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IH 3 HERE IS IS THE 8UREWAY TTI IM P knownto medical I I IVI Ei men for prompt, 1 y c Iv e c k i a g' Ot year .. .. troubles of the whenmen.. kidneys and re, storing these great and women .. organs tp health become weak.nd streñgth, and , , thatisby theuseof ened by -lyn xn down it has stood the ii 'VUn. test of time; it has ally lne saved thousands of first partS that lives; it has restorthe weather ed millions of sufcc , ferers tó health; afiects are the it has done what kidneys. The was never done, L never attempted urea IS not before;it has made thrown off, men stronger and i r i healthier; it has but is torced m?de ..women back Upon the brighter and hapi pier; .. it stands lungs, and Llone in all these ease results qualities. Do you --l K not thmk it would -eau Sed by be wise for you to weaknQSS of use it and thus ,1 i i avoid the danerers the_ kidneys. of the season? BI?. Larffc bottle, or ncw styW. gjgt upOn liaving it. Smallcruuc alyourilrutn Estáte of Theobald Seyler. STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for theCounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oillce in the City of Anu Arbor, on Frltlay, the üilli day ol February, iu the yearone thousand eitfht huudred and ninety-sevfii. Pre6eut 11. Win Newkirk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Theobiüd Seyler, deoeased. On readins and fllinir the petltion duly verifled, of l.niiisM Armbruster. praylng that S certain instrument ïiow on file in this Cowrt, purportlng to be tne last will and testament of Siiid deceased, may be udmitted to probate and that ulministration of said estáte may be granted to Daniel Soyler, one of the execu tors In s:ikl will namiid, or to sonie othersultable person. Thereupon it is oi'dered, that Saturday, the 27th day of Marcli, next, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, ;ind that the devisees, legatees, and helrs at law of eaid deceused, and all other ipersons inteiested in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a 6ession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Olnee, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is furtuer ordered that said petitioner givo notice to the person interested in said estáte, of the ipendency of said petition, and the hearing theroof, by causing a copy of thlö order to be published in the Ann Arbok Arous, a newspaper printed and olrculatcd In said county, three suoeessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. H. WIRT NBWK1KK, (A true copy ) .Tudgu of Probate. P. J. Lehman, Probate Register, Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WaBhten;iw,8s. Notice ia hereby tiiven, that b an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made mi the 15th ilayof ielirtiary, A. D. 1S97, Bix nionths frora that date werc allowed forcreditorB to present their claims aaiust the estáte of Pal riek Kya i, late oi' eaid county, deeeased, and tliat all creditors of said deceased are required to present their cUutüh to faid Probate Oourt, atthe Probate Otlice in the city of Aun Arbor, for examintition aud allowance, on or before the I4th day of Augoat next, and that alich claims will be haid before said Court ou the löth day of May and on the Hth day of Auguat nt'xi, at teD o'cloch in the forenoon of eacli of said (Jays. Dnted, Aan Arbor, Ff l.nmry IS. A. 1). 1897. H. WIRT NKWKIKK, Jndreof Proli.ite. Notice to Creditors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of WashU-naw, ss. Kotice ib hereby givcu, that by an order of the Probate Oourt. for the County of Washtfnau-, made on the25th day of January, A. D. 1897, 9ÍX muntha from taat (lato were allowed tor editora to present iheir claimt against the estáte ol Elizalieth Stevens ('Imkjate of said county, decerised, and thatall t-reditora of suid deeeaaed are tequiredto prest nt theirolaimsto said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Anti Arbur, for exaininaiion and allowanoe, on or before the 26th da oí .luir aext, and that eucb clairaa will beheard befare Btiid 'nart on the 6th day of April, aud on the 26th day of July next, at teu o"clock in the forenoon of each'of sriid days. ■ DatedAim Arbor, Jacuary 25, A. I). lS'.iT. 11. WIKT NEWJUKK, .ludori -i " Chancery Sale. ÏN l'l BSÜANOE AND I!Y VlliTIK HF A deercfol' ihe Circuit Court fortheOounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in (Jbantrrv. miltli' ind ('iilcrcd on the ;?ltli day ut' .laiütaiy, lij'JT. hi ;i eertaln ciiuse theroiti pending whercin Elizabetb Gunthi r, .losephIne Kolilei" atul Marg&ret Feuerbaoher ure complainaiits und John W, Bchnelder, Georjre Bohnelder, Froderlek E. Schnelder, Etnraa Schneider, Ola Sohneidor, Catherine tí. Evers, Miiry iS. Dell, Emma S. Seery, Lydia S. Alber, l'n'l Bchlll, .lohn Sohill, Emtinuel Sohill. Frederick Gunther, William Quuther, Idwarii (; iintht'r, Jolm Guntlier, Anna Gunther, and Mary Uuntlior Seitz aredefendants. Notice is hereby siven that I will sell at public auction :it the eust front door of the (Jourt House in the City ol' Ann Arbor, in sald County, (that uelns the building in wnich the Circuit Court for the County oí Washtenaw is held), on Wednesdaj;, the 24th day uf March. 18Ü7, at ten o'clock in'theforenoon of said day, all the followinff deacribed real estáte, eituated in the township of Freedom, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, and kuown and described aa follows, viz: Being a part of BBCtlon number twenty-four (24), and corumencinif on thesouth line of said sertion nine cbains and forty-six links east from the south-west corner thereof and running thence north and parallel with the west line of said section thirty ehains and lorty-seveu links; theiice eastand parallel with the south line of said section ten ehains and tlfty-four links: thence soutb and parallel with the west line, of said section seventeeu ehains and elgbty-sfcc links toastake; thence east thivt; ehains and sixty-slx links; thence soutb twelve ehains anu slxty-one links totho south line of saiil section; thence west alonii the south line of said section fourteen ehains and flfty links to the place of beginning, containinST thirty-sevrn and one-eightli acres of land, more or lesS. O. EL MER BUTTERFIELD, Circuit Court Commissloner. E. B NOKKIS, Bollcltor for the Complainants.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News