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Notice of Drain Letting. 1V0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT I. 1 Daniel W. Barry, County Draln Commissloner of the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, will, on the 8th day of May, A.. D. 18!)7, at the lower end of drain, in the Township of Lodi, at one o'clock in the afternorm ot that day, proceed to receive bids for deepeninj; and wfdening of a certain drain known and desiírnated as ''Pittsfiekl No 1 Drain," located and established in the Townshipsof Lodi and Pittsfleld, and described as follows, to wit: Corumencing 15 links west of the northwest corner of the S. E. M of the S. K. '4 of Sec. 18, Township of Pittsfleld, and running thence s 81 3-6 rods to sec. line; thences 103 2-5 rods; thence s78!4 desrees, w 31 rods; thence s 53 derees, w 52 rods ; thence s 10 degrees, w 2U rode; thence s 4 degrees, w 18 3-5 rods; thence s 5U degrees, w 6 1-5 rod6; thence s 60 degrees, w 109 4-5 rods to highway; thences 58 degrees, w 71 rods to town line; thence 8 W degrees, w 101 rods to s line of sec. 24, Lodi; thence s 41 degrees, w 10 rods; and thence terminatins at a point s 39 degrees, w 16 rods from the s w corner of the e !4 of tbe s e ü of sec . 24, Township of Lodi, total length of diain 610 rods. The above is the center line of said drain. Said job will belet by sections. l'he section at the outlet of the drain will be let firet, aDd the r-maining sections in their order up stream, in accoroance wtth the diagram now on file with the other papers pertaining to said drain, in the office ot the Drain Conimis6ioner to Which reference may be had by all parties interested, and bids will be made and received accordingly. Contracts will be made with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate eecurity for the performance of the work, in a sum then and there to be fixed by me, reserving to myself therightto reject any and all bids. The date for the completion of such contract, and the terms of, payment therefor, shall be announced at the time and place of letting-. Notice is f urther hereby giyen, that at the time and place of said letting, or at such other time and place thereafter to which I, the Drain CommLssioner aforesaid, may atljourn the same, the aseessments for beneflts and the lands comprised within the "Pittsfleld No 1 Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. The following is a description of the seyeral tracts or pareéis of land cons'ituting the Special Assessment District of said drain, viz: By, of s w ü, sec. 18; w K of s e Ji.sec. 18; e 'A of 8 w Yi, sec. 18; e !4 of e V% of n e li, sec. 18: 15 acres in s Í4 of seüofn e '4, sec. lti; w Vt of n e M, sec. '18; e 'A of n w M.sec. 18; 25 acres in w lA of e % of n e sec. 18; n e M of n e 'i, sec. 19; s % of n w i, sec. 80; s',ofe !4 of n c 14, sec. 19; e !4 of s e ií, sec. 19; w 'A of selj, sec. 19; s V% of w 'A of n w M, sec. 20; w 'A of n e H, sec. 1; e 'A of n w '4, seu. 19; e Vof s w Vi, sec. 19; n of n wiM. sec. 30: 15 acres of s end of sw Hof s w1, sec. 19; s Vt of w lA of n w S,sec. 20; w 55 acres of n V% of n w '4, sec. 20; s %of s w M, sec. 17; n w y oísvt'4, sec. 17: 8 50 acres of e 'Á of s e ii, sec. 7; w HotseM, sec. 7: e 14 of s w H, sec 7; w y2 of n w %, sec. 7; w 'A of n w 14,, sec. 19; w i of s w '4, sec. 18; 11 acres of n end of w !4 of s w %, sec. 19; bounded n by Andrews s by Jedele's and highway; part oïwofsw M, bounded n by Andrews e by Rouse's and w by road, sec. 19; eleven acres in n w % of s w }t sec. 19; bounded n by road s by Hills land w by town line: 15 acres in w !4 of s w M. sec. 19; bou' ded n by miss land s by ditch eby road w by town line: 13 acres, bounded n by ditch e by road s by Rouse land w by Clements land, sec. 19, Pittsfleld; part of w Kofsw M. bounded n by ditch e by Tower's land s by ltouse land w by town line. The above lands are all in the Township of Pittslield. Township of Lodi.- E !4 of n e 54, sec. 24: e lA of e 'A of s e ]4, sec. 13 : w 'A of n e 4 sec. 24 ; e Hof w lA of s e H. sec. 13 B0 acres of n end of e lA of s e M, sec. 4; s w J4 of s e li, sec. 24; e e of 8 e'J4 of 8 e '4, sec. H4; s w % oi s e i, 6ec. 'U: n w Jof se14,eec24: n e % of s w ü, sec. 24. Dated, this 19th day of April, A. D. 1897, DANIEL V. BEKRY, County Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw. Commissioner's Notice. QJTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNXy 0 oí' Washtenaw. The undersiiined havinb been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, cominissioneïB to receive, examine and adjust all claims aud demands of all pertsons against the estáte of Francis Kudman late of said county, deceased, ht-reby give notice thal aix nionths from date are all o wed, by order oí said Probate Court, lor creditorsto piesen t their claims againstthe.etitHtP of said ereased, and that they will meet at the late re&Ulence of said deeeased, in the City of Ann Arbor, in smd eounty, on the 14th day of July, 1697, and on the 14th aay of Oktober, A. D. ]Sl7, next, at ten o'dock a. m. 01 eiich of said dayö to receive, examine and adjust Raid claims. Dated Ann Arbor. April 14th, 18i)7. WIUtAM MclNTYRE, CHARLES S. MILLEN, OominiaBioners. V A slice of minee pie made of the L V right minee meat Is a lunch in W W itself- an epicure's lunch. k I NONE SUCH i L MINCE MEAT ft is the right minee meat. M H eorne, fresh and delicious. For ■ V pies, fruit cake and fruit pudding. V W Sold, everywhere". Take no substitute. k M Send iiamu and address for booklet, " Jln, M k Popkins' ThttDksgiving," a humorous story. Ê A MERRELL-SOULECO.,SYRACUSE,N Y ■ mM 1 I ii ■ itnii -. " .iiiinrli.-:i -- M rinary nrtswvA in tí-su d f HY il H by -iantal Mitly í 'aiwiiUïN, V"""1 71 H without inconvenieucc. X, ,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News