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W. W. Wedemeyer will deliver the Memorial Day address at Battle Creek. Miss Dosia Goodfellow, ol Clyde, is visiting Mrs. L. C. Johnson this week. Dr. S. M. Hartley is making a week's visit with relatives in Fort Wayne, Ind. Dr. Sam Mumruery, of Lapeer, spent the forepart of the week with relatives in the city. J. M. Naylor, of Beakes st., left for Eoohester, N. Y., last night on a business trip. Miss Lizzie Leavey, of Dexter, will be one of the clerks at Mack & Co. 's after Jnne 1. Dr. H. J. Vearson, of Detroit st. , has gone to West Milton, Ohio, for a few days on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Burnham and daughter were the guests of Clarence Tice over Sundy. W. G. Lapham, of Northville, is spending a few days with Prof. F. M. Taylor, of Church st. Miss Florence Schweinfurth, of S. State st., is slowly recovering f rom a long and severe illness. AI. D. Fohey, of Durand, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fohey, of 19 Kingsley st. , over Sunday. W. D. Adams, of Tiffin, Ohio, has been in the city for a few days. He is weil pleased with his new location. J. Stewart Colé, traveling representative of the Detroit Journal, called on Ann Arbor friends Monday evening. Dr. W, H. Davis, homeop '82, of San Franoisoo, Cal., was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Clark over Sunday. Mrs. Walter Potter and daughter, Ernestine, of Detroit, have been visiting Miss Amelia McLaren this week. Miss Mina E. Jacobs, who bas been studying art in New York for the past five months returned home Wednesday. Miss Blanche Benbow bas returaed from her school in the Indian Territory to spend a few weeks with Ann Arbor friends. Mrs. Chas. LeSeur, of Toledo, O., is the goest of her sister Mrs. Chas. B Davison, of N. Main st., during the Festival. Mrs. Chas. Frink and daughter Anabelle, of Marshall, are the guests of Mrs. E. C. Drake and daughters of E. Huron st. E. N. Dingley, editor of the Kalainazoo Telegraph. and Mrs. Dingley are here attending the May Festival today and tomorrow. Miss Sophie Schatz, of Chelsea, and Mrs. Hayes and son, of Grass Lake, spent Tuesday with their brother, Will Schatz in this city. Deputy Railroad Commissioner W. W. Wedemeyer bas gone to St. Louis, Mo. , to attend the national convention of railroad commissiuners. Mrs. T. W, Mingay left Tuesday morning for Toronto and Bowmanville aud other places in Ontario, for a six weeks' visit with relativea. Dr. Glen Towsley, of Lowell, brought a patiënt to the University hospital Monday eveniug. While in the oity he was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles A. Ward. C. J. Matthews, general foreman of the Ann Arbor Railroad machine shop at Owosso, accompanied by Mrs. Matthews and children, spent Sunday with relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Lew H. Clements, of Wheeling, W. Va., are in the city attending the May Festival and calling on old friends" They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs M. C Peterson. Mrs. D. W. Storrs, Miss Mary H. Storrs and John H. Storrs, of Chioago, also Mrs. Wiley R. Reynolds, of Jackson, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Babcock during the Festival. Rev. Wm. Gardam, of St. Lnke's church, Ypsilauti, exchanged pnlpits with Rev. Eenry Tatlock, of St. Andrew's, on Sunday morning. Both spoke on the carrying forward of the missionary work of the chnrch. It is reported that Dr. C. M. Cobern, formerly pastor of the First M. E. ohuroh of this city, now located at Denver, Colorado, expects to visit this oity next month on his way to Europe where he goes to spend the summer in study. Miss Emma E. Bower and Mrs. E. M. Moore were the delegates from the Ann Arbor Political Equality Club to the aonual meeting of the Michigan Equal Suffrage Association held at Vermontville, Tuesday. Wednesday and yesterday. Mrs. Ed. Wilcox left yesterday morning for Flint, this stafp, to visit her mother. She wiil reitiaiu there for one montb, after which i-he will go to Ann Arbor to join her husband. - Ypsilanti Commercial. The lady mentioned in tbis item is the wife of Landlord Wilcox of the Cook house.