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ipssspttssfï great deai f ! &$Wa crV nonsense has been P 5k What purifies the 1 L- 0jL@2 - 3 blood? .. .. .. p THE KIDNEYS E PURIFY the BLOOD AND THEY ALONE. If diseased, however, they cannot, L and the blood continually becomes I more impure. Every drop of blood ■ in the body goes through the kidneys, C the sewers of the system, every three I minutes, night and day, while life ■ endures. I puts the kidneys ín perfect health, and ■ ■ nature does the rest. % The heavy, dragged out feeling, the I I bilious attacks, headaches, nervous p unrest, fickle appetite, all caused by . 1 poisoned blood, will disappear when I I the kidneys properly perform their P iunctions. n There ís no doubt about this. I Thousands have so testified. The p M theory ís right, the cure ís right and J health follows as a natural sequence. I M Be self-convinced through perp M sonal proof. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVINGBEEN MADE IN THE conditionsot a eert:! in mortgage made by s'ettie C. Wise lo the Arm Arhor hdvlngs Aasoiiation, (iiitecl .luly 22, A. D. 1895, and rocorded n the oflice of the Register of Deeds. for t lui ;ounty of Wnshtenaw and State of Mtnhigan. m the lOth day of August, A. D. 189S, In Ltber '8 of Mortgages on paire 102, on which mortjagethereis claimed'to be due at the data )f this uotice the sum of fuurteon hundred uid niuety-seven dollars and llfteen cents, ind ui attorney's fee of twenty flve dollars arovided lor in said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings at law having been instltuted to recover the moneys secured by sald mortgage 5r any part thereof. Now, thorefore, by vlrtue of the power of iale oontaiued In said mortgage and the itatute in such case made and provided.notice is heroby given tliat on Saturday, the ah day of April, A. D. 1897, at ten q'clock in the foronoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the east door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, (that beinR the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden,) the premisos desertbed in said mortgage or so rnuch thereof as tnay be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage, with seven per cent. interest, and all legal cost, together with an attorney's fee of twentyflve dollars convenauted for therein, the premi8es being described in said mortgage as all that eertain lot, piece and parcel of land sitúate in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and known and doscribed as follows; The cast' twenty-eight (28) feet of lot number three (8) and tbe west twenty-two (23) feet of lot number four(4), in block number twenty-four (24) in Orm6by & Page addition to said city, according to the recorded plat thereof ANN ARBUIÍ SAVINÜS ASSOCIATION, C, 11 Ki.ine, Mortgagee. Attorney for mortgasree. Dated, January 27, 1'J7. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Wasbtenaw- ss. In the matter of the estáte of James D. McMaster, deceased. Notice is herehy Kiven that in pursuance of an order gran tedto the underslgned udministrator of the estáte of said deceased by the Judge of Probate for the Oounty of Washteiiaw. on the Kird day of February, A. D. 1897, there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the late residence oL said deceased, in the City of Aun Arbor, ia the Oounty of Washtenaw, In said state, on tho J"t li d;'iy of April, A. D. 189", at ten o'olock in ibe forènooti of that day (subject to all encumbranees by mortcage or otherwise eiistin" at tlie Mme oí i be death of ssid deneased), the followins descrlbed real estáte, to-wit: Comnmncini; ut a point on the south Hue of Jefferson strcet gizteen rods west of the wes( line of State Street, thence running south narallel with State street seveu rods, thenoe weet four rods, tbence north pamllel with State Btreet aioresaid aeren rods to i he soutn line of JeflFerson street. thence eas1 tour rods to the place of be;rinninic, wilh right 01 way over a pieoe of land one rod w Ide east anq west adjolBlng said land Algo commenolngr at the Bouth-east corner Of the aliove descrlbed land, runnina i henee south on a line parallel with State street etght rods, thence west four rods, thence north eiirht rods, thence east to beidnningr. ÏHEODOBB J. DhP0RB8T, Administra tor of the estáte of said deceased. Estáte of Alpheus Felch. aTATEOF MICHIGAN, (JOUiNTY Juf Atasession uftlie Probate ■nirt furthe liouuiy of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ano Arbor, on 5;iturday, tbc 18th day of March, in the year Dne thousand eight huudred and ninetyseven. Preseni. H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate In the matter ot the estáte of Alpheus Felcb, leceasud. Caroline I firant, Elizabeth H. Cole, Helen J. JenuiDgs, 'l'heodore A. Felch and Francia L. Felch, execuiors of the last will and testament of said deoea9ed, come iuto eourt aod represent, Lbat they are now prepared to render their liual nccount as such executors. Thereupon it is oidered, that Saturdsy, tbc JOth day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the fornnoon, be assigned for exnmining aud allowing sunh account, and that the devisees, legatees and beirs at law f saiil dectased, and all other persons iuterested in said estaw, are required to appear at & session of said Court, tben to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said oounty, and show cause, lf any there be, why the said account should not beallowed. And it is further erdered, that said executors give notice to Ihe persons inierested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, aDd trie htaiing tliereof, bv causïng acopy of this order to be published in the Ann Arltór Argns, a newspaper printed and circulatirgiusaid county throe successiVo weeks previous to said day of'hearing. H. WIKT NEWKIRK, [A trueoopy] Judge of frobate, P. J. Lbhmah, Probate Register. Li B.NOKR1S Attorney at Law. Does a general lawcollectionand conveyanong business. A moderate share of your patronage respectfully solieited. Ufflce 16 E H uron Street, upstairs.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News