Y. M. C. A. Annual Banquet
The Women's Auxiliary Entertained the Sustaining Members. Nearly 200 people attended the third annual banquet given by the Woman's Auxiliary to the sustaining members of the Y. M. C. A. on Friday evening last and they filled three long tables extending from end to end of the three rooms of the association which had for this occasion been thrown into one. The menu was a bountiful and toothsome one, and was served by a number of the active members of the association clad in white jackets. During the discussion of the edibles the Ann Arbor Mandolin and Guitar Club played several selections of music. J. A. C. Hildner asked the blessing and Eugene S. Gilmore officiated as toastmaster. The program of toasts was grouped under the general subject of "The need of a permanent home for our association," and it was interspersed with the following musical numbers: Miss Lillie Mae Volland gave a beautiful vocal solo accompanied on the piano by Miss Minnie Davis and on the violin by Allie Long. Ray Warren sang a catchy solo with good effect. Alberto Long gave two very pretty violin solos, and Mrs. Stella Sebastian McClure gave a very pleasing vocal solo, accompanied on the piano by Miss Elsa Liebig. Under the general toast splendid speeches were made by active association workers as follows: Dr. R. S. Copeland spoke on "Tenant vs. Landlord" ; Rev. J. W. Bradshaw on "Profit and loss"; H. G. VanTuyl, president of the state executive committee, on "A business proposition" ; G. Frank Allmendinger on "A profitable investment" ; and on the "General condition and needs of the work, " by D. F. Schairer, William N. Brown and others. During the evening Toastmaster Gillmore aroused considerable enthusiasm by announcing the receipt of the following amounts for the Y. M. C. A. building fund : G. Frank Allmendinger, 100; James L. Babcock, 250; Mrs. Ella Babcock, $250. Since then Mrs. J. H. Eaton and Mrs. D. F. Schairer have each contributed $100 and the total amount now in the building fund is $3,100. It was after 11 o'clock when the doxology was sung and the banquet hall was deserted by its occupants.
William N. Brown
Stella Sebastian McClure
Royal S. Copeland
Ray Warren
Mrs. J. H. Eaton
Mrs. D. F. Schairer
Minnie Davis
Lillie Mae Volland
James L. Babcock
J. W. Bradshaw
J. A. C. Hildner
H. G. VanTuyl
George Frank Allmendinger
Eugene S. Gilmore
Elsa Liebig
Ella Babcock
D. Frederick Schairer
Allie Long
Alberto Long
Ann Arbor Mandolin and Guitar Club
Ann Arbor YMCA
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus