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The election Mondav resnlted iu a : large number of surprisus. In the local elections, the demoorats fared well, with the uotable exception of Manchester. Bnt on the state ticket and oounty school coiumissioner a big surprise awaited them in the shape of a división of the demooratio vote by which only abont two thiids of that vote was cast for ïaple, Parkill, or DeWitt. This carne about by hnndreds of demócrata mistaking the ticket on the ofBoial ballot bearing the old democratie heading for their ticket instead of the sivler dollar with its illegible inscription. The result oí this niistake is that Jndge Jjong oarries the county by the snrprising plurality of 1,641 and Lister defeats DeWitt by 1,509. The gold demooratio vofce of 213 last f all jumps to 1,352. As the gold democratie leaders advised their followers to vote the republicau ticket, this iuorease is due solely to juistakes in marking the ticket, which would, if the mistakes had not been made, have reduoed the repnblican inajoritien almost to the vanishing point. The vote on presideot in the county last fall was Bryan 5,348,; McKinley, 5,677; Palmer, 213. It will be seen that there is a big falling off in the vote, especially in the townsbips and that while Long's plurality is so large, it is but 283 more than the combined vote of Yaple aud Fooie. Tbe vote on Sapreine Jndge was as follows: FOK JUSTICE OP THE SÚFREME COUET. , . . , Yaple. Long. Foote. Ann Arbor City. First ward 07 234 73 Second " 123 199 138 Tuird " 8! 232 98 Fourth " tm i.S!) 75 Fiïth " 35 'JO 47 öixth ' 38 175 27 Seventh " 45 163 37 Ann Arbor town. .. 76 104 31 Augusta 118 222 39 Bvidgewater 75 68 21 Bexter ai 73 7 Freedom 70 63 34 Lima t;3 11,5 41 Lodi 103 61 11 Lyndon 83 68 11 Manchester 202 231 73 Northtield 102 70 39 Pittsüuld 25 90 12 Salem 07 127 16 Saline lol 226 44 Scio 150 164 61 Sharou 72 88 28 Superior 84 63 33 fcylvau 198 306 70 Webster 42 98 3 York 231 243 36 Ypsilanti town 23 125 22 Ypsilanti City. First ward 76 213 53 Second " 43 126 28 Third " 52 146 31 Fomth " 75 70 16 Fifth ' 92 94 83 Totals 2,881 4,522 1 ,3ñ2 Loiig's Plurality . . . 1,641 The feature of the vote on regenta is the faot that Regent Barbóar, with no show of election rnns anead of bis ticket 8a, almost wholly in Ann Arbor. Oocker's plnrality is atill larger than Long's, reaching 1,697, while over both Parkill and Barbour it is 203. The vote was as follows: for kegents. Parktll Cockep Barbour Ann Arbor City. First ward 52 230 96 Second - 121 199 135 Thild " 84 227 102 Fourtb " 97 175 89 Fifth " 83 89 50 Sixth " 3t i4 49 Seveuth " 44 154 56 Ann Arbor town. .. 74 104 32 Augusta 118 218 39 Bridgewater 75 63 21 Dexter 92 71 7 Freedom 70 63 34 Lima tö 115 4t Lodi 101 61 ]1 Lyndon 83 67 11 Manchester 202 229 76 Northlield 102 69 39 Fittsfleld 24 91 13 Salem 66 124 15 Saline 101 222 43 Scio 155 164 64 Sliaron 88 72 28 Superior 83 64 3 Sylvan 194 311 i9 Webster 39 102 3 York 229 224 36 Ypsilanti town 23 124 21 Ypsilanti City. First ward 77 208 52 Seeond " 43 122 81 ïhird " 47 145 38 Fourth " 75 71 15 Filtb ■ 90 91 86 Totals 2,770 4,473 1,434 Cocker's riurality.. 1.697 Mr. DeWitt made a good run for commissioner of schools rcceiving 93 more votes than Yaple and 197 raore thao the democratie regents wbile Mr. Lister's vote is 40 less than Loug's. Had the voters,rwho voted the gold democratie ticket, who did not vote at all on school comniissioner, voted for Mr. üeWitt, as most of thein inteuded, Lister's majority wonld have been 157, instead of 1,509 as it now is. The vote was as follows : FOK COUNÏY SCHOOL COMMISSIONKR. DeWitt. Lister. Ann Arbor City. First ward 77 238 Second ' 129 202 Third " 95 227 Fourth " 117 178 Fifth " 87 88 Sixth " 41 180 Seventh " 50 158 Ann Arbor town.. . 82 102 Augusta. . 118 221 Bridgwater 77 (i-t Dexter 99 as Freedom 75 -r! Lima 71 110 I-odi 100 62 Lyndon, 83 67 Manchester 204 229 Nortlifield 101 70 Pittsfield 27 88 Salem 66 127 Saline 109 22-1 Scio 221 119 Sharon 89 74 Superior 83 66 Sylvan 206 307 Webster 54 77 York 226 250 Ypsilanti town 24 125 Ypsilanti City. First ward 68 230 Second " 39 131 Third " 49 156 Fourth " 73 74 Fifth " 83 110 Totals 2,973 4,482 Lister's majority.. . 1,509 The amendinent; relativo to the salaries of the atcorney general is deleated by 1,716 in the county being Yes, 1,192; No, 2,908. A number of voters in their eagerness to vote npon the amendinent failed to mark any state ticket. The vote on the amendinent in Ann Arbor was Yes, 523, No, 453. Every township in the county gave majorities against it. The democrats made excellent ing in the township eleotions, electing most of the town offioers of the oounty, as will be seen by the full returns from every towu in the county as found ou page three of this paper. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Tbere is but little change in the board of supervisors. The democrats regained Nortbfield and the seoond w;wd of Ann Arbor, while the republioans captured Manchester1 and the second distirct of Ypsilanti. John R. Miuer, wbo represented the first ward of Anu Arbor last year as a repnblicau comes back agaiu this year on the democratie ticket, with a good niajority over the repnblican cauoidnte. The board stands 15 demoorats, 18 rtpublicans and John R. Miner. Tbe new luen wbo have never seen service on the board are Supervisors Millard of Ann Arbor, Dettliug of Freedoin, Donuegan of Northfield, Kenny of Webster and Ostrander of Ypsilauti. Supervisors Braun and Burtless, who were not en the board last year, have both had experience on the board. The other 2a supervisors were re-elected. The board is composed as follows : Ann Arbor City - First ward- Johu R. Miner; secoud - Sid W. Millard, D; tbird - Jacob J. Fisaher, R; fonrth - Herman Karpf, R; fifth- James Boyle, D; sixth - Artbur J. Kitson, R; seventb - Erneát E. Eberbach, R, Ann Arbor town - Charles Braun, D. Augusta- Samuel S. Bibbins, R. Bridgewater- George Walters, D. Dexter- Jobn D. Clark, D. Freedom - Frank Dettling, D. Lima - Edward Beach, D. Lodi- Ira E. Wood, D. Lyndon - James Howlett, D. Manchester - William Burtless, R. Northfield- Wiiliam Doimegan, D. Pittsfield - Morton F. Case, R. Salem- M. F. Bailey, R. Saline - Edward Hstuser, R. Scio - Byron C. VVhittaker, D. Sharon - William Hall, D. Superior - Walter Voorbeis, D. Sylvan - Hirani LiRhthall, D. Webster - Bert Kenny, R. York- Alfred Daveuport, D. Ypsilanti city- First district - Sumner Damon, R; second - Daniel L. Ostrauder, R. Ypsüanti town - John L. Hunter, R. (Continued on Tbird Page.) TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS Continued from First Page. ANN AltBOR TOAVN. The Aun Arbor town democrats elected their entire ticket by majorities ranging from 7 to 44, Henry Brann for treasnrer leading the majorities in spite of a heavy flgbt put up on him. The vote was as followtr. Supervisor, Charles Braan, 118; Frederick B. Braun, 106; clerk, Charles F. Staebler, 133; John T. Fnller, 90; treasnrer, Henry Brann, 134; John C. Schenk, 90 : school inspector, Walter S. Bilbie, 115; Andrew F. Hmith, 108; highway commissioner, Henry B. Feldkamp, 124; Smitb Botsford, 98; member board of review, Fred Haas, 11?; Frank P. Robinson, 104; drain oommissioner, Wm. Borlingame, 117; Thomas Blake, 105; justice, (short term) John O'Hara, 119; Isaac N. S. Foster, 103; jastice, Chauncey G. Orcutt, 120; Charles A. Pryor, 102; constables, Frank Smith, 115, Charles Bird, 116, William Savage, 114, John Forshee, 115, Fred W. Hicks, 105, Benjamin Blewitt, 106, Charles Millard, 106, John JM. Bird. 106. AUGUSTA. In Augusta thn entire republican tioket was elected S. S. Bibbins, the popular supervisor, being re-elected by 84 majority, running slightly ahead of his ticket. The vote was as follows, demoorats beiDg first named: Supervisor, W. W. Ballard, 152; S. S. Bibbins, 236; clerk, Frank J. Hammond, 160; Ed. C. Howard, 221; treasurer, John Hitcbingham, 147; James B. Bunton, 227 ; justice of tbe peace, full term, John H. Hurley, 155; Win. H. Bishop, 223 ; to flll vacancy, George Mason, 155; Whitman L. Torrey, 222; bighway commissioner, John Murray, 167; John F. Towler, 215; school inspector, full term, Charles Doss, 156; Charles D. Diokersou, 222; vaoanoy, John Nugent, 15B ; E. E. Sanderson, 222 ; member board of review, P. H. Harris, 154; Hiram P. Thompson, 221 ; constables, James Carmer, 151, Frank Butler, 153, Henry L. Gable, 152, Wm. E. Potter, 151, Edwin S. Butts, 224, James Albright, 221, Cheeter Rose, 210, Fred G. Norman, 219. BRIDGEWATEK. The demócrata did not forget to tnrn out to vote Motiday and the entire tioket was as a consequence elected by good large majorities. Following are the names of the successful ones with their majorities: Supervisor, George Walter, 62; olerk, Wm. H. Every, 47; treasurer, H. R. Palmer, 27; justioe oí tbe peace, James Benham, 56; highway commissioner, Osoar F. Blnm, 41 ; school inspector, Edway C. "ïoung, 56; member board of review, two years, Lewis Schillenberger, 52; one year, Chris. Saley, 32; constables, Charles L. Gadd, 9, Charles Benzier, 50, Fred Vetter, 53, Henry M. Dewey, 50. DEXTBE. The democrats carried Dexter township by majorities from 5 to 38, electiog every offioer excepting highway commissioner, the vote being as follows, demoorats being first named : Supervisor, John D. Clark, 108; Charles Schoen, 70; clerk, James E. Guinon, 107; W. F. Barton, 72; treasurer, John E. Hall, 91; Fred Pflzenmaier, 86; justice, William Clark, 99; K. H. Wheeler, 77; highway commissioner, Thos. McGuinness, 83; Emerson Howard, 95; school inspector, Charles Jewell, 98; John Fisher, 78; board of review, Jacob Jedele, 99 ; Richard Whalian, 79; constables, John Farrell 95, James Ivory 101, James Story 103, Peter Madden 92, Ralph McNeil 81, Fred Schultz 75, Chas. Bell"72, Max Robbins 86. FKEEDOM. Freedom again goes democratie by good maorities. Michael P. Alber, the old supervisor, this year retired from the politioal arena, but Frank Dettling, the democartic nominee only ran seven behinii bis ticket and was elected by a majority of 23 votes. Following are tbe winners and ttaeir majorities: Supervisor, Frank Dettling, 23; clerk, Edwin Koebbe, 32; treasurer, Samuel Feldkamp, T!0; justice of tbe peace, Williatn Beuerle, 32; bighway commissioner, Frank Renau, 32; rnember board of review, Daniel Streeter, 30; school inspector, Edwin Kuhl, 32; constables, Samuel Feldkamp, 29, Henry Feldkamp, 2X, John Beuerle, 32, George Beuerle, 30. LIMA. The d8moorats won a glorious victory electlng their entire ticket by rnajcrties from 5 to 5S) exoepting the clerk. The majorities, all democratie, excepting olerk were as follows: Supervisor, David Beach, 69 ; clerk, Otto D. Luick, 48; treasurer, John Grau, jr., 38; bigliway commissioner, Daniel Wacker, 38; justice, Thomas F. Morse, 18; justioe (vacancy) Jacob Baríes, 15; school inspector, Jacob J. Kline, jr., 25; board of review, Christian Koengeter, 5; draiu commissioner, Charles L. Hawley, 38; constables, John Grau, jr., 26; Frank Leech, 19; Janob J. Struter, 12; Fred Baries, 16. The vote on supervisor stood David E. Beaoh 148, Leander Easton, 89. The town has usually been very close. LODI. Staunoh old .Lodi went democratie by majorities ranging from 39 for treasurer to 64 for Ira E. Wood as supervisor, the rest of the ticket ran about even. DeWitt for scbool commissioner had 38 votes more than Lister. The vote stood as follows, demoorats being given first: Supervisor, Ira E. Wood, 119; Gottlob Scherdt, 55; clerk, Jacob Birkle, 114; Fred Bassett, 56; treasurer, John F. Lutz, 104; George Bohnett, 65; justice of tbe peace, John Grosshans, 111; Abram Wallaoe, 59; bighway commissioner, Qpnrge Guenther, jr., 115; Wm. Deibi. 56; school inspector, Joseph Bti'kiiardt, 114; A. M. Humphrey, 56; uiember board of review, George Schaible, 114; Simon Hirth,56; constables, Arthur Castle, 114, John Meyer, jr., 114, Jacob Kiensley, 114, George Doldt, 115; Gottlieb Kiebler, 56, Flavius Ford, 56, Frank Daniels, 56, William Nimke, 56. LYNDON. The democrats oarried Lyndon again in good shape, electing every offioer, the vote on supervisor being 101 for ( James Howlett to 68 for Alleu ( more. The offiuers eleot and their j jorities were as follows: Supervisor, j larues Howlett, 33 ; clerk, Johu Young, ] 33; treasurer, George B. Goodwin, 45; ( Bohoul inspector, Iguatius Howe, 34; , bighway cornmissioner, Arthar May, ( 54; justice, Edwin C. May, 46; ber board of review, George Rnnoiman, 42; constables, Thomas Stanfield, 38 ; Andrew J. Boyce, 36, George Btennan, ' 40. M ANC UESTE R. Willis L. Watkins went down before Williaru Burtless, the republican candidate for supervisor by 63 votes, and the only orumb of comfort left for democrats in the whole town is the election of James Kelly for justice of the peace, as all the rest of the republioan ticket was elected as follows, the dem ocrats being first named: Supervisor, W. L. Watkins, 242; William Burtless, 305; clerk, J. E. Blum, 262; S. H. Perkins, 281; treasurer, William J. Holmes, 247; F. Kurfess, 299; justice of the peace, James Kelly, 311; T. V. Ru3hton, 234; highway commissioner, H. Herman, 251; George M. Sutton, 297; school inspector, A. J. Kirk, 252; F. Hall, 293 ; member board of review. Williauj Pease, 258; George Heimerdinger, 286; constables, A. .T. Wurster, 261, Cbailes Kreitner, 264, James Eagan, 256, V. Schumacher, 256, John P. Schaf er, 283, Homer Hall,. 278, Adam Schaible, 287, E. S. Blythe, 287. NOKTHFIELD. In this township tbe entire democratio ticket was elected and a supervisur is gained on the board. Eruery 5. Leiand, repnblican, who has served be town so faithfully and well on the )oard of supervisors, retired this year and as a conseqaence William Donnean was elected without opposition. The men elected and their majorities are: Supervisor, William Donnegan, 165; cleik, Theodore Procbnow, 100; treasurer, Michael Kennedy, 93; highvJav oominissioneï, Fred M. Zeeb, 97; justice, Thos. D. Moss. 36; member board of review, Heury Jung, about 90; constables, all democratie. Both the amendments to the constitution were lost although oaly a very ligbt vnte was polled on either. There is one socialist in the township, one people's party man, and six prohibitionists. l'IÏTSFIELD. There was only one township ticket in Pittsfield, the republican, whicb was elected by the following vote: Supervisor, Morton F. Oase, 113; clerk, James H. Webb, 112; treasurer, Cone E. Sperry, 112; sohool inspector, Frank M. White, 113; highway commissioner, George Read, 112; justice of the peace, Joün C. Chalmers, 111; member board of review, Frederick Hutzel, 113; constables, T. J. Srnurthwaite, 112; B. N. Smith, 112. SALEM. The democrats did well in this republioan stronghold, coming within uine votes of electing a supervisor, H. B. Hooper polling 121 votes to Myron F. Bailey's 130. The entire ropublican ticket was elected as follows, the democratie candidates being named flrst : Supervisor, H. B. Hooper, 121 ; M. F. Bailey, 130; clerk, Ed. Boyle, 91; Cal Bussey, 152; treasurer, Jay D. Appleton, 89; C. E. Rider, 151; justice, H. Smith, 102; I. S. Savery, 140; highway commissioner, John Quackeubush, 87; Benjamin Atohinson, 58; school inspector, Charles Naylor, 97; Fred C. Wheeler, 146; member' board of review, P. H. Murray, 102; Samuel Wilkinson, 141. SALINE. i The republicana swept Saline this ! year as last, electing their entire ■ et, the vote being as follows: republicana being first narned : Supervisor, Edward Hanser, 256; Emanuel J. : karnp, 142; clerk, Ashley B. Van Dnzer, 254; Peter W. Weinnett, 130 ; treasnrer, Willis N. Fowler, 250; Gilmer O. Townsend, 140; sohool inspecj tor, Clinton Stimpson, 236; Seldon H. Wbellock, 151; highway comrnissioner, Pred Moeha, 228; Jno. F. Koebbe, 163; uiember board of review, Philip Stierle, 233; Jno. Gordon, 156; justice, J. Heniy Fish, 236 ;Wm. 3. Jaekson, 150; constables, Chas. Conkliu, 239, Sela JTitzgerald, 241, Geo. Klager, 235, Wilbnr Cornish, 244, Orton M. Kelsey, 150, Wesley Avery, 147, Bob S. Baty, 153, Williarn Olough, 145. M'io. A completo democratie ricket was eleoted in Scio beaded by Byron C. Wbitaker for supervisor wbo rao over 20 ahead of bis ticket.. The vote was as follows, the democratie candidaies beiug first named : Supervisor, Byron C. Whitaker, 267; Fuster Litehfield, 134; olerk, John W. Barley, D, the only candidate, 240; treasurei, W. C. Andrés, 200; R. D. Walker, 198; justice of the peace, Christian Stein, 323; Benjamin W. Waite, 174; higbway oommissioner, F. Fiegel, 234; Arthur Lyon, 160; drain commissioner, Adam Braun, 226 ; Orrin T. Parker, 171; sobool inspector, Wm. MoGuinness, 230; Frank A. Smith, 166; member of board of review, Alexander, DaDoer, 226; Joseph Stabler, 171 ; constables, George Vinkle, 235, James Curlett, 237, L. C. Rodman, 229, Chauncy Crytz, 223, Charles Foster, 159, Thomas Bell, 156, Ezra Marsh, 163, James Harris, 161. SHARON. Solid democratie was the result in Sharon, not an office escaped and every candidate was elected by a good round majority. The men elected and their several majorities are: Supervisor, William F. Hall, 68; olerk, Ashley Parks, 62; treasurer, Alfred S. Smythe, 56; jnstice of the peace, Theodore Koebbe, 57 ; highway commissioner, George Li. Kuhl, 59; sohool inspector, Edward M. Pieroe, 49 ; member board of review, James Cavanaugh, 45. SUPERIOR. Superior remained true to the democartic party, electing the entire democratio ticket. The vote was as follows: Supervisor, Walter Voorheis, 131; William Crippen, 68; clerk, Robert Shankland, 132; Edmund Shuart, 65; treasurer, Michael Furlong, 131; Franklin P. Galpin, 66; sohool inspector, George Quackenbush, 131; Perry L. Townsend, 67; highway oommissioner, William Gotts, 122; William Braun, 75; justice, Charles Arnold, 120; Linus Hiscock, 74; member board of review, Edward Geer, 127, Henry J. Pinckney, 70; oonstables elected, Fred Mnlbaeh, Charles Thnmrn, George Dolbee, William Conner, jr. sylvn. 1 I Tbe demoorats won a glorions ! tory in Sylvan Monday, electing their j entire ticket, excepting highway commissioner who was defeated by 2, 1 school inspector and constables. Tbe ; republican vote on constables was some 40 more than the democratio so that it ' can be easily seen wbat a strong ruu tlie demooratic ticket made. Supervisor Lighthall returns to tbe board with a majority of 27. The vote was as follows, the democarts being naintd first: Supervisor, Hiram Lighthall, 333; William Bacon, 806; clerk, J. Edward McKune, 331 ; William D. Aruold, 307; treasurer, Julius M. Klein, 371; Frederick VV. Roedel, 2(55 ; higbway commissioner, James Geddes, sr., 318; J. Nelsou Daucer, 320; justice, Bert B. Turnbull, 358; J. Daniel Schnaitman, 281 ; school inspector, Joseph L. Sibley, 291; Schuyler Foster, 345; school inspector, to flll vacancy, Karl Otto Steinbacb, 292 ; Kansom S. Armstrong, 344; member board of review, Herman Sohaible, 329; Frederick Kalmbacb, 307; oonstables, Edward Webber, 283; Robert T. Leach, 287, George A. Young, 265, Fred Boos, 26R, Rush Green, 321, Edward Helenrich, 347, James Van Orden, 337, John H. Miller, 336. AVEBSTER. Webster had a democratie ticket this year, whioh ran wcll consideriug it was in Webster. It wasn't elected but tben that wasn't expected. The vote was as follows, democrats being flrst named: Supervisor, Lev R. Lee, 53; Bert Kenny, 97; olerk, Win. A. Burnett, R, 113; treasurer, George Merrell, 05; Edgar Phelps, 99; justice of the peace, Edgar Olsaver, 4; Stearns Wheeler, 112; highway commissioner, Theodore Stauton, 54; George Peatt, 100; Johnson Backus, 55; Fred Bird, 102; school inspector, Michael Haab, 50; Elmer Latsou, 115; member of board of review, Alvin J. Pratt, 52; Frank Wheeler, 112; constables, George Kilts, 50, Wm. Devine, 50, Henry Koch, 50, Clare Lernmen, 50; M. Dorr Qued, 113, Lewis Davenport, 113, Albert Litchfield, 113, Henry Hallen, 113. YÜHK. The democrats swept the towu this year, electing every officer. Last year but two democrats on the town ticket were elected. There was a hot fight on supervisor but Supervisor Alfred Davenport was returned by a vote of 283 for him to 252 for Theodore Josenhans. The majorities were as follows: Supervisor, Alfred Davenport, 31; clerk, Alfred E. Putnam, 6; treasurer, E. P. Warner, 23; justice, A. D. Mclntyre, 31; member board of review, Dan Troope, 2ti ; higbway commissioner, L. A. Wíloos, 24 ; school inspector, George Delaforce, 34 ; constables, Heury Doty, L. Luxton, George Theurer, í. Edward Hale. YI'SILANTI TOWK. The republioan town tioket was elected by the following majorities, the I democratie vote being frotn 40 to 68, Supervisor Jotro L. Hnnter, 111; clerk, Perry Watling, 89; treasnrer, Heibert K. BurrilJ, 08; school inspeotor, Arthur J. Fnllington, 93; higbway comniissioner, Richard E. Gorton, 83 ; justioe, Albert R. Gravea, 88; member board of review. Frank L. Holmes, 91; constables, Lewis C. Kelly, 90, J. Edward Yoangs, 89, Willard A. Clawson, 80, Harry Weston, 89. YFSILANTI CITY. Monday's election in Ypsilanti was full of surprises for a great many. Harlow D. Wells was beaten for mayor by N. B. Harding by a majority of 194 whioh was more than Mr. Wells received in both years of his administration. Ju the secoud district, which is conceded to be a democratie stronghold Anthony Ryan was beateu uy Sumner Damon and Ypsilanti has now two republiuau supervisors. The first ward is usually republican but the colored voters thievv their streugth to Clifford Hnestoii, democrat, aud he was elected. Johu Vau Fossen, republican, beat Wm. Feil, démocrat, in the secoud ward, and that was another surprise, as was also the mistake made by tbe silver democrats in votiug tbe gold democratie ticket which was iu commou with a like mistake all over the connty and resulted in the defeat of A. D. DeWitt for counnty sohool commissiouer. The followiug are the figures on the election : First ward- Harding 194, Wells 166; second ward - HardiDg 100, Wells 9?; third ward- Harding 129, Wells 127; r'onrth ward - Harding 101, Wells 69; fifth ward- Harding 204, Wells 81. Total, Harding 734, Wells 540. Supervisor - Damon 520, McGregor 84. Supervisor - Ostrander 257, Ryan 191. Constable - Johnson 446, Palmer 344. Constable- Jackson 108, O'Conner 70. Aldermen - McElcheran 146, Hueston 210; Van Fossen 108, Feil 91; Vleanwell 153, Jackson 78;Nowlin 50, Worden 112; Beardsley 68, Moore 210. This elects on the board of aldermen 3eu8ton (dem) by 64, Van Fossen (rep) by 17, Meanwell (rep) by 75, Worden (dem) by 50, Moore (dem) by 142. This will make the next board of aldermen stand 5 repnblicans, and 5 temocrats. The democrats gain a mayor, and alderman and lose a supervisor. The following is the vote on the state ticket: Justice, Long, 649; Yaple, 338; regents, Cocker, 637; Lawton, 639; Parkhill, 332; Tborne, 328. For cominissioner of schools, laster got 701 ; DeWitt 312.