mealy snow upon the icy pavement last Tuesday created a oonJition of things which uaused many a gizzard to be wrenclied loóse from its moorings, in frantio struggles of pedestrians to maintain a perpendicular. - Ypsilanti Commercial. The "gizzard" is a new section of ruan's anatomy lately discovered by tbe Commercial editor. It is reported that the Law and Or der League of Michigan has adopted tbe plan of sending out detectives to different points in tbe state to find out whetber or not the liquor law is heing observed and to piek up what eviaenue they can as to the violation of the law witb a view to tbe proseoution of tbe oft'enders. Tbe detectives, it is said, ate sent out from Detroit - Times. The military ball which is to take place, Easter Tuesday, April 20, gives promise of being a brilliant aft'air. A brass band will play tbe two steps and an orebestra the waltzes. The program will be the same as that of the inaugnarl ball, so if you have read in any of the papers what that was you will know what to expect. The ball will be one of tbe sooial eveuts of tbe season. It is more than improbable tbat the nest state fair will be held in Detroit next fall. About 125,000 will be required to furnisb the neoessary groumls and buildings. Prominent citizens are now looking for a site and considering plans for raising tbe money. The fair ■wa moved from Lansing (o Grand Rapids hoping tbereby to increase the receipte, but in tbis the assooiatiou was disappoioted and feil behind eeveral thousand dollars. I - _ It is rumoied that a drug store is to be started in the Arliugtou blook. Next. Beekar's military band uow occupies quarters over Schuraacher & Miller's drng store F. Stofflet is agitatiug the construotion of a quarter-mile bicycle track in or near the oity. The Royal Neighbors of America will hereafter meet Priday instead of Thnrsday evenings. This evening the Imperial Quartet wi)l appear in University hall in the Students' Lecture Association course. Every rueruber of Co. A who has not already done so is expected to go to the arruory tonight and clean up his equipments. It ia rumoreó that fonr modern dwéllings will be erected npon the Green property, corner Aun and Fifth ave., this snmmer. - Times. Tbe Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will give a social to the members and their friends at the association rooms next Tnesday evening. Mrs. E. Bycraft, of Spring st., left her week's washing hanging on the clothes line Monday evening and' a thief came along and oarried it off. A sample telephojae of the aew State Telephone Co. has been placed in the Cook house, for the inspection of those interested, by Manager J. C. Condou. Albert Long and Mrs. Flora Morton will farnish a program of specially arranged mnsic for the class at Granger's academy, tomorrow evening trom 8 :30 to 11 o'clock. Mrs. Carrie H. Gates bas resigned her positioD as recorder of Lombard Camp, No. 499, Royal Neigbbors, and Miss Lizzie A. Maier has been elecited in har place. The meeting at Y. M. C. A. rooms next Sunday at 2 :45 p. m. will be led by G. G. Stimson. His subject is "Personal work. " Music will be given by a mixed quartet. A large nqmber of visitors from Plymouth and other places were iu the city Tuesday to attend the examiuation of the three yonng men under arrest in the Richards' murder case. L. Gruner, exeoutor of tbe estáte of Mrs. Chiistina Seyfried, Wednesday morning sold tbe house and lot on Packard st., belonging to the estáte, to George Stoll for $975 cash. The sale of seats for "The Colleen Bawn" next Tuesday evenins is progressing rapidly and present indications are that there will not only be a good performance but also ajgood house to greet it. Mr. Martin Schoen, of Ortonville, Minn., and Miss Viola M. Parsons, of Ypsilanti, were married at tbe home of the bride's motber Mrs Erastus Samson, in Ypslianti, by Rev. Wm. Gardam, on Tuesday evening. Anton Armbruster, who bas been sick for a long time, died Wednesday at bis home on S. Seventh st, aged 85 years. The funeral servicps were held this afternoon, Rev. A. L. Nicklas officiating. Interment in Forest Hill cemetery. Alvick A. Pearson, Eugene S. Gilmore and William H. Golden took the Red Cross degree iu Ann Arbor Cornmandery Tuesday evening. The last bauquet of the temple year was held after tbe woik was finished and a very pleasaut hour of speaking, etc, followed. The normal comruittee has reported favorably to the ways and means committee at Lansing, an appropriation for the normal of $130,000 for the next two years. Abont $15,000 is for imprnvements, such as removing the heating plant to the center of the grounds and better fire protection. Carroll Millard, formerly of Detroit, has leased tbe Arlington hotel for a term of 10 years from April 15 next. The house will be remodeled and renovated and tbe new landlord will refurnisb tbe hotel tbroughout in modern style. Mrs. Millard will personally attend to the culinary department. Mrs. Reuben Stollsteimer, of 10 Seventh st. , was surprised by her fellow members of the Pansy Club, who dropped in on her Saturday night last to help celébrate her birthday. After spending a very pleasant evening the united guests departed for home leaving behind them several bandsome presents as mementoes of the occasion. One of President McKinley's first official acts was to appoint Col. O. A. Janes, of Hillsdale, to the position of pension agent. Tbe appointment was promptly conflrmed by tbe senate and the old boys in this city who draw pensions will not be put to as much iuoouvenience about getting their quarterly stipends as was expected. "Give me new wisdom, and kuowledge, that I may go out and come iu before this people; for wbo eau judge this thy people that is so great. " This is tbe verse in tbe Bible tbat President MoKinley kissed when Chief Justice Fuller bad administered to him the oath of offioe. It is the lOth verse of the fitst chapter of II Chrouicles. W. M. Aprill a youug salesmeu in the snos depattment of Mack & Co., lias purohased the shoe stock of the late firm of Jacobs & Allmand from J. T. Jacobs, and will hereafter conduct the business. The young men have tbe best wishes of the Argns for their success. George Cropsy, wbo was also with Mack & Co., will assist him in the store. The interior decorations of the Masonic hall, wbich are uüquestionably the finest in the state, will soon again sbine forth in their old time beauty and delicacy of color. Fred W. Bowen is engaged in washing the walls all over and the beautiful oil paintings, cleaned from the soot and dirt accumulated duriug 12 yeais of buruiug gas almost uightly in the temple, look like I new. Abont $30,000 in taxes were paid into thti county treasury Ia6t week. The Grass Lake News Boggests that Washtenaw, Jacksou aud Lenawee oounties join hands and alferuateJy bold ;u auuual tripaitite fair. The Y. M. C. A. at its monthly business meeting Tuesday nigbt disctissed the question of patting in baths nd a gymnasium. A cotnmittee was pointed to solicit fo membersbips to id in the woik. A recent article in the Detroit Journal reflecting on Gns Brebm, in oonneotion with the Snekey matter, cansed considerable talk in the city. The matter was also poblished iu the Evening News. Aitbnr Brown, acting as attorney for Mr. Brehm, took steps to sne both papers for libel, but furthor proceedings were stopped by a retraotion beitig made. Jacob Fiegei, a well known farmer of Freedom, died rather snddenly at hik bome in that township on Wednesday He had been a sufferer from rhenmatism for a nnmber of years and it is sapposed that his death was caueed by heart disease. The funeral services were held in Freedom today, and he was buried iu the Thomas cernetery. Mr. Fiegei was 80 years old and leaves three cbildreu, Mrs. Lydia Boffman, Miss Mary Fiegei aud E. Fiegei, üf Freedom.