Death Of Mrs. Wm. T. Whedon
Mrs. Mildred Knowlton Whedon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Knowlton, oï 21 S. State st., and sister of Prof. J. C. Knowlton, died at her home in üTorwood, Mass., April 9, from nervous exhaustion resulting from an attack of the grip. The remains were brought to Ann Arbor Monday moruing accompanied by Prof. Knowlton, the deceased lady's husband, Mr. William T. Whedon and their daughter. Services were held at Norwood Saturday, Eev. C. F. Wheden', of the Congregational ehureh officiating. The funeral services in this city were held at the home of her paren ts 21 Ñ. State st., at 4 o'clocb Monday afternoon, TCev. J. W. Bradshaw and Rev. B. L. McElroy conducting them. The floral otïerings were profuse and beautiful and included a large wreath of carnations, with hyacinths and roses, also Easter lilies from the Norwood Literary Club. The Octette Club, the Wesleyan Guild and other organizations of which Mrs. Whedon had been an active member in this city, also sent beautiful pieces. The bearers were Prof. H. C. Adams, Prof. G. W. Patterson, Prof. A. C. McLaughlin and J. E. Beal.