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Mack &. Co.

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] i "- " Lace I l).S yr j& : 1 . j-áj lA-ll $4-oo Ladies' Fine Dongola rp 7 Jtf I jlBgTaT IWh' Shoes, Pat. Tip, Lace 3 00 f Y 4 ' i S'BT yT 1 I 1 : S4.00 Ladies' 2oth Century , & . r jf Sm 1 W ♦%'■. rj : Fine Kid Shoes 2 98 y J& jf jVFk ■iimiiimi ■ miiii'i Jl $4-o Ladies' Oxblood and s' mf & SiÍMHlMfcJHHEHsHa Russia Calf Shoes 2 98 MF M O f jfjk J& B S3.50 Ladies' Dongola Kid A S Jf M S f JvMT ■ . - Lace Pat. Tip Shoes 2 69 MS jT ff Jf V JW S MT m S3.25 Ladies' Dongola Kid T W WST r%„S W r , fíQ f . Lace and Button Pat. and KLrkisX DiJi Sdf típ Shoes 2 50 VSÜÜVS S3-25 Nadies1 Fine Dongola A "NT1 CJOTVTP A "N"V 7 Kid Lace and Button Shoes, All JLJ Vl7A-C-tX.i.ll X . Vi Coin Toe, all sizes 2 37 established o -STs.a.:rs. '■ l.j w iirfc%#K'l $3.00 Ladies' Fine Button and ___________i__- ___- - --. _- - . tOO? GLUVESa Lace Dongola Shoes, round ) Toes, selliníí - í?rll k I Ladies' swell Empire Gloves at 2 3J (É1% jLO f3 ö'T-tü"- S 4 orLLIAL with "Ideal" fastening, in $3 Ladies' Ss i - iT'rTfYT'STlí MVV iiACC black, willow, tan, oxblood, Fine Button M L HUV AKl V I V UlNYA llUoL . . brown, white, butter color Shoes, all L S1 páTirlLl J JNLcJL _ _Y Ladies' 2-clasp Mocha Gloves of last, down [mjj: oALL. in black, brown and red for thlss WUlí ']L Ladies' opera length Black Cotton Hose, worth 50c 25c ' brown, worth 1.50, now I 00 t0 llW jOJ-" Ladies' out size Black Cotton Hose, worth 35c 25c Ladies' regular 1.00 Gloves, 4 75 La- fláV yLLULLadies very fme Black Cotton Hose, three pairs for I 00 buttoned glace in brown, red, d'es Sfllif Black Cotton Hose, split feet, worth 35c, now 25c green, navy, tan, from now tnls ilne Js a II W Vr (ill Jl1 'VLadies' Colored Cotton Hose, oxblood and all the new dark leather 1 until Easter 79 Job, excellent l jHK V (r%g shades 15c and 25c ' This is no job but a regular $1 glove ln make and k Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, 2 pairs for 25c Ladies' Foster Glove, Fowler, material, not JlMW], " " " " 3 " 25c 4 large hooks, brown, tan, the newest kjBv-!Ladies' Onyx Black Cotton Hose worth 35c 25c red and modes, worth 1.75. . I 25 e y e j: - Zjggggr- Ladies' heavy Ingrain Black Cotton Hose 45c and 50c Ladies' 2.00 Foster Gloves, 7signtly - -rfT "ar. Ladies' Richelieu Ribbed Lisie Thread Hose, sold all over for 50c. 45c hook.primroseorpearlgray I 50 serviceable and a big bargain Ladies' Plain Lisie Thread Hose, black russet, slate, and all the Ladies' 8-in. Swede, in colors, at L"1.'1,"" ," . y light evening shades 50c worth 2.00 I 50 íi-50 lidies Shoes, all sizes, Ladiesg, Whte Hose 75c Ladies' swell 3-clasp Gloves, Lace, and Buttn; ■ ■ ' 00 Ladies' Black Silk Hose 75c, 85c, 1.00, 1.50 and 2 50 embroidered in black-tan, - Ladies Spring Oxfords, Black, Whjte gi]k Rose 60c and , qq willow, oxblood, brown and lan and Oxblood, lates t ms, Whhe CoUon Hose 25c V" red brown 100 ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ; ■ ■ u 4Ö Misses' Fine Black Cotton Hose, plain. . .25c, 35c C $1 .co Chilriren s School Shoes, ,,. , ,,. .T-,u a tji 1 n , u H'TIP$-C ■?i 11 j j Misses ïine Ribbed Black Cotton. Hose... lni ____ -- - _ all sizes. well made, good 25C 35C anci 50c 1 slocka...l serviceable :, at . . . 100 Miss,'and'B;y;.' Fas't Black Cotton Hose, ' dA ik ÏÏhy LADIES' FINE SHOES ?Tl fhn r f ' ï 2Sc per pair, 3 fot 25c M, LftmL IINLOIIULO. oxblood 'Coin, .toé very m% and5Boly?, {jlack Cotton Hose rib. P Finest Dongola Kid Shoes, Boys' Sa'tin Calf Shoes, Coin ... be,d' PfrT P(alr; ■', " ' '" ' ; '-. !?C JXk, w 'PW ., tf 13 .. -r, .' ' „ . , __ Misses and Infants 25c Wool Hose, now .. 15c c ONYJv - ' worth $4.50, Button, Pat. Toe, all sizes I 75 ., ... , ii ít-. -ïk d-'A Vi-prp- J o 5ft t, , ' ,i o , , ou Boys Leather Stocking, 6% to 11 25c "j A I lip 3 30 Boys Ca f School Shoes, best T , r,. „.,, , % . u , , , , xQtii&L ?5 . . tt; t. 1 1 =n 1 o= 1 nn Infants Pine Ribbed Cotton Hose, black VWWySïv S4.50 Ladies' Fine Dongola in the city, at . . I 50, I 25, I 00 , . .., , , -,, , , ■ . xSJi$$ -■■a ou td ut . a ■ rp. r t t.and tan, with colored silk heel and toe, t-vWttXYvw? Kid Shoes, Pat. Tip, this ILadies Coin Toe, Pat. lip, . ' . on K 1? v , r o en! -n j t 1 nc former pnce 2?c 2Oc "vy V y week 3 50J Button and Lace I 98 ... , ,„ ' , u ,.., , -,- Hy vi Misses BlacK Cotton Hose, split feet 25c u Lis' Tini Si ai M Ba DB JÉ Biis. You will have no conw klllT -r. ception of our splendid Sf% OUIIO. I9C, 29C, 39C, 50C, 79C. showing until you have T?W Eton, Blazer, Reefer, seeu it. Tightfitting, These figures represent every yard of Fancy Dress Goods in The Store. Our Entire Third U i L Etemines, Drat d'Ete. Floor Devoted Ex}Wf- í Coverts, Cheviots, All Wool Fancy Checks, Plaids, Stripes, Mixtures and 4 # . rmM V' Serges, Checks, Moings, the former price of which was 29c, 35c and 39c, IIIP clusively to our lU hairs' Fancy Mixtures until Easter ■ WU Exhibït Of Street y 71',% Newest 5oc Silk, Wool and Mohair Mixtures, all Wool Etiftf SllitS, House Vf Plum plain andBranmines, Boucles,Worsteds, Cheviots, etc. , worth 6oc, 65c, lUf eS and SkirtS. Vv denburg Braided-Ev75c and in some instances $i, until Easter VWU - yf ! Ij. ery one worthy of a Thousands of yards of the Choicest patterns, culled from ■■ i I 1 W place in the largest America's and Europe's newest productions - the things f%lf 0KIRT0. II f 1 metropolitan stores. most sought after now, until Easter V U Sj Moire Velour, Brocaded (I I i &s [„f ' nVüur mnn. üur Hinest Imported Novelties - Open and Close Woven EtiSilks and Satín, Eitimines :5!- ■ ' _ ,JWI wrSSr ev back mines, all the new shades, Granite Weaves, Boucle EtgtWg in Black and all Colors, s---: fects, Silk and Wool Mixtures, lowest value $1.00 up to f ■ Cheviots, Serges, Mohairs, F'ancy Brilliantines, I 50 up. $i-5, all until Easter B %Já Only One Suit of a Kind. You can't make your selection too soon. - - - - - - - - - SPRING MTS il CAPS Silk Specials Spring Alpine Tailor-Made Hats, in black, blue, brown, green and ,, . , ■■ ., , tan, worth $1, your choice 75c Those pretty Wash Silks in dark dec.ded Spring Alpine Hats, in black, blue, brown and green, worth 75c, vour colors Vou chave been snápping up at 25c; choice " 5(c-x-l Plain and figured China Silks were f Red and Tan' Leather Tams" a' nóvdVy', worf'h 75c, 'it. '. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 60c Oí A ed 5c; odds and ends of other Fancy J f Broad Cloth Tams, in black and blue, latest styles, worth 7Sc, your llv Sllks ln some mstances reaching $1.00, G4JLj choice 50c at the low pnce of Broadcloth Tams, in black, blue, brown and red, latest styles, worth 50c, your choice 25c Fancy figured China Taffeta and Surah, Linen Crash Tams, with quill and without, striped and plain, with Q worth 50c to $1. 00; Black figured OCIa worth 50c, your choice 25c jVy dine, worth 65c; Plain Surahs in all fjïC Boys' Linen Crash Caps, worth 35c, at 25c Vl Colors, dark and evening shades, all at . . Fancy Broadcloth Tams, in black and blue, worth $1, your choice.. . 50c Tailor Made Alpine Hats, in black, blue and green, with Aigrettes, Excellent Black Dress Silks at this price worth $t.2S) at. . 75c including Black Surahs, 24 inches wide, One lot of Alpme Hats, in all colors; worth 50c, 69c, 75c, 95c, $r, Black Grain B,ack India B)ack at one-half the pnce. China 24 inches wide Figured Taffetas _____p-_______==_=_- ___________ . __________ and China Silks, Black Armure, Black f Cjm Crystol Cord, Black Faille, every one JLv-fc 0 S%, T- ?"% Wmmmf VOO marked 85c, 90c, 95c and Si. 00, given QLjV t # Hl JW L - "- - out in this sale at vUnoL O. Black Armures, Taffetas, Satin Rhadames, Her Majesty's Corset, the only corset adapted to fleshy people, single !?Í'SÜ.H Í ff í'pSrtíni cZ% boned, in white, drab and black, worth $3-00, your choice. ... 2 75 Bkck Snped laffetas Plaid and Check Double-boU Her Maiesty, Corset, in drab and black, worth K'S Q _ That'SicpiDyieo-Sn-Gns-andB C . 'Q worth $2.00, your choice 85 " The P. D. Style, 248 in Gris and Blanc, worth $$, your choice 2 50 The J. B. Corset, in white, drab and black, both long and short More Silk goodness for Dresses and waist, worth $1.50, at 1 00 Skirts, Black Satin Rhadame, Si. 50; The W. C. G. or Royal Worcester Corset, in white and drab, having 6 Black Gros Grain, $1.25; Black Armure, hooks, worth $1. 25, your choice 100 $1.25; Black Bengaline, $1.50; Black The Thompson Glove-Fitting Corset, long waist, in drab and white, Alma Royal, $1.35; Black Gros Grain, worth $1.25, at 100 $1.60; Black Moire, $1.50; Black Gros Dr. Shillings, 858, Model Form, in drab and white, worth $1.2, at.. 100 Qli Grain, #1.50; Black Brocaded Silk, $1 .50; ClC! Ferris Good Sense, ladies' and Misses', in drab and white, made tyíC Black Embroidered Silk, worth #2.25 - %y%2J from the best of sateen, worth $1.23, at I 00 all treated alike, prices forall We Want UffitHniWn mjm TH IS APRIL SALE 1 We[Are not Going Out of Business, Don't Expect to Fail; Have no Goods Slightly Damaged by Fire or Water ; THISAPRIL SALE IS TO RUSH TRADE. Anticipating the usual uncertarn weather of the fourth month, we have d.ecided to practically hire the people to face storms to come to our store. Our Prices Are the Inducers A Good Hard Wood, Antique Finished, Cañe Seat Chair. regular 4. 00 valué, April price 3 00 oltd Oak Side Board beautifully carved, large mirror, antique finished, regular valué 14.00, April price 8 37 Couch covered in different colors of corduroy, spring end, spring head and edge, fringe to the floor all around, nicely tufted, a 10.00 article, April price 6 85 'arlor Table, all antique oak, 18-inch square top, good finish, others sell thern at 1.85, our April price I 10 A GOOD MANTEL FOLDING BED, nearly all mantel beds are made from elm, these beds are oak, with good spring, a bargain at our regular price 8.50, April price 7 25 Three Piece Chamber Suit, a good, well made, big suit with large Germán mirror, pretty filTrl carving, and good brass trimmings, has j H never been duplicated at the regular price j il 14.50, April price II 90 A Roll Top Office Desk, solid antique oak, worth Si 15.00 (got to many) April price 8 00 _ __r A Solid Oak Dressing Case with large mirror, B 'irT[ j alvvays sold at 9.50, April price 7 00 Jp Y09! Here's a Combination Book Case and Writing - -1 II-JJ Desk made from oak, large writing table 11 "" jITi and glass door, good finish, big value at [J 10. 75, April price . . 8 50 U OIR APRIL PRICES Are Bound to Move Eurniture in April. Ask to see our prize Bamboo Music Vou would guess the price at at least 1.80. Our April price I 30 Here's a solid Oak Writing Desk, 5.00, April price 3 80 A handsome Child's Carriage, rattan body, nicely upholstered, good parasol, steel wheels, April price 5 50 We show the finest assortment of Children's Carriages ever shown in Washtenaw county. Get the April prices. A beautiful Onyx table at 7.50 is cheap. Our April price makes them 6 00 NOW, DON'T GET THE IDEA That the Híghest Grade Goods Are Not Included in This Saie. : : : Here's a 4-piece Parlor Suit, solid mahogany frames, upholstered ín silk damask, a 43.00 bargain, April price 36 00 A solid Mahogany Parlor Table, 24x24 inch top, beautiful finish, a 9.00 value, April price 6 75 Three piece Mahogany Suit, upholstered in damask, inlaid backs, worth 45.00, April price 38 00 Mahogany Chiffoniers, serpentine front, beveled edge pattern, French píate mirror, a 35.00 bargain, our April price 27 00 Youv'e Wanted a Screen, Now Buy It. Three panel Screen, oak, mahogany or enameled, same as you have been asked 1.75 for, April price I 00 Think of a solid oak, cobbler seat rocker, worth $2.50, at our April price I 60 We Alvvays show bargains in parlor goods, but our silk tapestry suit, made on a birch frame, finished mahogany, lias been an especial favorite, price #30.00, April price 24 00 1 Our quartered oak hall tree with pattern French plate mirror, was a winner at $8.50, But our April price 7 00 Good portable wardrobes, nicely finished, you always paid $8.00 for as good, our April price makes it 6 25 A great big commode, 21x36 inch top, good trimmings and finish, a #3.50 value, April price 2 65 Here's another one, a three-piece chevat chamber suit, large beveled 1 mirror, worth $ 16.75, April price 13 15 A few Bissell carpet sweepers, known by everyone to C f7) sell at $2.50, April price makes them I 50taZfc A beautiful mahogany finished Tabourette, was S2.50, April price I 75 Here's an umbrella stand, made from iron and polished ÍCl & brass, is a new thing, will be sold at #2.25, April price I 89 81 U I Come expecting specials, you will not be disappointed. M&& i ak ' Every article guaranteed. Your money returned if they are 'i2JJ5 not as represented. DDS-y GOODS. 54 S. Main St, Telephone 164. ANN ARBOR. 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Telephone 50. ANN ARBOR,