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The Phi Delta Theta fraternity held its lOth annual banquet Friday night at the Cook house. The senior literary olass will give auother clase social Friiay evening, Apri' 2, at Granger's aoademy. President Angell has appointed Dr. B. Fitzgerald a member of the athletio board of control fco flll tbe vacancy causad by the resignation of Dr. C. B. Nancrede. The Students' Cbristian Assooiation uow bas the largest membership it has had since its inception in 1889. At the beginning of the present year the membership, iuclnding the snstaining members, was 338, and up to March 6, 106 more bad been added. The Uuiversity Masonio Clob at its last meeting chose the following officers for the remainder of the sohool year: O. P. Cole, president; W. P. Harlow, vioe president; H. C. Kobinson, secretary ; A. C. Wood, treasurer. The clnb will give a banqaet at Prettymau's tomorrow evening. The first banquet of the Toastmastess' Clnb took place last Satnrday eveniug and its sncess augura wel' for the future of that organization. After a light repast impromptu toasts were responded to by the several members of the clnb. P. A. -Cowgill was elected toastmaster for the eveniog and proved his efficiency in a very oreditable manner. Northwestern's yielding to tbe pressnre exerted by the other institntions and her adoption of the Chicago conference rules in toto has added two more games to Michigau's schednle. Manager Atkinson has received a letter from the Northwestern manager announoing her adoption of the rules and asking for a game at Evanston, April 23 and another at Ann Arbor, May 1. These are aoceptable to Michigan. Tbe D A. C. has asked for a game with the 'Varsity nine. Ex-President Benjamin Harrison lectured before the iargest au'dieuce that bas gatbered in Uuiversity hall this seasou, Tuesday eveuing, in the Students' Lecture Assooiation course, on '"Souie hindrances to law reform." He was iutrodnced by President AngelĂ­ in a brief speech, and prefaced his address with a compliment to President AngelĂ­, who be said was une of the ablest college presidenta in the country. The address was an able one and was listened to with profound attention. Oen. Harrison was accompanied by Dr. M. L. Haiues, of Indiauapolis, and R. B. F. Pieroe, of Toledo. The party was eutertained by Gen. Harnson's frateruity, Phi Delta Tbeta. The members of the board of regenta attended the lectDie in a body.