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George W. Bullis has gone to Florida to be absent until May. Mrs. Wm. H. Krapf is quite sick at her home on Detroit st. Albert Lutz is able to be around again after a month's sickness. Mrs. H. G. Van Tny], of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. E. F. Mills. Mrs. Frazier, of Chicago, is spending some time with friends in the oity. Mrs. U. O. Geromiller is making an extended visit with friends in Bay City. J. H. Killilea, of Milwaukee, was the guest of Dr. S.M. Hartley, Tuesday. Mrs. Ward, of Chelsea, visitad her sister, Miss Jeanette Storms, over Sunday. Dr. J. N. Martin returned Saturday from a professional trip to southern Ohio. Mrs. William Bury has been called to Ridgetown, Ontario, by the death of a brother. Mrs. Edward Duffy, of Pittsbarg, Pa., is visiting Mrs. Ellen Galliok, of N. Main st. Mrs. Wm. Bushnull, of Bronson, is the guest of Mrs. George H. Pond for a few days. Mrs. H. Johnson, of Kingsley st., has gone to Lansiág and Laporte, Ind., to visit relatives. Mrs. Mary E. Dibble, of Fenton, is visiting with her son, G. E. Dibble, of E. Washington st. Prof. J. G. Halaplian, of Toledo, was in the city visiting friends Sattirday and Sunday. Mrs. B. S. Waire, of Detroit, was the gtie&t of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IX Cramer, over Sunday. Louis A. LavioleMe, lately with Jacobs & Allamnd, tías eutered the employ of J. L. Hudson in Detroit. Prof. W. S. Perry is still on the sick list and is not reoovering bis health as rapidly as conld be desired. Prof. G. P. Coler bas dclined to aocept the cffered presidency of Drake University and will remain in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Arthur Stalker and children, of Detroit, spent Sunday witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hendrickson. Miss Berthel Wetmore, of this oity saug two vocal solos at the high school oratorical coutest in Pontiac Friday night. Thomas H. Slater was eleoted president of the Pot Luck Club for the ensuing year at a meeting held last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Alta Gerondon returned to her home in Wyandotte Wednesday, after a week's visit with Mrs. W. H. Krapf, of Detroit st. George Haller was in Rochester, N. Y., the early part of the week, where he attended the funeral of Mrs. Christian Haller. Mrs. T. J. Wrampelmeier bas retnrned to her home in San Francisco, Cal , after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Mary E. Loom is. Fred Vogel, of Pittsburg, Pa., fortnerly of Chelsea, bas beeu in the oity this week called here by the illness and death of his brother, Lonis Vogel. Goveruor Pingree was the guest of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, uf wbich his son, Hazen S., is a memoer, during his stay in the city last Friday. Mrs. W. P. Cantwell, of Lima, Ohio, is in the city for treatment by Dr. Vaughan. She is accompanied by her sister, Miss Mamie R. Hennessey, of Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller entertaiued a number of friends at progressive pedro Tuesday night. The first prizes went to Mrs. E. V. Hangsterfer and John Lindenscbtnitt and the "booby" pries to Mrs. Martin Schaller and George R. Kelly. H. J. Brown, of this city, delivered an address on "The importance of individual effort in Brotherhood work, " before St. Luke's cbapter of the Brotherhood of St Andrew, in Ypsilanti, last Sunday evening. Master Gerald Brown sang a conple of solos duriug the service. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Helber was made the scène of pleasure last Friday night. About 60 of their friends and ueighbors gathered there to give them a farvvell visit before their departure to Ann Arbor. Gaines were indulged in and a fine supper served. - Saline Observer. Mrs. Jnmes B. Angelí, president of the Michigan baard ui inissious ol the interior, presided ar ilie 34tb aunaal meeting of tbe society held in Owosso, Tuesday. At tne ilrernoon festion of the meeting Mrs. Rutiert Garupbel), treasnrsr of tbe society, read Der nnal report, and Mrs. A. C. Angelí, of Detroit, read a paper on "Do missions pay?" Other business was also transacted. Mr. aud Mrs. John E. Travis banqueted the 26 members of the Delta Alpha Nu fraternity at their home on E.. Huron st., Satnrday eveniDg. The interior of the house was deoorated with the society colors, red and green, even the lights being of a like bne. The occasion was the reception into the fraternity, as honorary merubers, of two of our citizens. The Mieses Dean, Moore and Jones assistcd Mrs. Travis iu receiving.