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CROSS-EXAMINATION Coald, Not Weaken Such Testimouj As Tliis. CJVom the Kalamazoo Telegraph.) The following statement is one of great interest to many a citizen of Kalaraazno, and a maa as well known as Mr. Wnllace sliould carry more than ordinary weight vvith our readers. Here it is as taken down by our representative : "My name is John A. Wallace. I am a member of the flrm of J. A. Wallace & Co., doing business as tinners, etc, at 106 Eleanor Street, Kalamazoo, in which city I also reside. For the past nine or ten months I have been having attacks of kidney coinplaint, the pain in my back over my hipa was very sevcre at times ; my urinary system was also in a bad state of derangemetit, sometimes the urine was scanty and thenagain the amount would beexcessive, and a difflculty of passage always existed. 1 heavd of Doan's Kidney Pilis at a time when I feit that I was going to be sick, but their use warded off an attack, and I am now feeling very much better; the uriaary organism has regained a normal condition, and the terriöc pain in my back is much reduced in severity, while it is now f'ast going away altogether. I am continuing the use of Doan's Kidney Pilis, with positive feeling that they will effect on me a permanent and speedy cure. I have unbounded confidence in Doan's Kidney Pilis as a remedy for all kidney vilments; have good reason to be, as they have done so much for me." Can you ask any more than tliis? Doan's Kidney Pilis are reliaving more backs of the burdens they have been forced to bear through the kidneys than all other means devised, and, better still, they are doing this riglit here in Michigan. Ask any one who has ever taken them and see what they will say. Doau's Kidney Pilis for sale by all dealer's. price, 50 cents. Mailed by FosterMilburn Co., Buffaio, N. Y.,sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Boan's, and take no other. jfLkJlr the means of i l 5 i 3r SIlli name and itddress Tor jV A Jr hooklct, '-Mr;.. Fdiikitis V ■ Herrell-Soule Co. 8jrarnsr, N. Y. V J. Fred lioelzie, DEALER IK Meats, Sausages, Oysters and Market Goeds. Porter House and Sirloin S teaks a Specialty WASHINGTON MARKET. Commissioners' Notice. STATU OK MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersigned havinar beenappointcd bv the Probate Court fOT said County, Commissioners to receive, examine and adjnst all claim and demandsofall persons against the estáte 01 Edwaid H. Clark, late of said Countv, deceascd, herebv ffive notice tbat sñx months from date are allowecl, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims airainst the estáte of said deceased. and that thev will meet at the office ot VV. D. Harriman, iü the city of Ann Arbor. m said County. on Satunluy, the 5th day of June and on Mnndy,the 6th day of September next, at ten o'clock a. m. oi' each of said days, to receiv;, examine and adjnst saifl claims. Dated,Mav=h6th,Ur,Eo W, X). HARRIMAN, Commissiouers, Estáte of Alpheus Felch. CÏATEOF MICHIGAN, (JOUiNTY "of Washtenaw, ss. Atasession of the Probate Oourt fortheCounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the 13th day of Maren, in the year one thousaüd eight hundred and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Jndjte of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Alphèus Felch, ieceased. Caroline F. firant, Elizabeth H. Cole. Helen .1 . Jennings, Theodore A. felcb and Francia L. Felch, execuiors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come into court aud represent tbat thev are now prepared to render their final account as such cxecutors. Thereupon ït is oidered, that Saturday, the lüth daj of April, next, at ten o'clock in the fernnoon, be assigned for examining and allowing surfi aeoount, and that the devbeea, legatees and heir8 at law of Baid dectased, and all other persons interested in said estaM, are required to appear at a session of said Court, iien to be holden at the Probote office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should notbeallo-wed. And it is further rdered, tbat said executors give notice to he persons interested in said tétate, of the peodency of said account, aod ti.e htaiing thereof, by causing- a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arüor Argua, a newspaperprinted and circulaticgin said county three succesnivo weeks previous to Sa,d day of hearing [Atraecopy] Juige o I Probate, P. J. Lehman, Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
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