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RIISIÏ L SMBÖlfï ' ■ BAKERY, GROGERY AND FLOUB AND FEËD STORE, We keep consxantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or ïtetail Trade. ) We-shall also keep a supply oí ) OSBORNJE'N GOLD DUST FLOUR. I J. M. Swlft & Oo.'b Best White Wheai Flour, Rye Flour, Buckwheat ïlour, Oom Meal, -'ed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A ereneral stock ot' 3R00BJIS3 AND PEOVISIOKS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reas onable terms as at any other house in the city. 3Cash paid tor Butter, Eggs, and Countr Produce gfenerally. ÖfGoods Dehvered to any part of the citywith xt" trvti rsre. Kin e y & Se bolt TIME TABLE. Taking Effect January31, 18S7. I Trains leave Ann Arbor bv Central Standard time. 1 ' t " s NORTH. SOUTH. 7:30 A. m. 7:30 A. M. 11:2oa.m. 11:25 a. M. 4:30 p. m. 8:35 p. m. l . Trains marked thus run between Ann Ar: bor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent W. H. BENNETT, G. P. AMlGHI6ANrrBNTg4Tj " The Niágara Fallt Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME TaMng Effect Feb. 7, 1897. GOING EAST. Detroit NightEx 5 50 a. m. Atlantic Express -.7 65 " Grand Rapids Ex 11 10 Mail and Express 3 47 p. m, N. Y. & Boston Sp'l i 58 Fast Eastern 10 05 GOING WEST. Boston, N. Y. & Ch 7 30 Mail&Express 8 43 Nortta Shore Limited 9 25 Fast Western Ex 1 55p.m. G. R. & Kal. Ex 5 55 Chicag-o Night Ex 9 10 Pacific Express ..12 15 O.W. EÜQGLE8 H. W. HA YES, 6. P. & T. ARent Chioaifo. Ag't Ann Arbos TRUCK AND STOK AGE C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., Nortb Telephone 82. Q R. WILLIAMS, Attornev at Lav and Pension Claim Attorner, MILAN, MICH. Conveyanoing and Colleetions . LAND PLASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINTILt LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards - 50 West Huron Str e e


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News