Their Golden Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Philip" Lohr, well known and highly respectad residents of Washtenaw county for the past 43 years, celebrated the 5Otb anniversary of their wedded life at their home, 34 Packard st., Ann Arbor, on Thursday evening oL last week, a brief mención of the event having alreday appeared in the columns of the Argus. Mr. Lohr will be 78 years old next month and his estimable wife will be 72 in July. The house was handsomely decorated for the occasion in white and gold, with a profasion of flowers and potted plants many of which were the gits of friendf. Frorn the ceiling in different parts of the house were suspended bells, and a pyramid of 50 candles, one for each year of their wedded life, decorated the center of the table in the dining room in whioh the choice refreshments were served. Numerous gifts were presentad to Mr. and Mrs. Lohr, ainong which were soma rare coins aad pieces in solid gold. Tbe following brief account of the rcaniad life of this worthy couple was prepared by a frieud of the family : "Mr. and Mrs. Lohr were married April 15, 1847, in a log chareh in Freedom, Mich., by the Rev. Frederick Schmid, for many years pastor of the Evangelical Lutherau church of this city. In those pioneer days the bride and groom, accompanied by tbe wed ding gnests, did not enjoy a ride in tbe fine carriages of today, but resorted to the democratie simplicity of the times and conditions and walked to tbe church. Of those who were present at the ceremony 50 years ago, Mr. John Sjhafer, of Marshall, and Mrs. George Hutzel, of Pittsfield, were privileged to be present ac the golden anniversary. Their wedding trip consisted of a drive through the wilderness wbich at tbat time covered the greater part of the state, to Cantón, Wayne county, Mich. The Michigan Central railway was at that time in process of coastroction, so it was impossible to travel by railroad. "They spent the first seven years of their married life in Cantón on a farm which had to be redeemed from tbe wilderuess. They then removed to Lodi, this county, where they lived during the next 12 years. Havina sold the farm in Lodi, tbe family removed to a farm two miles uorth of Ann Arbor, now owned by Fred Braun. After four years here, they lived one year in tbis city, when the Lathrop farm in Pittsfield was purchased and the family removed there. For the last 15 years the aged couple have lived a well earned retired life in this city at 34 Packard st. " Tbeir family consisted of 10 children, Diue of whom are still living and ali were present at the 50th anniversary with the exception of Charles and Albert, who were preveuted from attending by sickness. They also have 16 grandchildren living. The childreu are: Charles, of Albion; Henry, of Battle Creek ; Albert, of Marshall; Amos, of Pittsfield; Eugene, of Kalamazoo; Mrs. F. J. Schleede, Lucinda, Mary and Edwin, of this city. Fully 75 guests attended the happy oocasion and tendered their hearty congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Lohr. Among them was Rev. A. L. Nicklas, pastor of Zion church, where Mr. and Mrs. Lohr attend, and who made some veryfelicitous remarks of congratulation to them on their rare golden anniversary. During the eveniug the Zion church chorus choir serenaded them. The guests from out of the city were Miss Mary Hagenberg, Toledo; Dr. Jessie Castle, Henry Lobr and children, Glenn, Lavergne and Elfrieda, of Battle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. John Scbafer, Marshall; Prof. E. F. Lohr, Kalamazoo; Mr. and Mrs. Christiau Lohr, Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. George Zvvergel, Ypsilauti; Mrs. George Hatzel, Lizzie and Alfred Hutzel, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Lohr, Pittsfield.