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The Ward Caucuses

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There was no undue or unusual excitement at the democratio ward caucases held Friday eveuing, except that all of tbem were well atteuded aud the tickets uominated were exoeedingly strong ones? In the first ward caucus it was the general opinión that the city eannot well afford to lose the services of its old "war horse" supervisor John R. Miner, especially this year when his services will be needed to proteat the oity ou the board, so that geutlemau's repnblioan friends will have a chance to vote for him on the democratie tioket. In the seoond ward John Feiner, the republican nominee for supervisor, will find that he has inore than met his match, when the votes are connted, as Sid W. Millard, "the printer," will without doubt be eleoted. Walter H. Dancer, the old time member of tbe board of supervisors from Lima township, well döserves tha votes of the eleotors as no better qualified man oan be found in the ward. The fonrth and flfth wards renominated Joseph Donnelly and James Boyle for this position. In the sixth ward a new candidato in the persou of Hudson T. Morton has come to the front and should make a good run in view of his large property interests in that ward as well as his well known business abilities. In the seventh ward Albert Teufel was nominated but declines to run. Gottlob Luick was nominated for alderman in the first ward, but having been since uonnuated for president of the nouncil, his piaoe has been filled by substituting the name of ox-Ald. Eugene G. Maun oue of the best fïtted men for the position in the city. Mr. Manu served his vearii as alderrnan lor one term some years ago and was ODe of the best aldermen the ürsfc ward has ever had. He would bring into the conncil tbe experience of one who "has been there' ' and would provo a valbable acquistion to it. Aldermeu John Kocb and Jacob Lanbengayer will endeavor to be their own successors in the seoond and third wards aud should experience no difficulty in doing so. In the iourtb ward John Finnegan was nominated aud will make a good man in the council if electerl. The flfth warders made no mistake wheu they -aominated that hustling yonug business man, George Spathelf, jr., as their oandidate for alderman. He is a careful, conservativo man of business, deservedly popular, and will make a good representative for his ward if elected. In the sixth ward Martin J. Cavanaugh will endeavor to defeac Aid. Emmet Coon, and his clean political reoord and good eound, energetio common seuse should belp him to overeóme the republioan majority in that ward. Fred Harpst will lock horns with Aid. Cady in the struggle for aldermanic honors in the setfenth and will give that astute supporter of the peddler's ordinanoe and repairer of only so rnuch of the streets as lie in front of his own residenoe, a very olose cali, if he is not elected. The following is the list of the nominations made: First ward - Supervisor, John R. Miner; alderman, Eugene G. Mann, constable, M. C. Peterson. Secoud ward - Supervisor, Sid W. Millard; alderman, John Koch; constable, Fred Gackle. Third ward- Supervisor, Walter H. Dauoer; aldermau, J. Laubengayer; constable, M. P. Vogel. Fourth ward - Supervisor, Joseph Donuelly; alderman, John Finuegan. Fifth ward - Supervisor, James Boyle; alderman, George Spathelf, jr. ; constable, Joseph Seoord. Sixth ward - Supervisor, Hudson T. Morton; alderman, MartinJ. Cavanaugh; constable, George Jewett. Seventh ward - Supervisor, Albert Teufel; alderman, Fred Harpst; constable, John Seyfried.


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