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! fRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, i-riHitt lor the following FlrBL Clasf Companicf) tepresenting over twenly-tjipht Million Hollara AsBets, issuop poiioles at the lowest raten I tOtna of Hartforri $9,192,(544.00 ! Kranklin of PMla 3,118,713,00 Uurrnaniaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,0(55,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774.505.00 Phen ix. N . Y 3,759.036.00 - '#Spoclal atteutiou given to the inBurancp o i ' wuliines, schools, churchefl ar 1 publïr bnilriingr ïmf f threP Aüd flvt veare FREE FREE FREE A Positive Permanent Cure k WBAK MEN! We mail FREE to suffering mankind a recipe of the greatest Restorative on earth (for yonng or old). suffering from premature decline from any cause. A Positive, Permanent cure for Sexual Weakness. Nervous Debility in any form. 1TCURED ME. IT WILL CURE YOU This is no scheme to extort money frotn anyone. When we mail you this recipe we also endose catalogue of our latest Music Publications, etc, etc. Iiy handing same to eomeone interested you fully repay us for our trouble. One Good Turn Deserves Another. If you aro a sufferer, write at once for full particulars and recipe of this simple remedy thatcuredme (and hundreds of others). It will Jure You. Mailed Free, in plain envelope. Address STANDARD MUSIC CO.., (.Mention this paper). Wabasha, Minn. "W3UL HERZ, NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. Í ÜOUSE, SlGh, OpAHESAL AND FRESCO PaIHTER, gilding, calcimining, glazing and paper nang ing. Allworkis done in the best style and warranted to srr"e satisfaction. DRS. MACLACHLAN & BROOKS Diseases of t ie E Y E, EAB, NOSE and THBOAT Office, corner Main and Washington Streets Residenee, 14 S. State Street. Eesidence telaphoue, No . 12b. Office telephone, No. 134. Hours: lOa.m.toll and 1 to 5 p. m. J. Fred Hoeizle, DEALEK IN Meats, Sausages, Oysters and Market Goeds. Porter House and Sirloin Steaks a Special ty WASHINGTON MARKET. gk1 revivo feíWl REST0RES VITALITY. i(3ti)ay.ffWell Man 15thi)ay. Of Me. THE GREAT 3Oth Day. produces the above results In 30 days. It acts powerf nlly and rmickly. Cures wlien all others fail Youngmeuwillregain their lost manhood and old' efVííJk1'60011 theiT 5futhLl vigor by using itiiVIVO. It quiclily and surely restores Nervousness. Lost Vitality, Impoteacy, Hightly Eraiseions, Lost Power. Failing Memory, Wastine Diseases and all effects oL self-abuse or excess and inaiscretion whioh unfits ono for study. business or marriage It not only cures by startiug at tlie seat of disease but ïsagreat nervetnnic uud blood builder. bringL h Pink. glüw to pale cl'eeks and re stoiing the flre of youth. It wards off Jnsanity and CoDsumption. Insist on havins RU VIVO no otber It can be carried in vost pocket. By mail S1.00 per package, or eix for 5.00, with a posi tivo written Ruarantee to cure or refund tne money. Circular froe. AddroBs ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Waöast Ave., CHICAGO. ILL Kor salo at Ann Arbor, Mich., by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Company.


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