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Mack & Co.

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Sale Commences _8"%' jT This is but a partial list SATÜRPAY jTs y BRRGñlNS! This week, March 20, S M fl Sk È -M Í"K & S Many important items be - y iyS m sw) ]ry in& left out by the printCon")ües 8 W V r && % 0 yf ers for want of space. This week Saturday we inaugúrate an Eight Days' Sale in wliich are incorporated many peculiar and important features- Peculiar n that The Store with its wealth of merchandise sliould thus early sacrifice it's best and choicest possessions important to yon that with your every want before you vast savings can be made by purchasing whatever your necessities may be in this sale. You'll need domestica of all kinds, Ladies', Miases' and Boys' Shoes, Jackets, Capes, Suits, Skirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Boys' Clothing- Carpets, Draperies, Furniture, Bazaar Good, Bicycles, Garden Tools, etc., etc., and the PRICES ARE MADE SO VERY LOW it will pay you to come many miles to parchase them now. Ëmb' m tú i di yi wí a üiiiii on ? Ftari)ifDiiísarpeU An Army of Beautiful Costumes ft v nfttu „ where - RUGS' ?S' HFRF on dress parade. Ou, desire and nnd the best, newest and lairgesf assortnint. f 7 China, Süverware, Cooking UtenBllS, our succcess in keeping our Where yon know THE WORLD'S BEST FAP S Bazaar GoodS, LampS, SeWing MachmeS, . . rons in this department in the cïosest touch BRICS are to be found. Where you get a guaWM= ChÜdren's CarriageS and BÍCVCleS. with vogue- where you can walk np to the rautee of satisfactory wear with every dress. WÊmiMÈÊ ' tremest style and elegance, in matters jg qo jecja Black Dress Goods, JKIT We not one or two special trade inducers hut a store full taining to individual costuming without " mmjA ot VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS, furniture for every room in the gressing the border line of retined taste, or the rlain and ancy Weaves. eflm Jtfr honse at prices never before hcard of in the retail trade. Here's a DICTATION OF STRICTEST ECONOMY jhe Botany Mills Worsted DreSS GoodS, $5' Huunber snit, three pieces 'carved and trimmed to match, bed 4 feet bas brought the happiest results for them and ' f L' j r, nches wide, dresser top 21x42 inches, has large Germán píate mirfor us- mutual benefits to both. ,Blaf ad Al} ColT9' Weaves. , , ror, commode top 18x31 inches, cabínet work and finish first class, This spring we have transcended all our . The above goods are here in complete assortment at a range of & H previous successes as a visit to our cloak Pnces from 40c t0 L8 a JNUJNA imilliK. The biggeat bargain in Michigan is our $33.00 cheval suit, its partment will demónstrate. ( 5O-ÍHíll "Wide Serges " 43 Cents. maile from selectecl antiqne oak with quartered oak tops, the com . . "■ r xu.ü mode and dressser are both made with serpentine front and doublé Reefer Suits Flv FrontS f These are the serges that have carried The Store 8 fame as a tops, the dresser has divided upper draw, the cheval cabinet has two ' „nHanhi.'rn ÉS& bargain giver throughout the state for the past two years. For this large draw8) tWQ smaü draw8 and a hat box the mirror 8 18x40 LatOII dUltS, öranaenuurg, WSk sale the price is 43c. inches, beveled. It's the well $33.00 suit of our line and the sale Bolero SuitS, Braided IlUSSar, jhrL n insPectin of our great dress section will L&? price makes it $28.00 Blazer SuitS, The Nordice, "yJLfoX -8nre y0U tiat We ave een ProviDg n a Inost Llr ur ron ec 8toc contains all shapcs, all sizes, all styles Tiaht FittinQ SuitS The Eames. f 1!!X Vi unnsual way for your wants. The primest goods ,ê from the plain $.25 bed to a beautiful canopy bed worth $16.50 WWwfil are now displaying their vveave and color beauty p-'lpÉit'jjfc] which goes now at $13.00 Colors, Heliotrope, Fern Green, Vak 0SJ to earnest seekers after thejincommon and exelu! EtWpl Chiffoniers, the person who cannot be pleased in our chiffonier Blue, Royal Blue, Plum Shades, Navy ylJL v sive arics tae reliability and worth of which is ':'0. M stock may as well give up. Here they are, in Oak, plain and quarand Black. Covert Mixtures, Scotch T': r tlie ativauco Sllill'(1 of satisfaction. W$S tered Birdseye Maple, Mahogony and White Enamel. Trices from Mixtures in every style of cloth that's , I v MWÈrP $6.00 to $2O.OO. new and fashionable this spring. Trices ƒ# : % PC ö" 1d"N V'ElöF " whaf you want, $5.00 to $40.00. # ƒ OVJCr. OïV. SïO. W 1 Ife 9 AfK MfffHIM - SPECIAL THIS WEEK. g J Magie figuras :when you kuow what they stand for. AilLU uUIIm I JX k ,„ TO , n rn 1.1 q ■ uai 1O iir.-v4-tr Purchases here new All Wool Fancy Mixtures, ■ ■■■■■WBl W w ■ ■ RP M-. i ,5i w?Tefn ,í!' 11 1 OentS All Wool SackingB, All Wool Checks and _ , ,' . ASfÉgfe J, shades, All Wool Scotch Cheviot toxtures, IJM i % pkin & Remiett iah%s the ,.ea] val üf which We bonght one lot of A S Ta A Fly Front Reefer Jackets all hned with Tj?__ rnnJ up' to 39c, while they last 19c. P1Gf P or 8mts to 8,e11 at 3.00 g M Q U g beautiful fancy silk, wlnle they last $8.5)5. - - f l each. They are made of Birch, gij WJM M - L - : QQ Pqt4-q BuJs 5,000 yards All Wool Dress Noveltien, , ipholstered in silk ta pestr v, or in IfëÊ&i TfW m ' E'S OII-JL V1110 25 pieces All Wool, Silk and Wool and Moanticue Oak, upholstered in ernsh aS ■ M 'SfMfl f I V 1 lli IC il hail' spic and span St-vleS' liewest an.d best 5Oc Soods in th market- ed lush the workmanship on WWWfÊÉÊM 'W %êJ VOO iXII L All Wool Fancies and Fancy Mohairs, worth 50c, 60c and 65c, odds these suits fnlly equals a great 'WïWÈéfÊl i i V m end ends of Unes, all full dress patterns, ranging up to $1 a yard, all many $40.00 suits, every piece xl='cc V ■ J-% V%ésrr I l%r bunched at one price, 39c. has a good spring edge and the - WT4- JSr ê X S9O. V O 1!5 O OiTTt"Q B"'yS h''m('y Silk and Wo1 Mohairs and finish is good. Price during sale $24.00. Every other suit reduc Í ïs, W wê %M fcim ■ ■ IVb UU vtJlllD Mozambique Stripes, light colors, beautiful ed in price. V i _ T. pi ir R 'ir H SU' fo fabrics for evening wear or wedding gowns, are worth 1.25 a yard ; We sell during our sale a $10.00 couch for $6.80. It's made I 1 V w iien T fft f VpI p 5 yieces Black and White and Blue and White Hair Line Silk and from corduroy, nicely tufted, fringe to the floor all around, spring é 1 W bound Are advertised at Wo1 Fabrics' worth 80c 5 15 Pieces A11 Wo1 Fancies, worth 65c to head, end and edge, size 30x72 inches, covered in good corduroy auy % % iDaUn 75c; thousands of yards newest and best offerings in New Checks color you wish, a couch made to please, to wear and to sell at $10.00 .JL, 11 Hl %A " ' g -. and Mixtures ever placed upon a counter at 5Oc. sale price $6.8O. i % "tKt ql.5ü. - - - ■ - WiW i I, % Fashionable Skirts. Exquisite ñ 1 UtJffS fll4!ï ROCKERS. V. X M W ; terns in very best brocaded Silks I mT AnriP IPuT All Wr, , „ , ■ . i ,i v. zn U- -- and Satins,Moire Velours Etamines U UI WUUU UuUbl V '1' !NPl Here's a Rattan Rocker, good s .e, pretty style, worth $4.50, Serges, Cheviots Imported, Scotch and French Novelties, Plain ■f ü Vi ? , , t ,ít r. i a 1 f 9K tn „?,',..., , ,. . , ... , j. „ no xrt Q vnn ; H l ï White Enameled and Delft Rockers, redneed trom $ó.Zb to Braided, netted and apphqued in beautiful designs. iNot a thing jou ,..,..- , . n ■ ? W I I a í bí. ka a a m houjg for b,,t yowin „d.,eM t Ml.stac,ory pnces. Lad.eS . M.SSeS and BoS' J5L V-l W-4oefTE%6ER-A5n-üO;t „ B,d, Booker, anli,ue o, áBGSt MadC ShOGS ! P9 mahogany, upholstered seat and back, assorted colors, price $5.00, I, lR!JxK. W now 88.65. Read What WTs Are Offprina Yon % x We show a Iarf?e line of Cobbler Seat Rockers, the prices range Read What VV s A öenng 1 ou J P_ from $1.75 to $13. These prices are cut from 20 to 33 per cent. 8 ee ' sSK-if ., i ir -n We cali special attention to onr Birch Rocker. It has a 30 inch Ladies' Fine Shoes, 15 Unes to choose from, any style, Lace backi a broad seati ie wide between tne arm8) the back is made from or Button, worth 2.75, 3.00, 3.25 and 3.50, at . $1.98 fancy 8pindles and a wide embossed panel, the arms are broad and 10 lines of the finest made Ladies' Shoes in the country, all are bo]ted int0 p]ace) the geat s golid 8O[e ieather with an embossed hand made, all styles and widths, worth 4.00, 4.50, figure, the finish is natural or mahogany, the price was 3.00, sale 4.75 and 5.00, . . . . . $2.98 k ' it ao A JOB-2.75 Ladies' Fine Shoes, . . . $1.39 'H5m Children's School Shoes, worth 1.50, at . . . $1.00 Hprp'q the lareest E. P. Reed's Newest Spring Styles. #"T vi2 stock of Brussels 4.00 E. P. Reed's Shoes, newest lasts, . . . !$.OO i I "3Jti I %fek - tnhafminfliTi thp 4.50 E. P. Reed's Shoes, newest lasts, . . . $3.50 8 I XJlT SPRING CAPES A1TD JACKETS. DOHieStiC DoinffS. Body and Tapestry BrusselH, Velvet and Moquettes, in fact we . . f ... m " " " ■ ■ "" r ■ ■ y++ consider our stock too large, and to redece it we ofrer our extra heaA large selection ot J"er Lonsdale and Frut of the Loom Bleached Oottftn, . . 6c vy Body Brussels, a splendid 1.25 valué, at $1.10 a yard. êöiacK or ooiorea opnng wpes anu The aboe g g what & been 8e]ling thÍ8 best fam_ A gQod grade Boáy BrusselS) sod by mo8t dealers as the best, Jackets at astonisümgiy iow pnces. cotton { . w1] mainta-n all thg spring. price 1.10, our sale price 89c per yard. Very early tüis season manuractuí gc BrQwn CottoQ ltTJnde KemuS) worth 5c this 8ale? . se Velvet Carpets, sold the world over at 1.15, our sale price $1. ingtal inTkets and Caes 2 J c Co-' Ml?. " f WÍUn CarpGtS yHni =far:d r TZZ ï = &2$&? : : : - We Have 80 Rolls of Ingrain Carpets. i Ix tí II Lo Lila li Liic uauü uuiiiauucu . . , i i n u í tL1 i Disappointed in their expectations 50 Pieces Amoskeag Cxinghams, usually sold tor 7c, this sale 5c To turn them into money we make the following prices : they have been unloading at 50 50 dozen Gingham Aprons, the shilling kind . 9c Be8t Agra) alway8 8o]d at yOc, now offeied at 80c a yard. cents on the dollar this is the reason l5OOyards Seersucker Gmghams, worth 10c; 2 to 15 yard What mogt dealer8 sell as best Agrá, redneed from 80c to 7Oc. weare-ableto give the below, rather oe lengths, '.■';■'. " 5c Our Kidderminster Carpets, th carpet we tie to ; it is a sure startline bare;ains 25 Pieces best st-yles Toile du Nord Ginghamsi nevrer le8S than trade winner ; once sold is sure to give satisfaction ; were 70c, now 50 SDrine Jackets in Black 1Oc' this sale ■ ' " ' 7c yours at 62c a yard. and Colors worth $4 00 20 Pieces best 15c Scotch Zephyr Ginghams . . . 12c The best Extra Super All Wool Carpets, usually sold at 60c, reto $0 00 so at - 2 00 10 pieces best 12-c Domestic Zephyr Ginghams, . . IOc duced price 55c a yard. 50 Spring Jackets in Black 1 lot Fast Black Satines this sale' -7c Only a few rolls left of All Wool Ingram at 39c a yard. and Colors worth $6 00 Standard Taffeta Dress Linings, . . . .4c A good weave ünion Carpet, goaranteed best quality, worth to $10 00 eo at 3 00 1 case Standard Challies, new designs, . . . 8c 43C, now 7c a yard. 25 Spriíg J.cke?s L, U nd Coló,,, wort!, IÍ0.00 'J ZLSSA3Í ""' . . ! IU Z SStL "'' " ""' '"" '""'" "" "" C""e ment, maüutactared, worth up to Í25.00, all at one „5 áaIen 20c Turtsh Towelej redocSe'd ,,... l2i! " (Í.1W1W1O 25 Sp'rtag Cape; Blaok aDd Colored, are le88 thi halt price Denim, Blue and Brown, short lengths, ISJc to 15c, sale price 10c MATTINtrS. at ■ . . . . . . 2.OO Sheets and PlllOW SlipS. Japanese and China Mattings, all grades, from 40 yards for $3.9, 30 Spring Capes, Black and Colored, worth up to $12.50 at 5.00 Full size Laundered Bleached Sheets, . . . 37c to the best made at 50e a yare. 25 Spring Capes including beautiful Silk, Satin and Velvet, Hemstitched Sheets, best grade, . . . 52c IW Carpet Laying and Rag Making a specialty. all lined with Black and Fancy Taffeta Silk, worth up to Pillow Slips, 36x45, extra good cloth, . . 7c We make, repair, upholster and refinish all kinds of Furniture. $30.00 all at . 10.00 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, good weight, . . . lic Window Seats a specialty. 54 S. Main St., Telephone 164. ANN ABBOR. 56, 58 and 60 S. Mam St. Telephone 50. ANN ARBOR.