Mis. James C. Watson, of Dexter, was in the city Tnesday. Airs. Henry Gelston, of Deland, Fla., is visiting relatives in the city. Judge A. V. McAlvay, of JMarustee, visited the U. of M. on Wednesday. Mrs. C. S. Millen and son Clinton retarned Satarday from a visit in Saginaw. B. H. Briggs has gone to St. Louis, Mo., to engage in the painting business. Miss Kittie Seger, of Chelsea, has come to Ann Arbor to remain through the snmmer. Mrs. tí. E. Dibble, of E. Washington st., is recovering from a severa attaok of illness. Dr. Geo. H. Clark, of St. Loais, Mo., is visiting hia sister-in-law, Miss Pearley Mead. Miss Florence Benham is again at her former position as clerk in E. F. Mills & Co. 's store. Mrs. .1. C. Corson, of Twelfth st, has retnrned from a trip to Minnesota and Chioago, UI. C. E. Worden, of San Francisco, Cal., is vsiting bis pareiits, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Worden. Eogene S. Gilmore, agent of the Ann Arbor railroad, went to Chicago Wednesday on business. Dr. Fred W. Blake, of Alpena, has been spending a few days in the oicy the early part of the week. Rev. Henry P. Thomas, of Jamaica, West Iudies, preaohed at the Second Baptist church last Sanday. Miss Tessie Martin returned to Saginaw Tuesday after a visit of several weuks with relatives in the city. Roas Spence will go to Germany this snmmer, whore he will spend several years in the study of the violin. A. B. Smith, of the Milan Leader, accompanied by Mrs. Smith, were Ann Arbor visitors Saturday afternoon. Mrs. H. J. Pearson, of Detroit st. , was oalled to Union City, Ind., Monday, by tbe serious illness of hei mother. Miss Minuie Haskins, of Bradford, Vt., has returned horue after a several weeks' visit with O. B. Bntterfield and family. H. L. Rose, of Manchester, was an Ann Arbor bnsiness visitor on Tuesday and Wednesday and made the Argns a pleasant cali. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Vandawaiker and E. C. Krapf accompanied Miss May Warren to her home in SouDh Lyon Suaday. Mrs. Troy, of Cadillac, has been speuding several days here ■ with her daughter, who is taking treatinent froru Dr. Garrow. Miss Salome Steinmetz, of 4 Churob st., has been called to her home ia Philadelphia, Pa., on account of the serious illness of a relative. J. L. Grafï, special representativo of the Chicago Record, was in the oity Tuesday tor the purpose of interviewing President Angelí for his paper. Miss Bmma Schmid left Wednesday morning for Buffalo, N. Y., to attend the wedding of her consin, Miss Emrua Volz, at whicb she acts as roaid of honor. Mrs. E. A. Rathbone left Wednesday for Washington, D. C. During her absence she will attend a meeting of the Mt. Vernon Association of which she is the Michigan member. Dr. George Geist, medie '96, formerly of Detroit, is to be married May 12 at Atlanta, Ga., to Miss Jane Farnham, of Ypsilanti. Miss Farnbam will Jeave for Atlanta Monday, May 10. Fifty young people took part in a dancing party Thursday evening of last week at the home of Mies Bessie Brown, on Kingsley st. Mrs. D. M. Tyler furnished the enlivening musio. Mrs. L. H. Stone, of Kalamazoo, who passed the winter in Washington, D. C, stopped in the city this wtek, while on her way home, to visit her daughter Mrs. Carrie Stone, of S. Fifth ave. Mrs. W. S. Gabrielski, of Detroit. who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Binder, returned home Saturday. She was acoompanied by her sister, Miss Emma Binder, who will visit her for a couple of weeks. Mes. and Miss Nancrede gave a pleasant progressiye blind euchre party to six tables of guests Thursday evening of last week, in honor of Miss Emmons. Mis Nowlaud won tbe ladies' first pn.e, a larfje bunch of carnations, and tbe gentlfmeu's flrst prize, whioh was a box of candy, was carried off by Dr. JVIciUlyuaouds. A "yellow kid" was present ri to Miss Adams, of Chicago, and tn Mr. Lewis as mementos of their bad lick. Mis. Paul C. Freer is visiting friends in Chicago. Abram Steffey, of Ernery statiou, is arrangiuR to move to Aun Arbor. Miss Rosa Wuertbner, formetly with W. F, Stimson, left Wednesday for Manchester, where she will retnain. Drs. Dook, Ooshney aud Huber leave nest week for Washington, D. C, to be present at the fourtb congress of American pbysicians and surgeons, where eaoh will read a paper. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walker are breaking up housekeeping and storing tbeir furnitnre preparatory to giving up the old home in which they have lived so many years. As soon as tbey have oornpleted their arrangements they will move out to tbeir somiuer cottage at Zukey Lake and will spend the aext few niontbs tbere in rest and quietness and where Mrs. Walker hopes to regain the health and strength whiob she has lost in ber late protracted illness.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Fred W. Blake