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John Chioken, of Ypsilanti, feil tbe other day and broke a shoulder - poor "rooster!" It reqnired a doctor to pnllet int place and "set" it. Some people exclaim against provideuce, on aocount of tbe floods, but no one heard the Ann Arbor thief who found a wash out on tbe line, in Mrs. Bycroft's back yard grumble a word. Adam WabI, of Ann Arbor, owns a pet rooster, who goes about visiting at tbe honses, pecking at the front door and stepping in when it is opened. He nsually asks for áomethiug to eat, but partakes sparingly, two or three '"pecks" beiug all that be requires. A Hamburg bntcher hanked at the hind leg of a dead steer, aud received a kick tbat droe the knife into bis wrist, severiug the arteries. It will be two or three weeks before he recovers from the effeets of this ''business revival" of "Hamburg steak." If Dr. Ryau's arithmetio is not at fault, tiifire are 1,000 miles of salooDS in this country, if every one measures 20 reet t'rout. - Ypsilauti Commercial. After such a tramp as was necessary to flnd this out, it wouldn't be unoatural if the elder's arithmetio "had a jag on." "Ypsilanti Grange is entitlñd to the seat it occupies in tbe present, wbere the divine in life responds to the bighest and tbe best in all that pertains to the social, the intellctual, and the spiritual needs of the race." - Bard of Willis. All that Ypsilanti grange seems to need now, is a great white throue aud its membera may then snap their fineers at heaveu. The Argus attacks Representativa Sawyer's bill whioh pioposes to amend tbe constitution so as to permit nonresident studente of Ann Aibor and Ypsilanti, to vote whüe attending school. The Argus shows that this would enfraochise 1,500 students and throw the control of municipal offices into their hands, enabling them to saddle the city, if they chose, with taxes for athletic games, art buildings, etc, while at the saine time cutting down fees for "foreign tuition at least $15,000 per year. " Mr. Sawyer has something else in his head thau basswood sawdust and is too sharp not to see these things. He has congress in his eye and 1,500 students could get him there. The Ypsüanti Sentinel skins with a shaip knife the coyotes who are snapping at the heels of oounty clerk Schuh, fur refusing to display the fiag over the oonrt house, in honor of McKinley's inauguration. Says the Sentinel, arnong other things: "Upon national holidays it is proper enough, but the display of bunting upon inauguration day is partisanship, not patriotism. " The Sentinel is right. There would be just as much sense and patriotism in hoisting the fiag, beoause Torn, republioan, who beat Jerry, demoorat, for oonstable, had taken the oath of office. Let partisans hoist private flags all they please for partisan display. A public offioial has no business in it. Capt. Schuh did right.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News