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Mack has sent his friends far over the sea To let people kmw what a man he can be. But in this state he's done peculiar work. He's offered an Angelito go watch the Turu. -Clinton Local. Carl Brook has built a new house on Madison st. Charles W. Pallen received the appointment of postmaster of Milan on Monday.
Mrs. Matilda F. Perrine, of North Main st. , is building an addition to her house. Sebastian Seyfried has moved two houses on Lincoln st. , and is fitting them up for residences. The mail carriers have all blossomed out in new uniforma and look correspondingly neat on account thereof. The Michigan state senate has passed the bill to suppiess glove contests and football games by a vote of 17 to 9. Governor Pingree has appointed Probate Judge Register Peter J. Lehman agent of the state board of charities for Washtenaw county. The C. M. B. A. gave a dance last Thursday, wbicb proved a very entertaining affair. Several people from Ypsilanti took it in. The Lake Shore has commenced checking bicycles free, according to the new bicycle baggage bill passed by the Michigan legislature. Oscar L. Robinson, the well known Wholesale dealer in cigars, has given $100 towards the Y. M. C. A. building fund. It still keeps growing. Patrolman George Isbell has added a second story to his house on the corner of Madison and Second sts. Evidently he doesn't anticipate any change in the police force. On Friday the senate passed Representative Sawyer's bill requiring railroad companies to maintain bell signals at all crossings designated by the railroad commissioner. The care of the city parks has been placed in charge of Martin E. Easterley, janitor of the court house, by the board of public works and is a good move in the right direction. At the special meeting of the council held Friday evening the bonds of 31 saloons were presented and approved. Hix saloonkeepers have gone out of business and two new ones have come in, so there are four less saloons than last year. The outs are: August Herz, Charles Schott, Charles Binder, Adolph Kemper, Wm. H. Mclntyre and August Koch. The ins are: Jerry Collins, at 7 E. Ann st., and Wm. Gwinner, on W. Washington st. And tbU for comfort thou must know, Times that are 111. won't stlll be so; Clouds wil 1 not ever pour down rain ; A sullen day wlll clear again. Ann Arbor now has three wards which do not contain a saloon, the fifth, sixth and seventh having that honor. Saturday's baseball game between the ,U of M. and D. A. G., of Dfitroit, had to be called off on account of the rain. Prof. I. O. Russell's lectura at the Congregaticuinl church, Tuesday evening, was largeïy attended and quite interesting. The Students' Lecture Association will elect its officers tomorrow. There are three candidates tor president, Sadler, Ames and Blackburn. The summer schedule on the street car line is now in forcé. The first car leaves the barn at 6:15 a. m. and the M. C. depot at b:30 a. m. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold its regular monthly business meeting Monday next, May 10, at 3 p. ra. in the rooms of the assooiation. Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 27, A. O. ü. W., will have a special meeting of great iuiportance to its members next Thursday evening,which all aie requested to attend. The Ladies' Library will be closed from Saturday, May 8, at noon, until Wednesday, May 12, at 10 a. m. Members are requested to take notice of this faot. The Town and Gown Club held its election Monday night and chose C. E. Hiscock president, Tom B. Cooley vice-president, Fred T. McOmber secretary and treasurer. Tomorrow is visiting day at the sewing school. Those conducting the school will be happy to see their friends on tnat day. Tbere still remain garments at the school which are for sale. The Michigan Telephone Co. has revised its schedule of rates and has fixed tbe rate to Detroit from Ann Arbor at 25 cents for a five minutes' use of tbe wire and 20 cents for a three minutes' talk. Over $700 has been pledged for the proposed bicycle path to Whitmore Lake, of which Whitmore Lake gave $75, the balance being contribnted by 225 different persons in soms rauging from 25 centB to 25. The second freshman banquet at Granger's academy, .Friday evening had all smooth sailing, no attempt at interference on the part of the sopbornores being made. Two police offloers were on hand, bowever, to see tbat peace was observed. At the choral seivioe held in St. Andrew's church "Sunday evening, the soprano solo "Inflammatus" from Bos sini's "Stabat Mater," by Master Fred Daley, and the baritone solo "Fear not ye, O Israel" by Mr. I. Pease were particularly pleasing and well rendered. A minstrel show for the benefit of the Washtenaw Times band will be given at the opera house this evening, in which the following will take part: Dean Seabolt, Messrs. Miller and Taylor, of Detroit, Blackburn and Brown, Leonard and Austin, and the Ann Arbor Colored Quartet. Anniversary exercises of the Pittsfield Christian Endeavor Society will be held in the Carpenter school building, on the motor line, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'olock. Delegates from Ann Arbor will be present, also Rev. G. P. Coler of the university Bible chair and Rev. Wm. N. Forrest, of Christ ohurch. All are cordially welcome. The May party at Granger's academy Saturday night was extremely well attended considering the bad weather. The fine fliusio rendered by the full Chequamegon orohestra, together with the other excellent appointments made for the comfort and pleasure of the guests made the evening's amusment a very enjoyable one. The Ann Arbor high school baseball team defeated the All-Chicago High Schools nine by a score of 13 to 2 on Friday afternoon. During the game the Ann Arbor boys surprised the visitcrs by making two triple plays. After the fiist triple play one of the Chicago players asked an Ann Arbor player if it was not something exceptional. "Not at all," said the Ann Arborite, "we do that in nearly all our games.." When the second triple play was made the Chicagoan was fully convinced that ' such was the oase. One of our nitizens found a young tree in his yard entirely ruined with wliat he tbinks is the San José scale. - Courier. The old Ann Arbor Browns' baseball team bas reorganized and will play its opening game with the Atlautas ot Ypsilanti, on the fair groonds this afternoon at 3 o'olock. Abraham W. Cochran has been appointed special policeman at the waterworks and reservoir and Silas P. Hill at the university gruunds by Mayor Hiscock, both without oost to the city. Ann Arbor Camp, Star of Bethlehem, will give an acquaintance social on Thursday evening next, May 13, in the U. F. of M. hall. Supper will be served f rom 6 to 8 p. m. Prioe 15 cents. George M. Hawes, formerly of the Arlington hotel, has purcbasd a lot with 33 feet front from George M. Clarken, at 37 N. Division st., and will build a neat home for himself and wife on it. A business man remarked to a farmer the other morning : "I snppuse the conntry roads are pretty muddy today. " The farmer spoke np quickly, "No, I found no mud till I got to Ann Arbor." - Times. Thomas Godden, an old resident of Ann Arbor, died at his home 40 Wall st., Saturday aftrnoon, aged 80 yearn. The funeral services veere held Monday afternoon and the remains were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Mrs. Ann Wheeler, wife of T. G. Wheeler, of Ypsilanti, died Monday of cancer from which she had suffered the past year. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon. Besides her husband she leaves two sons and one daughter. An interesting entertainment under the auspices of the Y. V. C. A. will be given at Hign School hall this evening. The program of music, reoitations, Japanese fantastics and a pantomime is under the direction of Miss Clarabel McMonagle. The Argus was in error last week in stating that Judge Newkirk would deliver the Fourth of July address in Milan. It should have read the Memorial Day address, consequently those stories spoken of in the item would not be exactly appropriate to the oocasion. Dr. Don A. Root, son-in-law of Dr. W. W. Nichols, and who was a graduate of the medical coliegn of the U. of M., died April 6 on board the steamship plying between Panama and Acapulco, of which he was the physician and surgeon. His remains were buired at sea. Arbor Hive, L. O. T. M., gave a May children's party yesterday afternoon from 4 to 0 p. m., at the Maccabee hall over the postoffice, which was hugely enjoyed hy tbe little folks who attended it. Ice cream aud cake were sorved and rapidly disappeared down the appreciative little throats of the youngsters. St. Andrew's Branch of the Girls' Friendly Society of America will give an entertainment for the benefit of the Jane Bohlen sohool, Wuohang, China, on Mouday evening next at 8 o'clock, in Harris hall. It will consist of readings, tableaux, musio by Miss Emma Fischer, songs by Master Fred Daley, etc. Tickets 15 cents. M. M. Callaghan, High Chief Banger of the Independent Order of Foresters, has issued a circular to the courts of the order in Michigan, requesting that committees be appointed to see that no Forester's grave is forgotten, but properly decorated on May 30. He has also designated Sunday, June 6, as Forester's Sunday. Mrs. Matthew Lutz died at her home 122 W. Liberty st., Saturday morning. The funeral services held at the house and Bethlehem church on Tuesday afternoon were conducted by Rev. John Neumann. The remains were buried in the German cemetery. The deceased lady leaves a husband, three sons, John, Oscar and Albert, and one daughter, Mary. Charles Dunham and Miss Elsie Miller, both of whom are well known in this city, were married a few days ago at St. Joseph. The affair was peculiar from the fact that the wedding was arranged without the consent or knowledge of any one. When everything was teady and the minster on the ground sumtnons were sent to the bride's father, whose surprise can well be imagined. - Times. Miss Emma Fischer and ber piano pnpils give a recital at tbe Bethlehem church, Friday evening, Alay 21. An eight pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lodholz, of tbe north side, on Tuesday raorning. The usual Saturday night program will be given at Granger's tomorrow evening and eanh Satnrday evening during tbis month and nest. An earlier Aun Arbor-Ypsilanti oar will be run as soon as the management learns that it is in demand. The first oar now reaches Ann Aibor at 7:40 a. na. Aid. F. M. Hamilton and Paul Snanble have added their f 100 mites to the building fnnd of the Y. M. U. A., and the membera are oorrespondingly joyful. The university faonlty bas seleoted Profs. Scott, Hinsdale and Trueblood, of tbe literary department, anr' Hutchins and Mechem, of toe law, to act as a debating board. The Young Ladies' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian ohurch will give a gramophone entertainment in the church parlors this evening, at 7:80. Admission 10 oents. The new dial for the south side of the clook tower of the oourt house was placed in position Tuesday by B. F. Watts. It is a relief te tbe average eye to see the boaids that have blockeu up the face taken away. Patrick Brennan, oity attorney of Devil's Lake, N. Dakota, was in the city the first of the week, oalled here by the death of his father. He is one of the Ann Arbor boys who has made a success of life in the west. A danoing party will be given at Granger's aoaderny next Friday evening after the Calve concert at üniversity hall. The program will start after the close of the concert and mnsio will be fnrnished by tbe Chequamegon orchestra. Dr. Lewis R. Fiske, wbo has for the past 20 years been at the head of the Albion college, has tendered his resignation, whioh was accepted by tbe board, but with the proviso that he continue his present relations until his successor is chosen. The eleciric railway 1 ine has completed its arrangements for handling the May Festival crowds next week. According to present plans special cars will meet all Michigan Central trains and be in waiting in front of University hall at the close of every concert. At the annnal meeting of Washtenaw Baptist Assooiation held in Saline Wednesday, the delegations from each of the association churches weie large, and the attendance good. Rev. H. M. Gallop, of Ypsilanti, was elected' moderator, and Rev. Hutchens, of Clinton, clerk. The habitués of the lakes at Hamburg Juction and Whitmore are in high feather over the fact that the Sunday traína to tbat point on the Ann Arbor railroad will oommenoe running next Sunday. The train leaves Ann Arbor at 9:15 a. m., and returning will leave Hamburg Jnnction at 7:30 p. m. Should Sanday be fine there will doubtless be a large nnmber of people who will make their exit from the oity. Wei. H. McIntyre, who bas already gone out of tbe liquor business and who will also go out of the groceiy business as soon as he can close out his stock has made a record which probably no otber business man in Ann Arbor oan equal. He has been in business for 30 years in tbis city and dnring that time be has not been away from home a single night and bas looked his store door every night, except three or four nights, himself. Mr. Day Krolick, a former well known student at the (7. of M , was married Thursday evening of last week to Miss Daisy Zenner. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Bertha Zenner, 129 Alfred st., Detroit, and was preformed by Rabbi Grossman. Arrangements had been previonsly made for an elabórate wedding in the parlors of the Russell house, but owing to a death in the family, the affair was a very quiet one. The bride was attended by her sister, Mies Grace Paula Zenner, and the groom by his brother, Joseph Nelson Krolik. The Owosso Argus of last Friday contains an account of tbe firsfc initiation and banquet of tbe Owosso Chapter. Order of Eastern Star, in which the following paragraph appears: "A young dentist claiming to be a member of Ann Arbor Chapter called but on examination he was unable to answer some of the important test questions, and since he was believed to be an impostor, he was dropped from the third story window." Now, that must have been John B. Dowdigan, and we always thougbt that John would keep himself better posted so as never to be caught in sneb a predicament as the above.