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The New City Council

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The first meeting of the new couneil, held 011 Monday eveniug, was largely attended by inierested citizens who occupied aJl the available space outside of the rail. All the aldermen were present except Aid. Coon, and Mayor Hiscock occupied a seat beside President Luick. Several items of interest eauie up during the session, prominent among which were the ordinances allowing saloons to remain open untii 10 o'clock standard, and granting a 30 yeurs' fraudase to the New State Telephooe Co., and the resolution ordering the city attorney and city engineer to ascertain the cost of pavir.'g Main st., betweeu Catherine and Williani sts., witii brick. After the reading of the minutes Mayor Hiscock rose and read his tirst message to the couneil, which contained suggestions for many needed ïmprovements in the city. It will be fouud in full in auother part of the paper. The message was ïeferred to a committee consisting of Aid. Moore, Brown and Soule. President Luick announced the standing committees for the ensuing year as lollows: Finance - Brown, Grossman, Soule. ürdinanee- Cady, Brown, Coon. Sewer - Koch, Moore, Sweet, Vaiadawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth. Streets - Moore, Grossman, Dell, Brown, Rhodes, Soule, Cady. Sidewalks - Coon, Hamilton, Koch, Sweet, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Dantorth. Fire Dep't.- Grossman, Rbodes, Vandawarker. Water- Danforth, Moore, Brown. Pólice- Dell, Koch, Danforth. Lighting - Soule, Rhodes, Sweet. Bouds- Vandawarker, Cady, Grossman. Licenses- Spathelf, Coon, Dell. Park- Hamilton, Cady, Spathelf. Poor - Rhodes, Hamilton, Koch. Cemetery - Sweet, Moore, Cady. The petition for a sewer in certain portions of the E. Ann st. district was referred to the sewer committee and other petitions were read and referred to the proper committees. The ordinance committee submitted two new ordinances, one granting a 30 years' franchise to the New State Telephone Co., with animal rentáis of $18 for residences and $24 for business houses, the city to have nine free telephones and others at half rates, work to be begun within 30 days after 275 subscribers are secured; the other fixing the hour for closing the saloons at 10 o'clock p. m. standard. They were passed to their second reading. The special committee on water rates reported without reccommenda tion. On motion of Aid. Dell, the street commissioner was instructed to em ploy no laborer other than foremen longer than ten consecutive days providing there are other applications. The liquor dealers' bonds were fixed at the same amounts as last year. The matter of the opening of Catherine st. was referred to the street committee; last year's rules were adopted for the guidance of the couucil; $72.50 was appropriated to'buy a new typewriter for use in the city offices; Dr. D. M. Cowie was elected city physician on the fourth ballot. On motion of Aid. Brown the city attorney and city engineer were instructed to estímate the cost of paving with brick the principal streets in the central part of the city, the city marshal then to obtain the vote of the property holders in "each street for presentation to the couneil for action.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News