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p Frank Cooley, of Lansing, spent Satnrday in this uity. C. F. Wnrtbner, of Manchester, was an Anu Arbor visitor Monday. John D. Boyle, has been appointed colleotor for the State Savings Bauk. Marshal M. C. Peterson was the gne8t of the Jackson Elks Friday night. Williaru Condnn, of JBoughton, is visiting his family ou S. Uuiversity ave. Miss Louise Gaunt, of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schairer and family. ■ Miss Bertha Schairer, of Saline, is visiting her annt, Mrs. D. F. Schairer, this week. Miss Mary Stevens, of Blissfleld, ia the gnest of her brother, W. P. Stevens, and family. Misses Caroline Britten and Blancbe cama, oí jauiísou nave Deen spenuing the week in the oity. Mrs. A. E. Forsythe, of S. Twelfth st., has gone to Vhiladelphia, vfhare her daughter is dangerously ill. Dr. H. J. Bnrke attended the annual banquet of the Xi Psi Phi fraternity at Detroit last Friday evenïng. Mrs. H. C. Wbitney, of the Ithaca schools, is spending her vaoation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Crandall, of S. State st. Miss Ruth C. Pease, daaghter of Prof. F. H. Pease, of Ypsilanti, was married Wednesday to Mr. Alfred Johnson, of Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Florence Babbitt, of Ypsilauti, was at Teoumseh last week seeking to resnscitate the collapsed W. R. C. at thar place. - DaDdee Reporter. Gtorge J. Halier has been in Grand Rapids the past few days as the delégate to the sessiou of the graad lodge B. P. O. Elks frorn the local lodge. Rev. G. P. Color was one of the speakers at the Ohristian Endeavor convennon at Jackson, Monday. SeveraJ other Ann Arborites vyere also present. Walter C. Maok left for New York Tuesday afteruoou and will spend nest week ia Boston exiiecting to make large p irchases for the spring and suiiimer nade. Mrs. M. W. Harricgtcn and son, wuo hae been visiting relatives and friends in this city, have gone to New York, and will Rail from there for Europe the raiddle of this month. Dr. R. S. Copeland will deliver a leoture in the M. E. chnroh, Ypsilauti, Tnesday evening, April 13, nnder the anspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, on the subject "Roman walls and feadal halls. "


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News