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To Silver Voters

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To the Silver Voters of Vashtenaw Couuty : We desire to address a few worfls to yoo. The canse of bimetalli&m is ijaining every day. Less than one jear ago the oontest bet ween the f orces of gold monometallism aud bimetallism was precipitated. The friends of free silver, au nnorganized army, attacked the hosts of the gold standard forces, and without money and with few leaders, nearly captnred the repoblican national conventiou, and ly two-thirds majority, drove the furces of the gold standard coborts from the national demooratio convention at Chicago, aud ander the leadership of Bryau, aDd against tbe combined power of the money syndioates and gigantic monopies, oarried twenty-two states and six million and a half of the popular votes; being one million more votes tban -were ever cast for a presideutial candidato before. We were not beaten but only repulsad, and today we cali again to those who held high tbe banner of free silver u Michigan in tbe campaign of last lutunm to fall in and maka anotber jharge, upou the ranks of the gold standard f oroes. Tbe nnited friends of 3ilver have nominated for the office of ;he supremo conrt, the scholar, the statesman, the npright judge and courageous defender of tbe rights of tbe jüiumon people, and for regents of the university, two gentlemen eminently ualified for suoh office. It cannot be claimed by the repnbliBan party that their nominee for justice of the supreme oourt sbonld be elected, Decanse be is at the present time npon the benoh. For two years ago that same party used every means to defeat Justice McGrath, the only democrat apon the bench, and who was entitled ;o re-eleotion if anyone ever was. No one who knows the respective candidates will dare assert tbat Judge Yaple wonld not graoe the snpreme court Dench equally, if not better, than Jndge Long, tbe republioan candidate. But conceding that Judge Long is eqnally fitted for the position with Jndge Yaple ;he contest becoines one of principie, and npon that we boldiy challenge our opponents. We were told before the election of McKinley that his election would íesult in the restoration of confidence, and in cousequ8"nce, of tbe return of prosperity. Pour months have passed. McKinley is now discharging the dnties of president, and the dark pall of business depression still hangs over ns, uotwithstanding there was greater pomp aud display of wealth at the inauguration of Mr. McKinley than ever before, a ruagnih'cenee equaling tbe display at tbe coronation of an emperor. The facfc still remains that gaunt misery stalks abroad in the land, aud more people are being fed by the hand of charity than ever before. It is true that some of the over pampered trasts and combinations have started up their works at reduced wages, still the great army of laborers remains unemployed. The farmers are finding it more difficult to pay taxes and interest than heretofore, and the prodnot in labor is still falling in price. A large vote in this state for the silver ticket this spring will be an admonition to those now in power that something must be done to stop the oppression of the common people. It may stimulate the silver men who still work with tbe republioan party to more zealou efforts for tbe cause of bimetallism. Therefore we earnestly hope tbat tbose republicans wbo were silver men, but feit they had to vote for McKinley, will now avail theruselves of the opportonity to vote for the cause of free silver, By so doing yon do not becoine democrats or populists, but you will be admonishing your own repnblican friends tbat this ocuntry belongs to the people, and that government is not administered for the benefit of classes. It is true our opponents have wealth with whicb they may be able in instan ces to even purchase some of the lead ing newspapers, but the mass of the free silver people are unpurchasable. We advise you to organize at onoe; see that eaoh township puts up free silver candidates for townsbip offices, auc then pat forth every effoit fcr the cause. We believe that we may expeo viotorv. Chairuaen of Exeontive Committees of the Union Silver Parties.


Ann Arbor Argus
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