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Notice of City Election. Notice is hereby giren tbat the Animal Jtaarter Election ia and l'or the City of Ann irbor will be held on VJonday, the Flfth Day of April, A, D. 1897. U whieh election tbe city oflicers, 'iz: A Mayor, President of the Common Councll, Tity Clerk, City Assessor and Justice of the ace will be elected by th&ijualifled electors )f the wbole city, and a Supervisor, an Alderuan and a Constable will be eleeted in each ard thereof . The said election wül be held io each ward )f said city at the following places, viz: First ward-Zion Germán School, Washingon st., near Fifth Ave. Second ward- Pratt BI ck: No. 61 Main st. outu . Third ward- Basement of the Court House. Fourth ward- Kngine House, Huron st., corner Fifth ave. Fifth ward- isnsine House, Swift st., near Broadway. Sixth ward- Bngine House, E. University xve., near colletfe. Seveuth Warö- VVeinberg's Shop, rear 110 State st. south. GLEN V. MILLS, City Clerk. Notice of General Election. Notice is taereby given that the General 31ection in aud for the City ot' Ann Arbor will )e held on Monday, the Flfth Day of April, A. D. 1897. Al whleh election the following State and County Officere are to be elected, viz: ■A Justice of the Suprema Court in place of 'liarles D. Long, whose term oí oiHce expires December 31, ÍK97, also two Reg-ents of the Jnlversity of Michigan in place of Levi II. Barbnur and William .T. Cocker, whose ternis . of office expire December 31. lir'5)7. Alsoa County Commissiouer of Schools for ;he County of Washtenaw in place of William W. Wedemeyer, whose term of office expires. And also the following amendments to Mie Constitución of this State will be voted on. viz: JOINT IÏESOLUTION Proposing ati amendment to section one, article uine, of the Constituí on of this State, relative to the salary of the Attorney General. Hesolved by the Senate and House ol' Kepresentatives 't the State of Michigan, That an amendment to section one of article nine of the constitution of this State be and the saméis hereby pruposed, to read as follows: Section 1. ïbe Governor shall recojve an annual salary of four thousand dollars; the Judges of the Circuit Court shall each reeeive an annual salary of two tho sand five hundred dollars; the Attoruey General shall reeeive an annual salary of tïiree tliousand flve hundred dollars and lie shall reside during his term of office in the city of Lansing, and in person attend to the dn lies oí bis office; the Seerttary of Stateshall reeeive an annual salary of eight hundred dollars; the State Treasurer shall receivean annual salary of one thousand dollars; the Superintendent ofPublie Instruction shall reeeive an annual salary of one thousand dollars; the Commissioner of the State Land Office shall reeeive an annual salary of eight 'hundred dollars. Tbey shall reeeive no lees or perquisites whateverforthe performance of anyduties connected with their office. It shall not be competent for the Legrislature to increase the salaries herein provided. Be it further resolved, That said amendment shall be submitted to the People of the itate of Michigan at the next Spring Eleetion, on the flrst Monday of April, in the year one thousuid eight hundred and ninety-seyen, and the Secretary of State is hereby required to give notice of the same to the sheriffs of the several counties of this state the time prior to said election required by law, and the said sheriffs are hereby required to g"ive the several notices required by law. Each person voling for said amendment shall have written or printed on his ballot, as then provided by law, the words "Amendment to the constitution relative to the salary of the Attoroey General - Yes," and each person voting ajfainst said amendment ehall have on his ballot in like manner, "Amendment to the co"stitution relative tothe salary of the Attorney General- Xo." The ballots shall ir all respeets be canvassed and returns made as in general election of State officers. This Joint Kesolution is ordered to take immediate effect. Filed February 19, 1897. JOINT IiESOI.UTION To amend section ten of article ten, of the Constitution of the State of Miehigran. so is to provide for a Board of County Auditors for the County of Kent. Kesolved uy the Senate and House of Representatives_of the .State of Michigan, That thetollowinj? amendment to the cnnutitution of the State of Michigan be and the same is hereby proposed and 6ubmitted tothe reopl" of this State, that is to say, That section ten of article ten of said Constitution be amended so a6 to read as follows: Section 10. The board of supervisors, or, in the county of Wayne and in the County of Kent, the board of county auditors, shall have the exclusive power 'to prescribe and flx the compensation for all services rendered 1or, and to adjust all claims against their respective counties, and the snm so fixed or defined shall be subject to no appeal. And be it further resolved, That said amendment shall be suomitted to the people of this State at the Electiou to be held on tbc first Monday in April in the yearonethousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and that the ecretary of State is hereby required to give notice of the same to the sheriffs of the several eounties of this state, at least twenty days prior to such election.and the said sheriffs shall be required to give notice to the several townships, the same as for the election of jusUces of the üupreme Court, and the said amendment shall be printed upon the official ballot used at such election as provided by lay, as follows: "Amendment to the Constitution to provide for a Board of Auditors for Kent County- YES □ ; NO O ." AÜ votes cast therefor shall be counted, canyassed and returned as for the election of a jurtice of the Supreme Court of this State. This joint resolution is ordered to take immediate effect. i'iled February 19, 1897. GLEN V. MILLS, City Clerk. SALT Bbl. Salt at wholesale and retail.- Get our prices. DEAN & CO. 44 Soutli Main St. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTÁTE BY - - - - - Ju. D. CARR, Real Estáte and Loan Agency, over Ann Arbor Savings Bank.


Ann Arbor Argus
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