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Persons you meet every day, WILL DIE OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE or some trouble of the kidneys, urinary or f emale organs. WHAT CAN BE DONE? In such a serious condition you must secure the best remedy you can find ín -the market , AT ONCE. There is only one absolutely sure cure for these troubles, and that is "It has stood the test of time." Mongage Sale. DEFAUI.T HAVINGBEEN MADE IN TUE eonditioiisof acerlaln inortgage made by Nettle C.WiBe to the Ann Aroor Savings Association, dated .luly 22, A. D.1885, and reoorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the l'ounty of Washtenaw and Stat. o of Michigan, on the lOth day of August, A. 1). 1896, in Liber 78 of Mortgages on pagu 188, on wliich mortgage there is elaimed'lo be due at thodute of this notlce the surn of fouiteon liundred and ninety-8even dollars and Ilftceu cents, anil ;m attorney's fee of twonty five dollars provided fer in suld mortftatfe, and no suit or proeeedinRS at law having boen instltuted to recover the moneya eeoured by sald niortxaffe or auy part thereof. Now, thurcfore. by virtite of the power or sale contatned in said mortgage and the statuto in such case made and provided, notice ie hereby Ivon that on Saturday, the Ü4th day of April, A. I). 1897, at ten o'dock in the lorenoon, 1 shall eell at public auction, to the hiliest bidder, at the e:ist door of ttie Oourt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, (.thiit beins the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden,) the premisos described in suid mortgage or so much thereof us may be necessary to pay the atnount due on said innrtgage, wlth seven per cent. interest, and all legal eosts. together wlth an attorney's feo of twentyflve dollars convonanted for therein, the premi8es being described in said mortgage as all that oertaln lot, pleoe and parcel of land sitúate in the City of Ann Arbor. in the County of VVashtenaw and State of Michigan, and known and described ir follows; The east twenty-oightíí) feetof lot number threo (3) andthewesttwonty-two(2J)feetoi lotnumber four (4), in block number twenty-four (ÍÍ4) in OrmBby & Page addition to said city, according to the rocorded plat thereof ANN AKBOK SAVINUÍ ASSOCIATK)N. C. H Klink, Morrgagee. Attorney for mortgagoe. Bated, January 27, 1W. Real Estáte for Sale. BTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF 3 Wasbtenaw- ss. In the matter of the estáte of Jame9 D. McUaster, deoeased. Nctice is hereby given that in pursuance of in order granted to the undersigned adminlstrator of the estáte of said deceasod by the Hon. Judre oí Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the sMrd day of February, A. D. 1897, there wlll be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said ieceased, in the City of Ann Arbor, In the Oounty of Washtenaw, In said state, on the 12th day of April, A. D. 1697, at ten o'clock iu Lhe forenoon of tliat day (subject to all eneuinbranees by mortgage or otherwise eïfstin" at the time of the death of said deoeased), the followmg descrlbed real estáte, to-wtt: Commeneing at a polnt on soutb line of Jefferson Street sixteen rods west ot tlie west line of State stroet, thence running south parallel wlth State street seven rods, thenoe west four rods, thence north parallel wlth State street aloresaid seven rods to the soutu line of JefTerson gtreet, thence east four rodx to the place ot bezinning, with rightof way overa piece of land one Tod wlde east aaU west adjoluing sald land . Aieo commenclng at the southeast cornet of the above described land, running thence south on a lino parallel with State street eight rods thence west four rods. tbence north elgbi rods, thenceEe.lsto.O.1emnn.ruJKEsT Adminlstrator of the estáte of sald deceased. Chancery Sale. IN PURSUANCE AND BY VIRTUE OF A decreeof the Circuit Oourt fortheOounty of Washtenaw, títate of Mlchifan, Id Ohaucery, made and entered on the 80th day of January, 1897. In a certain cause therelu pending whereln EHzabetb Gunther, Josephine Konler and Margaret Feuerbacher aro complatnantB and John W. Schneider, Geortre Schneider, Frederick B. ychnetder, Emma Schneider, Olga Schneider, Catherine 8. Evers, Mary S. Dell, Emma S. Seery, LydlaS. Alber, Fred Schlll, John Sohlll, Emanuel Schill. Froderick Guntber, WUllain Gunther, Edward Guuther, John Gunther, Anna Guutlier, and Mary Gunther Seitz are defendantx. Notice Is hereby glven that I wlll sell at public auction at the east front door of thtj Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, In said Couuty, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the CouDty of Washtenaw is held), on Wednesday, the 24th day of March. 1HU7, at ton o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the following described roul estáte, eltuatcd in Ihe township of Freedom, County of Wauhtenaw, State of Michigan, and known and deseiibed as follows, viz: Belng apart of ection number twenty-four (ÍÍ4). and commencinK on the south lineol' said section ntne chalns and forty-slx links east from the Kouth-west corner thereof and runningthence north and parallel with the west line of said section thirty chains and ïorty-seven link,; thenoe eaatand parallel wlth the south line of said section ten chains and lifty-four links: thence south and parallel with the west line of said section seventeeu chains and eigbty-stc liuks toastake; thence east thre chains and Bljcty-six links; thence south twelve chalns anU sixty-oDe links tothe south line of said section; thence west alone the south line ui -;ül section fourteen chain and fifty links tothe place of beginning, contalninK bhírty-seven and one-eiífhth acres of Land, more or less. O. ELMER BÜTTERPIELD, Circuit (.'rnü't Commissioner. E. 1! NORBIS, Pol lei tor for the Coraplainants.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News