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The Ypsilanti DriviDgClub will hold a raoe meet this fall. ,??There is some talk of starting a cheese faetory in Unadilla. P Mrs. Charles ConkliD, a former resident of Cheleea, died iu Hersey, April 8. Pinckneyites are talking of turning their "dog park" into a baseball ground. Hngh Lawson, of Whittaker, bas goue to Sanlt te. Marie to work on a dredging machine. Grass Labe has a genuine lime kiln club; we suppose tbe News man is president of the same. - Stookbridge Snn. Twenty new members were given the right hand of fellowship at the Dexter Baptist church last Sunday. The ladies of Willis Hive, No. 687, L. O. T. M., give a poverty social at tbe Willis K. O. T. M. hall this evening. James Duggan, a resident of Augusta for 40 years, died April 10 aged 82 years, leaving a wife and six children. üexter maohinery dealers say their prospects for selling a large amount of agrioultural implements this year are good. Mrs. Train, mother of Mrs. D. L. Quirk,1 of Ypsilanti, celebrated her 91st birthday anniversary Monday of last week. Rpohen Sanford, of Surupter, Wayne couuty, is now a resident of Willis, whpre he will bnild himself a house thie snmmer. Miss Lena Clever is teaching the school in the Allen district, Augusta, this term, the farmer teacher, Miss Anuie Kelley, haviug decided to take a smaller schoei. Wrn. Bortless, of Manchester, has leased the Ypsilanti branch elevator, has had it raised and put a good foundation under it. He intends to thoroughly overhaul it. John Kensler, of Manchester, sold some beans he had had on hand for a long time to a Detroit firm the otber day. The price received was about half what they had coat him. James Thorn, sr. , an old and highly respected resident of Willis, diei at the home of his youngest son Walter Thorn, near Saline, April ü, aged 70 years. He was bntn in England and carne to this country 27 years ago. Five ons aud two daughters survive him. There is much dissatisfaction expressed in Dexter at the wbolesale spearing which is going on in the Hurod river and in the lakes this spring. The spearing of fish is illegal and a de termined effort will be made to put a stop to it. Some Delhi Mills young men attempted to beat the Michigan Central railroad the other day by stealing a ride from Ann Arbor to Delhi on a fieight. They got the ride, bat the railroad beat thern in the end, for the train did not stop at Delhi and carried them clear to Grass Lake, from which place they had to houf it back home. Remember that next Friday, April 30, is Arbor Day, and you should plant a tres ou tbat riay. Schools in the country, as well as in villages should beautify their grounds íd that way. While maples make by far the Landsomest trees they are uot easy to get to grow. Elms are nearly as fine and xnoch more sure in their growth. Deputy Sheriff Farrell and H. L. Rose went to Bridgewater Station Monday of last week by request of the superintendent of tho Lake Shore and cleared out a gang of tramps who were using the freight house there as a boarding and Iodging house. They had jugs of eider, and cooked eggs aud potatoes aft8r the approved fashion of the genuine hobo. The agent could not drive tbern out and the neighbors were afraid that they might commit eome depredation, but the officers anoceeded iu making them move on. - Manchester Enterprise Monday night of last week George Nisle and family, of Manchester, were startded by a tremendous crash at the froiat door of their house. On opening it twe borses were found to be flounderiag arouud on tbe stoop, one of wbioh stnek its head in the room when the door was opened. The team belonged to Jake Hauser, the brewer, and haviug rnn away aüd oveturned the wagon, retaining only the foward wheels with them, bad dashed across Mr. Nisle's lawn and into his house. One of the horses was badly hnrt, while the floor of Mr. Nisle's porch aud oae of the posts was broken. Saline bicyclists are talking of form iug a olub. Ford & Sod, of Saline, bave airead; sold 12 uew bicycles tbis spring. Tho Junior Ex. of the Salina high school was held Friday eveniug last. Dr. E. J. Phelps has sold bis residence in Dexter to John Bross for $590 Miss Grace Hewitt is teaching in school district No. 5, Manchester, this spriug term. Mrs. J. J. East died at her home in Milan, Tuesday of last week, of paralysis, aged 86 years. An iron bridge is to be built over the creek at John Reynolds, in Augusta towpship this seasou. The Ypsilantian oharacterizes the con ditiou of two of the strects in that city as one of "bottomless mud." Miss Lydia Keek, of Iron Creek, and Mr. Comfort Chase, of Tecumseh, were married at Iron Creek April 7. Seniors of the Saline high sohool are nudecided whether to have class day exercises or a commencement speaker. Ypailanti Daughters of the Revolution appropriately celebrated the auniversary of the battle of Lexington on Monday. Six bodies were removed from the MoorevilJe cemetery to the Hitchcock lots in Marble Park Grove cemetery, Milan, last week. Miss Florence Quirk died at her home in Milan, Thursday of last week, aged 28 years. The funeral services were held Saturday. Harry Kinear, of Milán, had severa! of his teeth broken off through being struck in the rnouth by a flying baseball Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond, Lodi, celebrated the third anniversary oí their wedding, April 10, there being present only the two families. A meeting of the subscribers to the stock of the Saline Creamery Association has been called for next Friday al 2 p. m., to perfect the organization. The recent poverty social at Douglas Baldwin's, ot Iron Creek, cleared 113.50. George Bowens got the prize for being the poorest dressed person. J. H. Miller, of Ypsilanti, had a "sugar sale" at his store ooe day reoently and iu two honrs eold 1,000 packages of sugar besides lots of othei goods. Howard Canfleld, of Chelsea, wbo recently lost his leg thrcugh having it ornshed in a hay press, is takin g a course at the Cleary Business College, Ypsilanti. Married, at the home of the bride'e parents at Willis, April 1, Mr. Richard M. J Bobbins, of Augusta, and Miss Mary Pinney, Rev. A. Ebling ofliciating. At the recent election 21 hallots were deposited in the box at Piuckney without any mark on tbetn to show who the voter voted for. A school of instruction is badly needed there. Miss Helen L. Tuttle, of Ypsilanti, has been engaged to finisb the school year as pieceptress in the Milan high school, Mrs. Carrick's health not being snob as to permit her to go on with the work at present. Deputy Game Warden Rose, of Manchester, went to River Raisin the other night by order of the state game warden, and there found six men spearing fish in Gilbert's lake, contrary to law. The men will be prosecuted. Last Sonday Miss Mary VanDusen oommenoed her 26th year as organist of the Ypsilanti Presbyterian churoh. That is a long period of acceptable service and it is doubtful if there is auother organist iu the state who can show such a record. Pifty of the neighbors and frieuds of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kanouse, of Saline, gave tbem a pleasant surprise Tuesday of last week, it being the fifth anniversary of their wedding. Many nice presents were left by the guests as tokens of respect. John Warner got outsido of 13 raw eggs in 80 seconds iu Whitmaish & Co. 's store, at Milan, Wednesday night of last week, on a wager that he oould pwallow a dozen inside of three minutes. Another feat performed by John was to eat 40 crackers in five minutes without moietnre. - Milan Leader. The Ypsilauti comnion council has olosed a contract to sell the oíd mineral well to Laura D. Johnson, of Boston, Mass., for the following consideratiou - $200 to be paid at the time of notification of the sale, and $1,800 upon deliverance of the necessary papers. In the oontraot it is also agreed that said Laura D. Johnson is to construct a building to cost not less than $4,000. A bül passed both houses of the legislature last week to divide the tovnship of Plymouth, to take effect April 4, 1898. The people of that township voted for división by a majority oí 167 out of a total vote of 460. Pymouth precinct gave 45 majority against división aud are dissatisfied with the result. They have notified Governor Pingree to withhold his signature nntil he can be iuterviewed in the matter. We do not know the objeotions raised by the Plymouth people, but probably the increased taxation rnade necessary is their greater obstaole. - Wayne County Review. The Manchester village coancil refused to coufirm President Steinkohl's appointment of Geo. Nisle as marshal, Samuel Sherwood as nightwatchmau, Fred Freeman as village attorney and T. J, Farrell as speoial assessor, and he was obliged to make a second list of appointments as follows: Street oommissioner, John Haag; nightwatch, M. Fisk ; health officer, Dr. Geo. Torrey ; special assessors, M. D. Case, M. B. Wallace, N. VanDerwerken ; fire Wardens, H. Gieske, Jacob Bauer; village attorney, A. J. Waters; board of review, O. h. Torrey, J. W. Rausohenberger. The marshal has not vet bben appointed. Shade trees have been planted around Eruauuel oharcb, Manchester. M. E. Keeler has bought one of the D. G. Rose farms in Snaron. Orme Bnrt, an employee of the Tag Label and Box Co., at Ypsilauti, had finger smashed in a printing press Fri day. Mr. Dan Post aud Miss May Dort of Ypsilanti, were married at the hom of the bride's mother in that city Thursday evening of last week. The marriage of Miss Bessie Dalzell of Detroit, to Mr. William F. MoCorkle, forrnerly of Ypsilanti, but now o Detroit, took plaoe on Tuesday. Trnine Lossee, of Whittaker, wa grubbing ont a tree the other day auc went np into it to cant it over when it went down and him with it, breaking hïs wrist. A Manchester rnerohant was leaving home the other morning after breakfast wheu he met a hobo at the gata and told him no one was at home. "Have you tried it?!' said the hobo Monday eveuing of last week was the birthday of Fred Vogel, of Freedom, and he and his wife entertained a compauy of friends in honor of it. Several nice presents were given him. Rev. H. T. Strauch, who has been pastor of the Freedom Evangelical chnrch for the past conference year, will move to Dearborn. Rev. Ü. W. Ross, of Royalton.will n'll the appointment. Miss Marie Odiorne, who for six years has been the efficiënt and inspiring general seoretary of the Ypsilanti Y. W. C. A., has resigned that position, the resignation to take effect June 30. Charles M. Hicks died at bis home in Webster, April 8, of consumption, aged 59 years. He leaves a wife and two sons. His health had been failing for the past 12 years and he was a great sufferer for three years prior to his death. Mrs. Mary Boughton, aped 85 years, who resides with her daughter Mrs. George McEloheran at 429 S. Hurón st. , Ypsüanti, feil down the honse steps Thursday night cf last week and dislocated her right shoulder. George Styles, of Dundee, aged 78, ate a hearty dinner Thursday of last week, moved frorn the table to a rocking chair, and while talking with his farnily raised up his hands, exclaimed, "Good-bye, " and feil dead. A nuraber of teams and rneu have been at work for several days gradiug and preparing the groonds for the elevator which is to be located opposite the Ann Arbor depot at Hamburg. The grading has greatly improved the grounds around the depot. Win B. Osborn, of Sharon, sold 11 fat stee ra to Wm. Burtless, of Manchester, Suturday week, whose average weight was 1,200 pounds. Josiah Sloat also sold 11 sieers to him, nine of whicb weighed an average of 1,400 pounds each. They brought him in $605. Mr. Ralph Hammond and Miss Grace I. McMann were married Wednesday evening of last week at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMann, in Saline. The newly married couple went at once to their home, the Hammond farm, where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kress, of Freedom, were besieged by 100 of their relatives and friends the other evening and after a bountiful supper, prepared by the besiegers, were presented with a handsome upbolstered rocking chair. All enjoyed a jolly time until an early hour next morning. A couple of yoong men from Manchester stayed uutil morning at one of the surprise parties in Freedom. When they were ready to go home their horse said "nit" and refused to start until he was coaxed along with aa ear of corn. He wanted breakfast on time. - Manchester Enterprise. Justice Childs, of Ypsilanti, in looking over his old docket the other morning carne across a oase where there were four parties interested and a judgment was rendered for eleven dollars and forty-four cents. 4-11-44! Good thing there wasn't a policy shop running at that time or the first ward would have gone broke. - Times. The young people's societies of the Presbyterian, Baptist aud M. E. churches in Saline held union servioes ou Sunday last. They had a sunrise prayer meeting at the Presbyterian cburch, Junior union in the M. E. ohurch at 3 p. na., and general conference meeting in the Baptist ohurch at 6:30 p. m. A farmer drove into Ypsilanti Tbursday moruiug of last week with a load of baled hay, haviug started from home before dayiight. He no sooner stopped in front of the Hawkins house than a a big Plyruonth Rock rooster jumped off from the reach of the wagon, he having ridden peacefully all the distanoe into town. - Times. D. W. Hitcbcook, of Milan, is the possessor of sorne very fine orchard and fruit plots. They coruprise 450 peaoh trees, 100 cherry trees, numerous apple, pear aud plum trees, an acre of raspberry bushes, 1,000 gooseberry bushes, and inauy other varieties of fruit. In their season he will also have meions, cucumbers, squashes, pnmpkins, cabbages, tomatoes, eto. But few youug people of tbis age have ever seen auyone spin flax as they used to in early days. A group of children watchad with wonder and surprise Mrs. Fidelia Paltuer, of this village, manipulatiug one of the old fashioned wheels at Ford's gallery Wednesday afternoon of last week, while having her picture taken. She is 76 years of age, is bright and cheerful, and while she loves to teil of. how she nsed to spin yet she rejoices at the thought that she lives in a progressive age. - Manchester Enterprise. I The Easter offering at St. Luke's Episcopal church, Ypsilanti, amounted to $797. Miss Rose Scully is teaching the school in District No. 7, Manohester, at Iron Creek, this teim. Thomas Murdosk, formerly of Ypsilanti, and Miss Vina Blackburn, were married at Northville, Wednesday. Miss Sarah Fisher, a student at the Ypsilanti Normal school was killed by a train near South Lyons, Monday morniug. It is rumored tbat Dr. John Lemen, of Ypsilanti, thinks of Jocating in Whitmore Lake, bis old home, and asnmiDg Dr. Elias Srnith's practice. Nine saloon keepers' and two brewrs' bonds were accepted by the Ypsianti council Monday evening. Ypsiantians will not have to drink mineral water entirely. Thomas Haight, of Hamburg, beame despondent over ill health and on unday shot himself through the head with a 44-calibre revolver making a reat jagged hole. Thomas Jensen and Mrs. Julia McDonald were married in Chelsea by lev. J. J. Nickerson on Sunday last. 'he groom is 49 years of age and has een married twice before, while the jride is 62 years old and has tried niaried felicity onoe before. The Choir Chapter of St. Luke's ïpiscopal church, Ypsilanti, elected he folowing officers Monday: Presient, Mrs. John H. Wortley; vioe esident, Mrs. Julia Sherman; secreary, Miss Lotta Coombs; treasurer, Miss Jennie Lamb. There was $216 ledged for the support of the choir for ie coming year.