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Governor Pingree will preside at the final university oratorical contest iu Uuiversity hall next Friday evening. Tfaere is considerable talk of holding an indoor teunis tournaroent in the Waterman Gymnasium ia abont six weeks. J. H. Sawyer, '99 engineer, went east Monday nigbt to give evidence at Utica, N. Y., ooncerning the collisioD of the steamers Grover and Miran, which he witnessed while in charge of gQvernment work at Sailors Encarnptnent on the St. Mary's river last year. The conrses in the surnruer school have been made up for 189T. The school the literary department will )6gin July 7 and continue nntil August 18, and the law school will open Jnly 5 and olose August 27. Mr. E. A. Lyinan is president and Mr. E. H. Mensal is secretary of the faculty of the literary sohool. Prof. E. F. Johnson is secretary of the summer law school. The U. of Al. baseball team will )lay two games with their old opponent, Cornell, next spring. Contracts were sene to Cornell Saturday. The first game will be played at Ithaca, May 22, and the second at Aun Arbor, Jone 12. '.t bas been two years since U. of M. has Cornell in the athletic arena, when the latter was so disastrously de'eated at football. At a meeting of the Stuents' Chris iau Assooiatiou Friday afternoon it was decided to attenipt a canvass of all tndents in the University who are Cbristians, but have not affiliated with any ohurch er religious institution. Che movement was suggested by the uccess of a similar undertakiug at Cornell. Fifty students have voluneeredto speak to two students each for 0 days aud try to induce them to join ;he association. The museum of applied chemistry n the cbemical building is receiving a ;borough overhauling and rearrangement. The specimens whioh weie preiously arranged in alphabetical order are now being groaped in famiJies. íumerous pbotographs Ilústrate the rowth and development cf the artiles displayed. The specimens which . O. Schlotterbeck collected during lis residenoe abroad are also tieing dded to tbe collectoinn. The judges have been selected for the final oratorioal oontest, wbich will be held Maroh 19 to seleot Michigan 's orator for the Northern Oratorical League oootest. They are: Prof. George L. Raymond. of Princeton; Dr. Andrew S. Draper, president of the University of Illinois, and David E. Heinetnan. of Detroit, on "Thought and Oomposition ;" Hon. Sallivau M. Cutcheon, of Detroit; Rev. Keed Staart, of Detroit, and Prof. Pobert I. Folton, of Ohio Wesleyan University, on "Delivery. "


Ann Arbor Argus
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