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Miss Julia Rominger will leave for Europe Sanday. Mrs. Engene J. Kooh is visitiug her parents in Detroit. Al. Donahue is now clerking for the Chioago Cut Rate Shoe Co. Lieut. Gov. Dunstan was an Ann Arbor visitor Thnrsday of last week. ilrs. Philip Rheinfrank is dangernosly ill at her home on Brook street. Mrs. F. H. Belser and children are spending a few days in Detroit visiting friends. Miss Matilda Mutsohel, of the Detroit high school, spent Sunday with her brother, Eugene Mutsohel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lodholz went to Marshall, Tuesday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lodholz's mother. Mrs. Charles Lohr, who has been spending the winter here, returned to her home in Knoxville.s Tenn., last ,iiight. Prof. E. N. Bilbie, of Pittsbnrg, Pa., was in the city the early part of the week shaking hands with old friends. Mrs. George Campbell is so seriously ill that her life is despaired of. Her age; 64 years, is greatly against ner ohances. Prof. Harry M. Randall, of Saginav, haa beeD speuding the week with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Randall on S. Fourth ave. Mrs. John Beek, of W. Fourth st., celebrated ber 50th birtbday among a oocnpany of frienda on Monday afternoon. We nnder8tand tbat Elmer Stofflet, of Aun Arbort expeots to start a bioycle livory and repair shop in the west half of the Mills block. - Tecumseh News. B. Frank Olinger, of Lansing, forrnerjy with the Times, in this city, was here Saturday and Snnday calhng on old friends. He returned to Lansing Monday. Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry left Monday for a health resort near New Orlens, La., where the rnany friends of the gentleman hope that he will recover his health. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beach, of No. 10 Thompson st., have removed to Detroit. Miss Alta M. Beach will continue het musical work in tbis city, Chelsea and Dnndee. Dr. Fleming Carrow will make his nsnal annual visit to the School of the Blind, to inspect the eyes of the pnpils next Tnesday. He will remaiu in Lansing during all tbe next day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jones started Tuesday morning for Sanlt Ste. Marie, vthere Mr. Jones has accepted a position with the Dalutb, South Shote & Atlantic Transportation Co. Adolph G. Mogk, for the past three or four years olerk ia H. J. Brown's drug store, left today ior Lake Lindou, a tnining town in the U. P., where he has secured a position as dispensiug drug clerk. J. Stewart Cole. for the past three months ageut for the Detroit Jourual, left Saturday evening for bis home iu Roohester, N. Y., for a brief visit. Mr. Cole will not return to Ann Arbor bnt will go into the bead office of tbe Journal at Detroit. His place here will be filled by Fred J. Dausingburg, who has resigned bis position as local reporter on the Register. There was a pleasant progressive whist party Thursday evening of last week, at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Butterfield. Miss Haskins, of Vertoont, who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bntterfield, won the first prize. Mr. Butterfield wou the consolation prize, a box of chocolate dorps, aud gladly shared it with the guests. The drops, however, were filled with cotton - a tiruely remiuder of April Pool's day. - Times. Speaking of tho recent R. A. M. school of instruction, held in Tecumseh by Grand Lecturer L. C. Goodrich, of this city, the Tecumseh Herald had the following complimentary words to say of him : "Grand Lecturer Goodrich, who was known to bnt few personally, made a favorable impression. He is a genial gentleman, tboroughly qualified for the high and responsible position he occnpies. The companions of the Tecumseh chapter vere unremitting in their attentions to tbeir visitors, making it au occasion long to be reraembered by those present."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News