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Miss Lydia Weitnar, of Third st., is cm the sick list. John Weitbrecht, of Detroit, visitad friends in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Woodward, of Detroit, is visiting her parents in this city. Miss Andrews, of. Saline, was the guest of Ann Arbor friends Toesday. JVIrs. C. C Warner has returned from her visit with friends at Silver Lake. Miss S. S. Brown went to Chicago Wednesday morning for a week's visit. Attorney Grove Campbell, 'of Detroit, called on Ann Arbor friends Wednesday. Roy McClure will go on the road aa assistant manager of the "Isancj Hanks" company. Hoo. Jay A. Hubbell, of Houghton, has been in the city for a few days taking treatinent with Dr. Herdman. The Misses Pauline and Tillie Gerbacb and Miss Abnmiller, of Chelsea, are visiting Miss Eliza Artnbruster. Mrs N. P. Kellogg, of Orange, Mass., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lena Darheim, who is seriously ill. Miss Clara Mangold, of Grand Rapids, who had been the goest of Miss Emma Weinmann, retarned home Monday. Win. Wildanger, of Flint, is in the city for a few dayn with his wife, who underwent a surgical operation yesterday. Aid. G. C. Rhodes has been appoint-, ed agent for Washtenaw county of the Michigan Mercantile Agency of Detroit. A chocolate was given by Mrs. T. E. Nickels, of S. State st. , Friday evetiing, in honor of Miss Stiling, of Detroit. Mrs. A. G. Hall, of Oakland ave., has been entertaining her sister Miss Georgiana Stiling, of Detroit, durine the week. Dr. Frank B. Powers, medie '90, was in the city last week, on bis way home to Kncxville, Tenn., fiotn a trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Beal, of Detroit, have been visiting their daughter, Mis. H. A. Williams, and family of this city. A pleasant oard parry followed by dancing was given by Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hall Friday evening, in honor of their son Phil Hall. S. S. Cory, of Detroit, and G. P. Cory, of Chicago, have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cory, of 24 E. William st. The Saline Observer 6ays that Eugene 7. Helber, editor of the Neue Washtenaw Post, contemplates moviDg to tbis city froni Saline in tbe spirng. Mrs. A. L. Pocklington, of Ridgeway. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Luce, 81 Geddes ave. She carne to see her brother, Henry Luce, who is very ill. Mrs. J. C. Martin, of Darand, ia visiting her aunt, Mrs. Luce, 81 Geddus ave. She came to see her oousin, Henry Luce, who is very ill at the hospital. The Misses Mary. Bell and Minnie Steinbach will go to Cleveland Monday to visit the wholesale millinery houses in search of spring novelties in ladies' headgear. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hawes will retire from tbe management of the Arlington hotel on Monday next. Mr. Millard, of Detroit, will reopen the hotel April 15. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Mills have gone to Owosso where during the next two montbs Mr. Mills will be engaged on the directory of Owosso, which Glen V. Mills is now preparing for publication. Mrs J. D. Cook, wife of the kndlord of the new St. James hotel, and Mr. and Mrs. A. JR. Wickersham - 1 rived in the city from Chicago, Friday, and have taken up their abode at the i hotel. Rev. J. R. Speekman, pastor of the Germán M. E. church, has been in ' ledo this week attending conferenoe. He will be absent over Sunday. During his absence Frederick Essiinger has occupied the pulpit. Mrs. Chas. E. Yonng, Miss Cora L. Oronk, and Mrs. Helen M. ■ dell, of Port Huron, Mich., were in the city Saturday and examinod the books of Miss Emma E Bower, great record keeper of the L. O. T. M. Master Geralri Browu severed his , connection with St. Andrew's church choir, of which he has been a leading i member for so long, on Sunday last. j Tbis step is necessitated by the cbange I that is taking plaeo in his voioe. Gerald's sweet tones will be gr. atly missed i by the worshippers at St. Andrew's. ] Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ganntlett, o) Milau, were iu the city Wednesday. Dr. T. H. Ohias, medio '88, of Portland, Oregon, is greeting Anu Arbor friends. M:ss Tessa Martiü of Saginaw, is the guest of her uncle, Joseph Martin, uu N. Fifth ave. Mrs. Enoch Sears has gone to Eastern, Oiho, called there by the sudden death of her father. Mrs. T. D. Parks, of N. Ingalls st. , has gone to Argus, Indiana, on account of tbe illness of her mother. Judge Newkirk will be in Lansing Wednesday aud Thursday of next week attending a meeting of the probate judges of Michigan. Mrs. W. H. Juckson left for Eureka Spriogs, Ark., this rnorniug, for the benefit of her health. She was accompanied part of the way by Dr. Jackson. Dr. John B. Dowdigan did tbe worsfaipful master's work iu couferriog tbp third degreR in Masoury at tbe meeting of Owosño Lodge, Na. 81, F. & A. M., the other evening. -Joaepb E. Foltz, law '90, of South McAllaster, Indian Territory, is in the city on his way home from Washington, D. C, and the inauguratioti. He is a candidate for the office of district attorney at his home.