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Charitable Union

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At tbe iiBiinal meeting of the Cbaritable Union the following officers were electel for the ensumg year: President, Mrs. Al.' L. D'Ooge; first vioe president, Airs. Steele; secoud vice president, Mrs. John Sheehao ; seoretary, Mrs. B. A. Finniy; treasnrer, Mes. Pbilip Bach. The ward committefis were appointed as follows: First ward, Mrs. O. M. Martin, Miss Sager; second ward,' Mrs. Philip Bacb, Miss Roys; tbird Ward, Mrs. W. J. Bootb, Mrs. Wetmore; fonrth ward, Mrs. Parker, Miss Henning, Airs. R. A. Beal, Mrs. Sheehan; fiftb ward, Mrs. John WhseJer, Miss Matilda Brown, Mrs. Sheeban ; sixth and seventh wards, Miss M. Brown, Airs. B. A. Finuey. The reports of the sec-retary and treasurer for the past year are as folJows. : ' HECEIPTS. Balance in treasury Man-h o, 1396 $ 30 12 Mumbersliips - - ;W 00 Mrs. K-A. lieal - 10 0(1 Mrs. .f. U. Angel) 6 dü Sale of oread douated by B. Bchumacher 14 00 St. Andrew's church Tbanksgiving donation 21 17 Union Service Thiinksipi'ing donation.. 64 50 Special donaiioQs 13 liï il 78 74 DISBÜRSEMENTS. Fitst Ward.. :,( 5 66 Second Ward ■ 15 00 Tliird Ward : 22 25 Fourth Ward Bi 62 Fifth Ward l.i 90 Sixth Ward 6 25 Sewinpt School 8 00 i-pecial Work 10 00 Hospital _ 5 M) Balance ou hand 56 32 $178 U ANNA B. BACH, Treasurer. The Charitable Union entered upon the year jast closed with less courage than usual. Bat little interest had been shown in its work and before June the treasury was virtually exhausted. Bnt fonr ladies were present at the Apiri meeting and only six in May. At this meeting the question of abandouiüg the work altogether was seriously discussed. Unless more money was oeived tbis wonld of conrse be uecessary, but it was feit that the city could not care for all the cases which come to the attentiou of the UnioD, and that if possible it mast cotinue its work, restricting it however, to the most pressing cases, especially those where sickness and poverty are combined. The secretary was iustruoted to send a blief statement of facts to the city papers. The Union did not wish to beg for support, but simply to raake it clear that eitber it mnsc have more inouey or else most tura over all care of the poor to the city authorities. Ad adjournment was made frota May to Ootober, Meantime the public statement of need brought a small amouut of money into the treasury, aud what little work was really necessary duricg the summer was dmie. In the autumD, however, the ontlook was still not very bright. But few attended the October meeting and uot even a quorum was present in November. The treasury was still very low, and it was more apparent than ever that our work mnst in the main be confined to oaring for tho siok. It was not deemed wise to distribute Thanksgiving dinners. The last three months of the year have been more enoouraging. The Thanksgiving oontribution at the churches was as usual given to the Union and conseqnently at the beginning of the winter there was nearly $104.00 in the treasury, which if expended carefully would be sufficiennt to carry on the work for some months. During the year 73 visits haVL been received by ruembers of the ward committees and 82 have been made. Fortyihree families have been assisted. Seccnd-hand clothing valued at $79.50 bas been distributed, and also a large number of new garments made in the Sewing School, or reoeived from the Needie Work Guild. During the year the question of a federatiou of charities has been sonewhat disonssed. It has seemad to some that it wonld be well if this could be brought about, or if at least the work of the Chriatable Union and of the Needie Work Guild oould be united under one leader. It was agreed that it could thus be done probably more effectually, and certainly with less labor. A committee of representativos from the two societies met to disonss the subject more fully, but decided that for the present no change of organization could be effected, though in time it may be brought about. Meauwhile the subject eau be agitated. Dnring the year we bae reeeived special gifts from Mrs. Angelí, Mrs. Noah Cheever, Mrs. R. A. Bea!, Mrs. Joseph Clark, Mr. Martin Haller, Mr. B. Schumacher and the Washteuaw Times. To these friends we express our thanks, as well as to the city papers for their oontinued courtesy in printing our notices free of expense. I have said we have bad sunicient money for our winter work. While this is in one sense true, that we should have spent more freely and doubtless bave done more good, had ,ve not always been restrained by the knowledge that we must make what we had in hand last as long as possible. Whenever we could, we have turned oñ cases. We have said "We can buy uo more sboes. The city must do this. We cannot seud this poor woman to the hospital. We will aek the Kirg's Daugbters to take her case, " and the King's Daughters did so. Possibly at times we have been too fearful lest the money fail and bave not expended it as freely as would have been wise. Io consequence however of our eoonomical management, we can carry on our work until another Thanksgiving, when we shall doubtless receive a good contribation. But in view of all the work which niight be done by the Union, we can but express the wish that during the coming year more mouey might be placed at our disposal, both by means of membership fees and bv ial gifts.


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