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Almost Distracted Ov YOC EVER suffer from real nervousness? When every tierve seemed to quiver with a peculiar, creepy ieeling, first in one place, and then another and all seemed iinully to concéntrate in a ■writhing jumble in the brain, and you bekome irritable, fretful and peevish; to be iollowi'd by an irapotent, weakencd condition of the nerve centers, ringing in the ears, and sleepless, miserable nights ? tv„ Milpc Mrs. Eugene Searles, XX. 1'IUCJ no simonton St., ElkNCrVinC hart, Ind., says: "Nervous troubles had maae R6SÍ0F6S me nearly iusane and _j ... physicians were unable ilC2.itilo.. to help me. Mymemory ■was almost gone and every little thing worried me until I was almost distracted. I really leared I was becoming a maniac. I imagined all sorts of evil things and would cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and four bottles of this wonderful remedy completely cured me, and I am as well now as I ever was." Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on guarantee, first bottle will benefit or money refunded, piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MAGK, .gent for the followinff First Class Companiep presenting over twenty-efeht Million Dollar Aasete, issues polioies at the lowewt ratea .Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Oermania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M,, Detroit 287,608.00 '. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.00 Phenix, N.Y 3,759,036.00 ■ WSpeclal attenüon given to the Insurano' u dwelllngs, scJaoole. churcües acd poblic building! lenns of three and flve vears FREE FREE FREE A Positive Permanent Cure ft WBAK MEN! Wc mail FRBB to sufïering mankind a recipe of the greatest Restorative on earth (foryoungor oíd), suffering f rom premature decline from any cause. A Positive, Permanent cure for Sexual Weakness. Neryous Debüity in any form. 1TCURED ME, IT WILL CURE YOU Thi8 is no scheme to extort money from anyoue. When we mail you tbis recipe we also endose catalogue of our latest Musie Publica tions, etc., etc. Iíy lianding same to omeone interested you fully repay us for our trouble. One Good Turn Deserves Another. lf you are a sufferer, write at once for full particulars and recipe of this simple remedy ihat cured me (and hundreds of otners). It will Uure You. Mailed Free, in plain envelope. Address STANDARD MUS1C CO.. Mention this paper). Wabasha, Mlnn. ■wim:. herz, I NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. ÜODSE, SlGh, ONAMESiL AHD FRESCO PaINTER, írüdmr, calcimining, glazing and paper dan Ing. All work is done in the beat style and warranted to eie satisfaction. DRS. MACLACHLAN & BROOKS Diseases of t ie E Y E, EAB, NOSE and THBOAT Office, corner Main and Washins)on Streets Residence, 14 S. 3tate Street. Kesfdence telaiphone, No . 128. Office telephone, No. 134. Hours: 1O a. 11 and 1 to 5 p. m. J. Fred lioelzle, DEAIER IN Meats, Sausasres, Oysters and Market Goeds. Porter House and Sirloin Steaks a Specialty WASHINGTON MARKET. m "ssai?. REVIVO fPÍfk RESTORES VITALITY. ist.iptiwell Man lSthDay.pP Of Me, THE GREAT 30tH Day. troduces the above results in 30 days. It acts powerf ully and qulokly. Onres whcu all others lail Young meu will regam their Jost maubood. and old men will recover their youtliful vmor by using REVIVO. It quickly and eurely restores Nervousness. Lost Vitality, Inipoteucy, NigUtly Emissions, LostTower, Failing Memory, WastinK Diseases, and all effects oí selL-abuse or excesaand indiscretion, which unlits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by etartiug at the seat of disease. but isagreat nervetonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink glow to pale cheeksandre etoring the flre of youth. It warda off Jnsanity and Consumption. Insist on baving KEVIVOi no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail S 1.00 per package, or 8ii for SS5.00, with a posi tive written guarantee to cure or refund the moDey. Circular f ree. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 WaDasÜ Ave., CHICAGO. ILL For sale at Ann Arbor. Micli., by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Company. fJml lii4Sliniirsionorrtiona , yl fcJ and lisclinrs's l'roin Die AulrvV urïnary oritans iirrrntiul I Sl[[)j II H by santal ïlidv Capsules, """" J without inconvrtiienco. v


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